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Was that what a hurricane feels like?


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A better question should be "what hurricane?!?".

All week, the news has been clammoring about Isabel was going to wreak havoc on the NY metro area.
Well, Isabel has already come and passed, and while the wind did pick up enough that we could hear it inside, we didn't get a single drop of rain, at least in my area of northern NJ.

I think the news made WAY too big a deal out of it, for this area in particular. I think it was just because they didn't have any other news of significance to overly sensationalize this week, so they latched onto this.

It's one thing to raise the red flag for coastal areas directly in the path of a hurricane. It's another to sound the alarm for an inland area that was going to be 100 miles east of the path of the storm that was 500 miles away from the point of landfall.

At most, I was expecting a bad rain storm with some higher-than-average winds. We didn't even get that much.
All time it's rolling something heavy outside house. It has an eye and this eye looking at me all the time :(
We finally got some rain at about midnight last night. It lasted about 2 hours, and then moved along. The storm itself has now basically moved out of the area, and has disipated into nothing resembling a hurricane or tropical storm system.

TOTALLY blown out of proportion by the media for the sake of sensationalistic journalism. They virtually created a panic with their warnings. People were stocking up on bottled water and boarding up their windows. For what? A 2 hour rainstorm?
I agree, the media blew it way out of proportion. It only rained a few buckets of rain last night and I'm in NYC. Not too much wind either. Too bad it didn't hit with the full force the media had predicted because then I wouldn't have to go to school today. :( :(
That was good at least for waterfall...
I didn't even hear anything, I was sleeping by 10 pm. :lol:
We're supposed to get 3-5" here in WV. It rained and blew around some last night, but that's about it thus far.

I used to live in Florida, where preperations where generally necessary, but even there, people just f'ed around and threw hurricane parties 70% of the time.
well i live in south jersey, near ocean city, and the storm was hell. im 15 min. from the nearest coast, and the wind were raging. Rain was falling all day, and trees got blown over.

It's broke a lot of trees. Many ways blocked.
Traffic lights does not working.
Many peoples does not have electricity ...
I'll spend nearest 2 days to remove all brunches, leaves and leaves ... yeah.
The chimney from fireplace is leaking ... it is mournful.
north carolina is flooded and coastal properties are utterly destroyed.

Maybe it didnt hit too hard in north j, but it was horrible in a lot of other places. They didnt blow it out of proportion at all- it realy was the worst one on the upper east coast in a long time. im pretty pissed that some of u people could be so self centered as to think that it wasnt bad. Just watch the weather channel- u not the only ones alive.

On Today @ 12:27 PM darkfella had this to say in Post #9
im pretty pissed that some of u people could be so self centered as to think that it wasnt bad. Just watch the weather channel- u not the only ones alive.


:: sigh ::

Really, what right do you have to call us self-centered? If it was weak where we live, then it was weak for us. End of story. Hurricanes are very rarely pretty. I used to live in Florida - we would get about five storm warnings - serious ones - per hurricane season. I was in Florida for Andrew. It hit the east coast, and I lived on the west. I was outside running around in the gale force winds, but wind was all we got. So it was weak for us. I'm not ignorant or unsympathetic to the plight of those that *did* get hit, and I don't think that anyone else here is, either. We're just stating the simple fact that for *us*, the storm wasn't bad and that it *was* blown out of proportion for some areas. As a general rule, if you aren't coastal, you don't have major problems. So chill out, okay?
A better question should be "what hurricane?!?".

TOTALLY blown out of proportion by the media for the sake of sensationalistic journalism. They virtually created a panic with their warnings.

I agree, the media blew it way out of proportion. It only rained a few buckets of rain last night and I'm in NYC. Not too much wind either. Too bad it didn't hit with the full force the media had predicted because then I wouldn't have to go to school today.

These are various quotes from this topic. I was hot headed at the time, so plz forgive me. but not once did someone metion other parts than where they live. It was very bad in some spots, and no one says anything about that. They just talk of there area, and how they didnt get hit. if ur gonna start a topic about a prison, dont talk about a carnavel.

But then again, u used to live in Florida (as u never failed to mention) so i dont know what im talking about. Thanks for the lesson overlord. I really appreiate it.

On Today @ 04:37 PM darkfella had this to say in Post #11
These are various quotes from this topic. I was hot headed at the time, so plz forgive me. but not once did someone metion other parts than where they live. It was very bad in some spots, and no one says anything about that. They just talk of there area, and how they didnt get hit. if ur gonna start a topic about a prison, dont talk about a carnavel.

But then again, u used to live in Florida (as u never failed to mention) so i dont know what im talking about. Thanks for the lesson overlord. I really appreiate it.


Not that I need to explain myself, but I'm going to anyway. I keep mentioning that I lived in Florida because hurricanes are common there; they are not common this far up the east coast. Perhaps you just don't know what to expect. I do.

As for people not mentioning where they are, I think they did.
"A better question should be "what hurricane?!?".

All week, the news has been clammoring about Isabel was going to wreak havoc on the NY metro area.
Well, Isabel has already come and passed, and while the wind did pick up enough that we could hear it inside, we didn't get a single drop of rain, at least in my area of northern NJ.">

"I agree, the media blew it way out of proportion. It only rained a few buckets of rain last night and I'm in NYC"

Before you start making accusations, perhaps you should take the time to read what you're bashing.
darkfella> Thanks for insulting us. It's greatly appreciated. :rolleyes:

I would also point out to you that it helps to read the whole post. I specifically mentioned that it's a totally different thing for a COASTAL AREA right in a hurricane's path. :rolleyes:

My post, if you would have read it in it's entirety (see below), was not ignoring the fact that the hurricane did significant damage in coastal areas, especially in North Carolina, and did significantly impact many people (a fact that NO ONE is overlooking here) but was focusing on the fact that the media in this area, specifically northern NJ and NYC, completely blew things way out of proportion and sensationalized Isabel as "The Storm Of The Century Of The Week", when in fact, it was plain to anyone watching the weather reports that by the time it got here, if it was even going to get here, it was going to be nothing more than a shell of what it was when it was out at sea.

All week, the news has been clammoring about Isabel was going to wreak havoc on the NY metro area.
I think the news made WAY too big a deal out of it, for this area in particular.
It's one thing to raise the red flag for coastal areas directly in the path of a hurricane. It's another to sound the alarm for an inland area that was going to be 100 miles east of the path of the storm that was 500 miles away from the point of landfall.

I can understand you getting hot headed. It happens to all of us. But it's best to not post when you're in that condition, because it makes people tend to say things that are inappropriate.
Next time, when you know you're hot headed, take a step back, count to 10, evaluate your post BEFORE you post it, and ask yourself "Is that what I was really trying to say?". More often than not, doing that will save you from having egg on your face.

I've been known to be ambiguous from time to time, and had my intentions misinterpreted or my words seem improper out of context, but I really gotta say that, going back through my original post, I'm in the clear on this one. It's plain to see that I was talking about this area, and was very clear on that point.
Such a beautiful day ... and You find way for battle!

But, what do You know about enraged snowman? You, eartlings :bleach:

We love our lobo! Always the voice of reason.
And the voice of snow.

What do you know? That's a Soup haiku! :lol:
Where I am in MA, all we got were big winds and a day and a half of rain. I am not in the coastal part of MA. Closer to NY than MA.
Some places get it worse than others. It varies by location. I understand that we all live in very different locations, so those of us who didn't get it too bad (includes me) would think that the media overrated it.
Talk about more damage in certain locations.....
I have some family who lives lives in, I believe, central New Jersey. They really got damage!! Trees were knocked over, they closed the schools because the winds were just AWFUL, so my cousins had a day off. They had destruction right in their yard! There were trees knocked down all over! Even the toilet wasn't working right! They only live and hour and a half away from an ocean.