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What sport do you think qualifies the least as a sport?

I would say curling. But that's just because of my own ignorance, I bet if I understood it more I would say it's at least kind of a sport. Fishing to me is not a sport either, it's just catching random fish beneath the surface of the water. I think it's a little bit too unstructured and random to be considered a sport.

Fishing isn't random, it has its own technique.
I agree with you about curling, I don't understand it neither. When I watch curling on tv, I have no idea of what are the players doing.
Although I like it, I would say chess. I don't see the "sport" component of it.
I find Golf to be pretty boring and I don't consider it as a sport. It lacks athleticism plus it is not time bound so it is less entertaining than other fast paced sports.
Golf, too boring.
Also, fishing, lots of luck there.
lol, Well, I know that the World Wrestling Federation used to come on the sports channel. So i'd say wrestling entertainment is one of the least considered as a sport.
I think the sport that qualifies the least as a sport would have to be either Golfing or Fishing. For me those two are considered more like hobbies.

I agree with you most sports take physical excertion I mean these guys dont even walk from one hole to the next most of the time and how hard is it to swing a club and hit a ball that isn't moving.:p
Bowling or Curling. Golf is a very different sport than most, but I would still consider it a sport. It's not about sheer athleticism, but the golf swing itself is definitely an athletic move. Those of you claiming it's easy, I'm laughing at you.
A sport not always has to require physical ability, it needs to be an activity suitable for competition. That said, everything that is called a sport now has the right name. You can't stop calling something what it is just because you don't like it...
Depends how you look at it, yes they are sports but they aren't in the Olympics or something.

I didn't know they were sports, thanks denpazor.
I agree with Ruckus91, in my opinion golf is a sport because it has a really difficult technique due to the swing.
The least thing I call a sport is food eating contests. Anyone who wants to eat as many food items in so many minutes is so disgusting. Even a few of them barf afterwards. And some people call this a sport. I look to know they even consider this a sport.
The least thing I call a sport is food eating contests. Anyone who wants to eat as many food items in so many minutes is so disgusting. Even a few of them barf afterwards. And some people call this a sport. I look to know they even consider this a sport.

There are alot of people here who agree with you and I'm one of them :)
Done! I'll throw in some french fries too.
The least thing I call a sport is food eating contests. Anyone who wants to eat as many food items in so many minutes is so disgusting. Even a few of them barf afterwards. And some people call this a sport. I look to know they even consider this a sport.

Totally agreed. Eating contests are just the opposite of a sport, instead of improving health they make it worse. They aren't just disgusting, they are very unhealthy too.
Is chess considered a sport? If it is, that's my answer... :D