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I’ve always wanted to create an Internet based web browser game. Considering vBulletin is so flexible, I thought it would only be natural to use it. In fact, I’ve been eyeing a beta RPG hack over at vbulletin.org. It needs a lot of work, but would be a good start to putting something together. I already have an interested game concept, but would definitely need some help putting the pieces together. Would anyone happen to be interested in such a project?
sounds like fun... perhaps you can provide the forum with a little more info though?
I think I know what he means... considered it myself before too, but then realised I had no idea where to start :D

I think instead of using his VB as a forum, it'd somehow be a roleplaying game 0_o I've seen it somewhere before, hugely customised code i'd guess because it really did look just like a browser-based game, can't remember where it was now but it was Final Fantasy based.
is it going to be set up like one of those game vb hacks?
From the little info he gave, i'd guess that's all it'll be :)
I already made a fully working RPG vbulletin hack with my own item shop and town. In item shop you buy items, equip it and according to what race you are it does different things for you such as raise your hp, mp, gives you a new ability, etc.. The town is a place where you can train your character and get him more hp, mp learn skill through the points you earn throughout the site.

Also a lot of security in there such as you can't train in a gym and raise hp or buy new items in the middle ofa battle, etc..

But it's a LOT of work to make a decent working RPG hack.
Wow, thanks for the interest guys… sorry for the lack of details in my first post. I’ll try to better explain what it is I’m attempting to accomplish. Hopefully we can get enough people interested to create a small development team.

You are correct about this being a vBulletin-based project. This is primary because of the need for a good communications system. Real time chat limits role-playing to those who can be online at the same time. Conversely, bulletin boards permit interaction regardless of time zone or personal schedule.

In addition, vBulletin possesses a lot of features essential to our project, such as a permission system. The benefit to already having them is that more time and effort can be focused on other areas. In other words, by using vBulletin, we are essentially eliminating a lot of tasks that we would otherwise have to do.

I have reviewed several vBulletin RPG hacks. The one hack that seems to have the most potential is located here. Note that it’s still in beta, and would need some work to adapt it to our game. Regardless, it would still be easier to modify the existing code than it would be to create our own from scratch.

The biggest question is not whether this can be done, but instead how. The answer rests with our games concept. The most popular game of this nature seems to be of the AD&D type. I would like to step away from that overexposed genre. I’ll provide more information about our games concept in my next post.

I would be willing to pay for the domain, hosting, and all associated costs. In return, we would need to gather a small development team who will not only help develop the game, but also run it afterwards. This includes a few coders, graphic folks, beta testers and the like. I also want to keep ideas very open and fluid.
I think they use it a VGCity here is the URL for there forum
Originally posted by Eddie
I think they use it a VGCity here is the URL for there forum .

Yah, I have the hack installed on my test board. It’s not bad, but would definitely need to be modified. If nothing else, it’s a very good start.

BTW, I should have a FAQ for the game posted soon. It will explain the games concept, such as when and where the game is set, etc. Stay tuned…

Oh.. and I plan for the entire site to be about the game. I’m not talking about a discussion board that has a little RPG hack on the side. It will be very unique and well thought out.