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What upcoming exams do you have this school year?

Higher Human Biology, Higher Chemistry, and Higher Managing Environmental Resources.
I have three physics and two maths exams coming up in June. After that I'm free to do what I want all summer :D
Lucky for me I graduated College last year so I don't have any more exams. I am thinking of going back to school though
History: Nazi Germany and the Cold War
History: Foreign Policy 1509-1529 / Henry VIII
English: Analysing literature; Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) and Spies (Michael Frayn)
English: Analysing language; Spontaneous and Prepared Speech Features
Film Studies: Gangster Film Genre and Working Title film production company
General Studies x2
English Language LG4 (missed it in January due to being ill and thinking it was an afternoon exam ;_;)
Politics x2
Psychology x2 (Resitting one, despite the fact I'm most likely going to get a D anyway. ~_~)
Copied directly from my Timetabled Components:

11/06/2013 1MA0H: Mathematics A (Linear) (Non Calculator)
14/06/2013 1MA0H: Mathematics A (Linear) (Calculator)
I now only have;
History: Foreign Policy 1509-1529 / Henry VIII
English: Analysing Language; Spontaneous and Prepared Speech Features
I just have 6 finals - one for each class this week and then i'm done! whew :)