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What supplements do you take?

Whey protein, sometimes creatine mono, Fish Oil, Multi Vit.

Try to keep it pretty simple and not really try too many things that I'm not pretty sure about in terms of safety. I've never really seen too much of a purpose in trying any other supplements that aren't steroids. Those will actually work.
Whey protein, sometimes creatine mono, Fish Oil, Multi Vit.

Try to keep it pretty simple and not really try too many things that I'm not pretty sure about in terms of safety. I've never really seen too much of a purpose in trying any other supplements that aren't steroids. Those will actually work.

Agree with this. I stick to the basics. Protein, creatine, fish oil and multivitamins really are at the core of your workouts. You don't need anything else.

Food is the best **** supplement you can take.
Creatine, multivitamin and fish oil.

Have a pre-workout supplement around and I only take it when I need the energy and focus. I take whey for post-workout.

Agree with this. I stick to the basics. Protein, creatine, fish oil and multivitamins really are at the core of your workouts. You don't need anything else.

Food is the best **** supplement you can take.

protein, creatine monohydrate and fish oil tablets.

I feel this is all i currently need to achieve my goals, personally I believe a pre-workout supp is overkill and will only lead to liver problems and a constant drain on your bank account. If you have a healthy diet and sleep properly then energy and motivation should not ever be an issue.
I do not take many supplements, I stick to the basics and prefer to spend my money on high quality food. I use 80% whey protein, a multivitamin and glutamine. I use espresso for a pre-workout boost.
I started taking emergen-c recently for the vitamin c, but it also has a lot of other good stuff in it. The B12 keeps me going. Other than that, I use whey powder after workouts.
I don't take any as I feel I get more than enough of my daily nutrient needs through my diet. I try and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to get my daily vitamin intake as well as lots of seeds and nuts. I used to take fish oil but I couldn't stand taking that stuff so I decided to just eat more eggs and nuts instead.
I just take Whey protein, the occasional multivitamin and sometimes creatine, I think a lot of supplements are unnecessary and just a waste of money.
I try to get most of my nutrients from my diet.
Getting on in years, so I'm taking multi vitamins and Vit E as well. Not very fond of eating beef right now; less meat. Veggies are best choice than vitamins; but since we cannot always go and buy fresh, we just have to have some supplements.
Currently I've only been taking a multi, but I usually take protein and BCAA's. But that's only because I'm cutting right now.
I take a couple supplements after eating dinner every day. One of them is a multivitamin, others are strictly Vitamin D and Vitamin C. I've been taking these vitamins ever since I became a teenager. My parents (mostly my dad) taught me that taking these vitamins will increase growth and muscles. Even though I haven't seen any significant differences from taking the vitamins, I still continue to take them daily regardless.
Just whey and a multi, don't have much spending money
Im just taking multi vitamins at the moment - but once I get into my weights I will be taking some whey on board too.
I don't take supplements. They are not necessary. I make sure that I eat what I need to keep a balance. I have my fruits, grains, pasta, and especially vegetables. I keep to a minimum things such as popcorn, peanut butter, and nuts.
Horleys ICE WPI
MusclePharm Assault
BSC Triandrabol
Coconut Water
MusclePharm ArmorV multi-vitamin
Currently, just whey, creatine and a multivitamin. I don't take a fish oil because I feel as though I eat enough fish throughout the week already.
I also drink 6 whole eggs every 3rd day.

It just gives me a big boost in energy when I feel run down after a long work out!