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Who here is a virgin and who isn't?

I wanted to wait until I was 18, but I started having sex a few weeks ago. It feels pretty good, but, always remember to use protection, people ;)

So, how bout the rest of us?
LOL.. never thought i'd see this thread. anywho i lost my virginity when i was 14. girls are hornier then guys, it's just that they can control it better
Lost virginity when I was not supposed to. I lost it when I was around 13 and I was stupid.
gah, i feel odd. i'm 16 and a virgin, never eevn got close to not becoming a virgin.
I'm a virgin and will be until I marry, because I'm religous (muslim).
me too typheus -- not really because of religion, but because i want to. you don't meet too many 20 year old virgins. i have just been with too many guys that i would've regretted having sex with, i want to be sure i am doing it with the right person...therefore saving til marriage. i'm not saying i'm a complete prude, i have done plenty in the room (wont get into details) but having sex is something special to me, i'm not into casual sex.

best thing is my boyfriend shares the same view :)
If you remember though, I wanted to wait, mainly because of religion... and so did Madison, but we've been getting too serious in our relationship. I won't see her for 3 weeks beause I'm in FL until the 23rd, and that kinda lead us into sex.
it seems like you were just too horny for your own good (no offense) anyone could think that a relationship is serious enough for sex if the monster in their pants says so. you have to be able to have enough self control.

but hey, whatever works for you. too late to turn back now, right?
Well, we try.

Anyway. I'm still not regretting doing it, because I'm still with Madison, and I still love her more than ever. I know that she's the person I want to spend my life with, so it's okay. As long as she stays on birth control and as long as I keep using protection, I'm perfectly okay with having sex.
you say "i'm still with madison" like it's been 4 years since your last post. but i'm glad you found someone that you enjoy being with.
Well, the reason I say that is because most of my past girlfriends haven't lasted as long as Madison has.
Dabsheh!!!!! :sidestare

In jordanian slang arabic, dabsheh is a joke that is not funny...
Im 15, not a virgin, but barely not a virgin. Ive only fuxxored like...3 times.

No shame in it, its a natural thing.