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Waiter! There's a fly in my soup!


Chief Talker
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I want an all new soup... :tomato:

(yes, i AM really bored)
Just curious, do you post on YDF also?
Just noticed that your name is very similiar to one there, and you both happen to be from Ohio. Not trying to be nosy or anything, I was just wondering. :winkgrin:
To bad you are not closer. If you are that bored, I have a ton of things that I could use help with!!
Gimme few days, just getting recoded after some graphical adjustments. :)

Originally posted by SwissSmiss
I want an all new soup... :tomato:

(yes, i AM really bored)
um, i dont know what YDF is, so i don't think i post there. :)
actually, i dont post ANYWHERE else. mainly i came here cause my sister wanted me to, and i liked it :bgrin:

what kinda stuff you need help with?
YDF is another forum which I try to visit several times a day. It is a great place for finding free or cheap stuff. I'm not sure if I can post the link here or not, so I won't. There is someone there named MissSwish, and I just thought it might be yours switched around a little. She is from Ohio also.
What do I need help with? EVERYTHING! :banghead:
You name it. The kids, cleaning, wash, moving, harvest, just to name a few. I was sick and had surgery about a month ago. Spent a week in the hospital, and then couldn't do much for the next week and a half. I fell way behind in everything, and keep trying to catch up on, but am finding it very hard. :(
What about you? You have sounded very,very bored for the last few days, don't you have anything to do?
well you certainly dont want my help with kids. i let kids get away with murder. i'd help with the wash and moving. :)

no, i dont really have all that much to do. sure, i could find some cleaning around the house, and my room is horrid, but i love my computer. :)
I love my computer to, but I have trouble finding time for it. I usually can't get on it until after 11:00 at night. And I have to admit, I think I have that one disease....that compulsive/obsessive(however spelled?) one. Well mine happens to be with cleaning and organizing. I just can't quit. :eek: I spend hours and hours each day, but nothing ever seems like it is done good enough. :dizzy:
Originally posted by Jewels
I love my computer to, but I have trouble finding time for it. I usually can't get on it until after 11:00 at night. And I have to admit, I think I have that one disease....that compulsive/obsessive(however spelled?) one. Well mine happens to be with cleaning and organizing. I just can't quit. :eek: I spend hours and hours each day, but nothing ever seems like it is done good enough. :dizzy:

how do you do it all? i mean, i don't even have all this farming stuff to deal w/and i still can't keep up sometimes. my hat goes off to you woman :D
I'm not really sure, at least with the little one (1yr.) I do not have to do the field work anymore. I just can't wait till next year when my second oldest is in Kindergarten, that will be excellent!! :)
Right now, she is Kindergarten connection which is on Tues. and Thurs., and I have to bring her there at 12:30. At least she can ride the bus home. And she is also in Headstart. We have home visits on Tues. morning at 8:45, and then classroom on Fridays. (I also have to bring her to, and pick her up) Plus they really stress parent involvement with both, which I usually do not have much time for. Well, I better get back to work. Cleaning again!! :eek:
ack ... field work ... what do you mean by field work? you mean you're out there w/a plow, or something? details :D
Yes, after the beans are combined, you have to dig all the ground once, sometimes twice. After the corn is combined, you have to chop stalks, and then dig the ground. It is very boring, and takes a long time. I'm not exactly sure how big the digger is, but you can probably dig somewhere around 20 rows at a time. We have 1200 acres, so we have quite alot of work to do in the spring and fall. Did I answer your question?? ;)