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Weight Lost


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In May, I took control of my life again - in terms of my weight. I started going to my favorite gym, 24 hour fitness out here in the Woodlands, TX, and so far, I've lost a lot of weight.

In the beginning of May, I weighted 350 pounds, now I weigh 308.

I have a a progress picture to show, and you see the results already showing:

I still have a lot to lose though, so the war is not over with. I'd thought I'd share this because working out is a lot of hard work, determination, and motivation. It's hard to work out if you're not inspired to do so.

What's my secret? Cutting down my portion sizes of food, and burning at least 500 calories a day on the elliptical, and doing weights, as well as swimming, sitting in the hot tub, and sauna.

So, I would love to get down to at least 240 pounds or so, and I know I can do it.

Is anyone here also working out? How are you doing with that? @Brandon @Dan Hutter
That's great man!!

Keep that Sh^t up :thumbsup:
I've been slacking on my running since the 5K :(

I need to get back out there and start again, I haven't lost much weight yet but it sure feels good to finish a run and usually only takes about an hour from start to finish.
That's great man!!

Keep that Sh^t up :thumbsup:
I've been slacking on my running since the 5K :(

I need to get back out there and start again, I haven't lost much weight yet but it sure feels good to finish a run and usually only takes about an hour from start to finish.
Thanks man. I remember when I first got my gym membership, the lady that sold us the membership asking me "You sure you don't need a trainer? "Nope. I have my music!".

I blame it on the way I eat these days as well. I don't eat fast food nomore and I don't drink soda. I drink crystal light, water, and green tea. Also, coffee
You're doing great man!

After telling myself for months that I was going to walk around the lake I finally got off my arse and did it last weekend, 7.1 miles with quite a bit of hills. It took me a little over 4 hours but that includes me stopping at a friends house to BS on the home stretch.

This week I've increased my daily walk from 2.9 to 5.2 miles. It takes me about 3 hours. My usual route is pretty flat and has a decent shoulder shoulder area. 5.2m it's going to be my cap for that route as I loose cell service the last 2/10's of a mile before I turn around and in case of anything I really like to have cell service.

My biggest trouble is eating at night. My problem is I really only eat one meal during the day and I get so freakin' hungry at night. I cannot sleep if I'm hungry so I wind up foraging through the fridge and closets like a bear, lol. To fix this my plan is to try and get on a schedule. Wake up around 8, have breakfast, check email, then get out for my walk.

With any luck, I'd like to have dinner for lunch and maybe a salad or bowl of cereal for dinner then get out for a short walk in the evening. I'm limited by daylight because there's no street lights by me and bears start roaming around at dusk.
My biggest trouble is eating at night. My problem is I really only eat one meal during the day and I get so freakin' hungry at night. I cannot sleep if I'm hungry so I wind up foraging through the fridge and closets like a bear, lol. To fix this my plan is to try and get on a schedule. Wake up around 8, have breakfast, check email, then get out for my walk.
That's why you should try to eating 3 small meals instead of just one meal for breakfast - because it really hurts your metabolism.
This week I've increased my daily walk from 2.9 to 5.2 miles. It takes me about 3 hours. My usual route is pretty flat and has a decent shoulder shoulder area. 5.2m it's going to be my cap for that route as I loose cell service the last 2/10's of a mile before I turn around and in case of anything I really like to have cell service.
Congratulations on getting more miles in. Are you jogging or runner as well on those miles?
That's why you should try to eating 3 small meals instead of just one meal for breakfast - because it really hurts your metabolism.

Congratulations on getting more miles in. Are you jogging or runner as well on those miles?
Just walking man. My ankles wouldn't be happy with my fat **** jogging, lol.
Nah, I haven't yet. The closest gym is a good 20-30 mins away. I may have to join for the winter and go a few times per week.
****. Congrats on making the change. A lot of people like to make excuses as to why they can't do it. Even just changing your eating habits can have a big affect so how can anyone say they don't have time for that?

It feels good to go after it and start seeing results.

You're doing great man!

After telling myself for months that I was going to walk around the lake I finally got off my arse and did it last weekend, 7.1 miles with quite a bit of hills. It took me a little over 4 hours but that includes me stopping at a friends house to BS on the home stretch.

This week I've increased my daily walk from 2.9 to 5.2 miles. It takes me about 3 hours. My usual route is pretty flat and has a decent shoulder shoulder area. 5.2m it's going to be my cap for that route as I loose cell service the last 2/10's of a mile before I turn around and in case of anything I really like to have cell service.

My biggest trouble is eating at night. My problem is I really only eat one meal during the day and I get so freakin' hungry at night. I cannot sleep if I'm hungry so I wind up foraging through the fridge and closets like a bear, lol. To fix this my plan is to try and get on a schedule. Wake up around 8, have breakfast, check email, then get out for my walk.

With any luck, I'd like to have dinner for lunch and maybe a salad or bowl of cereal for dinner then get out for a short walk in the evening. I'm limited by daylight because there's no street lights by me and bears start roaming around at dusk.

The one meal a day is causing you lots of problems. Like you said, eat a good breakfast and lunch then have a lighter supper (unless your doing a lot at night). Food is fuel. You only need fuel in a car to move it. Our body only needs fuel to do things. The more you do the more you need. At night I know I sit down and eat, then sit in front of the computer (thats after 10+ hours at work and an hour at the gym or 2 hours at the fire station on Tuesdays) and I don't need much energy to sit there so I try to eat lighter.

Have you tried the glass of water when your hungry? They say that sometimes you thing your hungry but your really thirsty. For you it might be hunger because your only having that one meal.

If I get hungry I sometimes go for my glass of water and maybe a piece of cheddar cheese. I find that will hold me over. I have even had a few crackers and some peanut butter which will get me out of the kitchen.

Thanks James. The water thing is a good deal. I drink at least 2 quarts throughout the day even more so in the summer. My trouble is drinking water at night. I'm on BP meds that include a durectic which means water pretty much goes right through me. I cannot stand waking up 3/4 times a night to go to the bathroom.

I've been doing pretty good at night with the eating so far. If I have to eat, I have a can of soup or something like that instead of the normal hot pockets and junk like that.
****. Congrats on making the change. A lot of people like to make excuses as to why they can't do it. Even just changing your eating habits can have a big affect so how can anyone say they don't have time for that?

It feels good to go after it and start seeing results.

Yup, my motivation and my music has kept me going. My stomach growls sometimes because I don't eat as much food as I used to. It's slowly getting better though.

@Dan Hutter I eat soups as well, those chunky/progressive soups are pretty good.
I get the soups from Aldi they're pretty good overall. Progesso soups are generally really good but they're a bit pricey.
This week wasn't too good between the heat wave and me just *not feeling* it, I didn't walk 3 days so far this week. I shoot for walking 6 days a week but will settle for 5 if it's weather related or unavoidable. I still got in 10.8mi miles. Last week was 25.5mi, which makes me down ~58% this week :(. Sunday is usually my day off but I might do a 6 mi walk to make up a little bit.

Next week my plan is to get in a schedule and 3mi on the AM and 3 in the evening. Doing 6-7 miles at one clip is just too much and takes too long especially if I wake up too late and am walking back in the dusk. I ran into a bear last week already coming home around ~8p. With any luck I'll still get in one 6-7 mi walk on Saturday to cap off my week.
This week wasn't too good between the heat wave and me just *not feeling* it, I didn't walk 3 days so far this week. I shoot for walking 6 days a week but will settle for 5 if it's weather related or unavoidable. I still got in 10.8mi miles. Last week was 25.5mi, which makes me down ~58% this week :(. Sunday is usually my day off but I might do a 6 mi walk to make up a little bit.

Next week my plan is to get in a schedule and 3mi on the AM and 3 in the evening. Doing 6-7 miles at one clip is just too much and takes too long especially if I wake up too late and am walking back in the dusk. I ran into a bear last week already coming home around ~8p. With any luck I'll still get in one 6-7 mi walk on Saturday to cap off my week.
I'm going back to the gym tonight and I'm going to try to put in 6 days this week so I can get back on track. I've maintained at 309 pounds for the past week or two, so its time to bust my ****.

Good job on getting in 10 miles though, every mile counts!
Thanks James. The water thing is a good deal. I drink at least 2 quarts throughout the day even more so in the summer. My trouble is drinking water at night. I'm on BP meds that include a durectic which means water pretty much goes right through me. I cannot stand waking up 3/4 times a night to go to the bathroom.

I've been doing pretty good at night with the eating so far. If I have to eat, I have a can of soup or something like that instead of the normal hot pockets and junk like that.

If the water is going right through you then it might now be good. It sucks losing sleep to it.

One thing that got me out of the kitchen was a piece of cheddar cheese. For some reason it was just enough to get me to leave.

If the water is going right through you then it might now be good. It sucks losing sleep to it.

One thing that got me out of the kitchen was a piece of cheddar cheese. For some reason it was just enough to get me to leave.

A powerade zero could help with this as well though. It replaces a lot of vital minerals in your body.
good for you by losing some wight

,i need to go in the gym also,but to much to do,and time is to little,

so what will be the best excerize to lose belly fast?

Very good and natural results.
After this did you mention some more health improvements? For example better sleep, better skin,etc...?
Very good and natural results.
After this did you mention some more health improvements? For example better sleep, better skin,etc...?
My sleep is kind out of wack because of my medications. My doctor increased it though, but my energy levels have been getting better. I never had bad skin so I'm not sure what you mean by that.