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What sport do you think qualifies the least as a sport?


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Honestly none. Sports are for fun and as long as you're having fun, I guess it's a sport.
I think the sport that qualifies the least as a sport would have to be either Golfing or Fishing. For me those two are considered more like hobbies.
I'd say darts or pool. None of those guys are ever in shape.
Maybe there’s no right or wrong answer to this question. Maybe what it comes down to is any individual’s personal perception -- i.e., opinion -- of what a “sport” is.

Sometimes it may be hard to differentiate between a sport and a hobby, I think. And if you’re an active participant, aren’t those terms interchangeable? I mean -- if you play football, tennis, or basketball, isn’t that one of your hobbies? If you absolutely love love love watching NASCAR and wrestling on TV or attending the live events, wouldn’t that be a hobby for you, too?

Quite honestly, I think that the terms may very well mean different things to different people. Some of the things that are “sports” to me might not be considered to be “sports” to somebody else -- but know what? That’s fine with me. I think the Original Poster has it "right" ... As long as you're enjoying it -- now THAT's sport.
I honestly don't get why people care what a "sport" is considered to be. An activity is an activity. Who cares what it is labelled? I like lifting weights, and I do not give a **** if people think its a sport or not.
Nicely said, Cougs ...

In the immortal words of Teddy Roosevelt: "Bully!!!"
Probably fishing. At least golf requires some kind of athletic ability.
Sport is originally defined as anything humans find entertaining or amusing. So, using that definition, I don't think you can say one is less of a sport than another. Maybe the question should be which sport is the least popular or the least physical.
Dictionary.com says this

Sport: an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
Golf would have to be the top of my list. I really don't see how you would call it a sport hitting a tiny ball with a huge club across the field. It must be all that walking they do.
Pretty disappointed that so many people don't think golf is a sport. But I'll have to say Nascar, you sit in a car and drive, how's that a sport?
Dictionary.com says this

Sport: an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

See that definition is flawed as ANYTHING could be a sport as long as it competitive.

Anybody fancy a game of tiddlywinks for cash??:p
I heard GOLF stands for Gentlemens Only, Ladies Forbidden. But it would have to be golf for me.
Although racing has a competitive nature, so does the science fair. And the two need about the same amount of athletic skill also. You need no athletic ability to be a racecar driver, maybe a good mentality but that's it.
Bowling... any fat guy and their grandmother can be a decent bowler.
Bowling... any fat guy and their grandmother can be a decent bowler.

Good point I always forget to recognize bowling when I think about sports. I used to love bowling when I was a kid.
There are quite a few things some people classify as sport that are not:

Golf, fishing, and pool are probably my top three.
Pretty disappointed that so many people don't think golf is a sport. But I'll have to say Nascar, you sit in a car and drive, how's that a sport?

Nascar isn't a sport, it's a showcase of skills behind the steering wheel where everyone has a car within spec of the rules.