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What Magazines do you all subscribe to?


Mastermind Talker
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No, this isn't a thread to discuss Playboy Magazines, either. I'm basically just wondering, what magazines people at WiredGamers like. I subscribe to:

-Electronic Gaming Monthly
-Nintendo Power

Out of the three, my current favorite is GMR. The May 2003 issue (Auto Modellista on the cover) had many reviews that I agreed on in whole. Auto Modellista, which is that new cel-shaded racer from Capcom, received a 5/10. Some people aren't thinking that the score was high enough; but, if they really sit down and play the game, it wasn't worth any more than a 5. The graphics were nice, but alot of elements of the game were just so screwy.

EGM has had a couple disappointing reviews in the past year or so; specifically Star Fox Adventures and Rayman 3. Why would Star Fox Adventures deserve a 4.5/10? The game should have at least gotten a silver award, because it really wasn't all that bad. Rayman 3, even though it was a little odd, was a pretty good game, and was worth a silver award.

Nintendo Power rates their 1st Party titles WAAAY too high sometimes. Almost all of their 1st Party GameCube titles have gotten 5 stars out of 5. It's just another way of advertising their titles, and I've been sorta disappointed with them lately.

So, what are you all reading in the gaming press?
Was a long time subscriber to EGM2 (AKA Expert Gamer... AKA GameNow), but they got real crappy awhile back... Was also a long time subscriber to PSM, but lately I haven't even found one interesting thing in their latest issues. So I let the subscription run out. And I would like to subscribe to "Play" but I ain't got a dime... Anyways... *Wanders around the room wondering why the hell his Zelda game save keeps deleting itself* :whomped:
I'm a member of Electronic Gaming Monthly and PC Gamer. That's pretty much it. Other then those I just buy magazines of the stand once in a while when they intrigue me.
Nothing. I used to subscribe to lik every magazine ever but now with the internet there's no need. Even stuff that's magazine exclusive pops up on message boards the same day.
I used to subscribe to EGM, but I stopped gaming as much as I once did in the past few years.
EGM and PSM (Unnofficial)... use to be subscribed to OXM, but I let it cancel after I saw them give some really pisspoor game a good rating...can't remember the game.
I just got this month's EGM...whole new look! The whole magazine has been redesigned.
Used to be signed up to Nintendo Power; I had issues 129-162. Stopped getting the issues cause it was too much money for what it was worth. Of course I just HAD to let the subscription run out, one month before the free SSBM disc compilation came with issue 163!! :madright: Oh well. Other than that, I don't receive any other magazines.
Well, I'm an IGN Insider. I also haven't been living in the USA for over seven years so I haven't had a strong subscription to any gaming magazine for a long time. That’s not to say that I never have. You name it – I’ve probably subscribed at one time or have at least bought an issue at the news stand before. However, I only have one snail-mail video game magazine subscription at the moment. I went to EB and bought one of their GMR subscriptions. It's actually a pretty good magazine - a little on the light side though. It doesn't seem to have all the meat in it like EGM has. But it is in its infancy...
Well, right now to PSM but that is ending in october. I would like to get MaximumPC though.
Right now i subscribe to NGC mag and OXB...thats it really, no other mag really grabs me like they do.
I'm subscribed to PC Gamer, and I buy alot of EGM and other mags.

- Tyler :)