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what were you in highschool?


Part Of The Furniture
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what sort of social niche did you fit into in highschool?

for most of highschool i was what i used to think of as "the alternatives".
basically, the people that didn't fit anywhere else. we had nerds, weird art types, a goth or two. i was pretty much the official ice princess. i was born into the popular group, living in a popular beach village, with the blonde barbie look, but hated the attitudes. i wouldn't sleep with the popular guys, so i was labelled a **** and whatnot. i rejected their culture and found some awesome fun people. the parties every weekend were the best.

Not necessarily always in that order.

I always considered myself "unique". :)

I was a social misfit

I had a small group of friends, but no real social life to speak of.

Did I mention how much I hated high school?
I was a clown in high school, boy was I one weird mofo(Still am LOL). That was good because everyone knew me for that reason alone.
I played sports for all 4 years....got along well with that crowd. Also fit in nicely with the "burn-outs"....:shifty:... Still keep in close contact with several friends from high school over a decade later, and shall be partying heavily this coming weekend with many of them...:cool:
what's a preppy and a wigger?

i hated highschool with a passion. the socialising out of school rocked however.
ah, so many drunken half memories...
kelkel said:
what's a preppy and a wigger?
[video]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preppy[/video] - in particular, the first sentence under Slang Usage.

[video]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wigger[/video] - Yeah...

I am many different kinds of nothing much at all. :shifty:
I was a social outcast because I wasn't in the "trendy" crowd and made open war with those that did consider themselves trendy. I also spent most of my days with my head in a book or icing my fists.
Feanor said:
I was a social outcast because I wasn't in the "trendy" crowd and made open war with those that did consider themselves trendy. I also spent most of my days with my head in a book or icing my fists.

:lol: i have a feeling i would have liked you.
I was a real **** in high school so I highly doubt it Kel but in the last few years I have mellowed alot.
*L* i don't think you've noticed by whole "****" label thing. :p
There wasn't much of groups of people when I was in high school, a large % of the school was preppy (all jocks were preps off the field ) I guess, there was a small handful of burnouts and small amount of kids that their parents didn't have the money to buy them designer clothes and couldn't buy them nice or decent cars when they turned 16.

Middle school and lower was much worse as far as the smaller groups getting picked on. Highschool was pretty mellow, most problems/fights were over girls :p

So preps were the majority but didn't **** with the burnouts because they could get ya the bomb weed :lol:

The, I guess poorer kids just didn't get acknowledged really but they didn't get ****ed with much either.

I think they really hung out with their own more because it seemed they alone had stricter parents. Everyone I knew got their curfews removed at 16 so most parties then didn't even start till around 10pm or later. Some people tried to be nice an invite the other kids but I never heard of one that could go out parting on a school night to 3am so you never saw them at the parties, it was just preps and burnouts, and the burnouts just came to the parties to sell or trade weed for beer then split to go do whatever they did for fun.

As far as getting picked on, that was all freshmen. Freshmen year sucked for all :lol:
I was a complete dork in hs. Luckily I could always make people laugh so that kept me from taking a lot of beatings. I am much cooler now. I actually have my 25th class reunion coming up and am very much looking forward to it.
ah, that's a good question, will any of you be attending your next class reunion?

i wont be. i already keep in touch with everyone worth seeing again. :p
kelkel said:
ah, that's a good question, will any of you be attending your next class reunion?

i wont be. i already keep in touch with everyone worth seeing again. :p

I went to my 10th year reunion, and it reminded me of why I disliked high school so much.

I haven't attended one since.
I was a "hippie"...hair to my ****, full beard, dashikis, big bell jeans, jesus sandals...you know the type...
mark said:
I went to my 10th year reunion, and it reminded me of why I disliked high school so much.

I haven't attended one since.

sometimes i think i might like to go just so i can boast about how good life is, but, meh.