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What is your earliest memory?

Sleeping on my mom's lap with my blanket in the car (going to Disney world, age 4) but that is all I remember of the trip.
My earliest memory is when I was about three. We were living with my grandparents because our house was being built, and the house we were renting got sold. My parents were out, and my grandmother was watching us. For some reason, my sister was taking a bath but I wasn't. I was already in my pajamas. I really wanted to be taking a bath too. I remember that I fell into the bathtub with my pajamas on, but my mother says that I jumped in. So I don't really know which is true.
Climbing out of my crib to sleep with our pug dogs under my mom's sewing machine. and Being on vacation up on Sugar Island near Sault Ste. Marie, MI...waking up in the middle of the night in my crib, seeing bars over my head (to keep me in the crib?) and hearing the low horns of the big ore boats on the St. Mary's river.
I have a memory flash of less than a minute, not sure of my age, but would have been less than 2. I was in my crib and can clearly see my dad's face smiling at me & calling my name. He was wearing a bow tie & white shirt, must have been on his way to work or just come home from work.

Another early memory is of being in a wooden playpen with my 7 months older male cousin. He was sitting down and bawling his eyes out. I was standing there, happily playing with toys. I remember wondering why was he crying.
Riding in a motorboat...my mother said I was about 20 months old at the time...
At 3, I ducked out of my room which I was supposed to be napping, to go see the neighbors dog. he was such a gorgeous weimeriner (spelling, I know). I climbed over the 5 ft fence and snuggled up with "Mato" the neighbors dog. I woke up with the sound of sirens... the cops had been called because I was missing.
I can remember being in my crib at night and hearing a loud noise...probably someone dropping something or a noise from the TV. I was convinced the noise was cookie monster crashing through my wall and coming to get me. I was 2 or 3 years old.

I have several other memories from that same time period, but don't know exactly how old I was. We moved to a new house shortly after I turned 3, but I have several memories from the first house.
At 3, I ducked out of my room which I was supposed to be napping, to go see the neighbors dog. he was such a gorgeous weimeriner (spelling, I know). I climbed over the 5 ft fence and snuggled up with "Mato" the neighbors dog. I woke up with the sound of sirens... the cops had been called because I was missing.

Oooohhh someone was bein naughty! Tisk Tisk!
I was around 3 1/2. We were having a house built. I remember sitting on the piles of wood watching the cranes. I remember following my mother into the house. She accidently shut the door on my hand. It ripped off 2 of my finger nails. OUCH!! Never did like that house after that.
My earliest is under 3 cause it was the apartment we lived in. We moved to the house just before I turned 3.

I've blocked out the majority of my childhood b/c it wasn't very good. I did have something come flooding back to me a few weeks ago when I entered an area that I haven't been to in a couple of decades...

It was the park that I got dropped off at while my dad went to the bar down the street to drink. It was a rough memory to hit me. This is why I block them out.
I was 22 months old, my brother was born. I was all excited and all over him. Funny is now that we are grown up, he is the only sibling who I am not really close with.
3 years old, mother and grandma were busy making cookies for Lunar new year. I jumped in and out of the drain outside the house for fun, fell, it left a little scar on my forehead.
I remember a lot from when I was 3. Most of it was before I went to preschool at age 4. I remember being at my babysitter's house and her son took me outside to the street to throw his old records straight up in the air only for them to come crashing down. I to this day have no idea why he wanted to do such a thing.

I also remember his extensive star wars ship collection. He wouldn't let me touch them.

I also remember playing with his sister (she must have been a teen, or at least I thought she was). She was lying down with a pillow over her head and I would sit on it then get up. We started out playing then I realized she was crying and she had to go to the hospital. Something about her eye. The rest is hazy.

I also remember a large amount of newspapers outside of my babysitter's house. I never understood that. I don't think they were for delivery because they were sort of in the elements and some were very old looking.

If I remember more I'll post.

My grandmother passed away when I was 18...and I still miss her.

I remember the smell of her garage. It was the same my entire childhood.

Doesn't answer the question....but I just thought of it.
You were blessed to have her until you were 18. My maternal grandmother passed away when I was about 4, I have few memories of her. My paternal grandparents passed when I was 9, I miss them so much, saw them nearly every day.
Right after the death of my mother- I was 3. Dad was giving me a vitamin and I choked.
After that, I couldn't swallow pills until I was like 25.
I have a few holes in my memory - probably from stuff I've blocked out. I've never really tried to remember more. I'm not sure I want to.

I remember riding to preschool with my mom, telling her how to spell "zoo" over and over and over.

Don't let Clars answer this, her answer always makes me cry.