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what were you in highschool?

I played in metal bands in HS so I hung out with that clique. I was a 4-yr varsity football player so I hung with that clique. Plus I was really into art and what not so I hung with that clique.

Unlike how a lot of you guys had it, the jocks pretty well didnt hang out with the preps as much. It was also weird that our preps were more or less the wiggers also. They wore their collared shirts and Abercrombie gear, but listened to rap, tried to fight people and act hard, and probably did the most drugs.
kelkel said:
sometimes i think i might like to go just so i can boast about how good life is, but, meh.

will it make you feel much better about yourself to go and boast? If so, then you should. LOL

I was living in Manhattan at the time and I remember people being very impressed with that fact (most of them stayed within 15 miles) of home, and they were also impressed with the fact I was a lawyer (most went to community college). Oddly though, I never felt either thing was terribly impressive.
i'm not really sure what you would have called the different groups where i lived... there were the popular guys who were mostly ****heads who loved treating women like crap, there were the accompanying women, who enjoyed being treated like crap and who fought ****y little wars for attention from them. when the guys cheated on them, the girls were always just angry at the chick the guy slept with and not with the guy which i seriously never understood...
being different in any way would make you very much an outsider, but conincidently most people who were different had no interest in being part of their social group anyways. there was a pothead group, i don't think any of those went through senior high, same with 98% of the aboriginals, and other than that there was a white-trash sector who threatenned to beat you up at lunchtime, but were always talk unless you were outnumbered. but most of those dropped out or ended up pregnant or in jail or something... other than that there was a small uber-geeky group who stalked me for a while which was kinda crazy. even after i threatenned to rip their nuts off. maybe they just liked the attention...
kelkel said:
i'm not really sure what you would have called the different groups where i lived... there were the popular guys who were mostly ****heads who loved treating women like crap,
I think the word you're looking for is MEN

mark said:
will it make you feel much better about yourself to go and boast? If so, then you should. LOL

well, most of the boasting would probably be about how awesome my husband is, because i sure as hell haven't achieved anything since then! :lol:
ok, so i have achieved a lot, but i'm not sure that i would feel confident boasting about how much therapy i've gone through and how much less of a basket case i am!:lol:
for the majority of the people who used to be in my year (that i remember the names of!) i will stop and say g'day, get filled in on the goss. but there are a few that if they tried to stop me and talk to me now, i would quite impolitely tell them to eat their own arse.
Martin said:
I think the word you're looking for is MEN

*L* not all of them. :) but, *shrug* idk, it seems that i always had hand in high school. i was the heartbreaker.
heartbreaker, ballbreaker, same thing.
kelkel said:
i was the heartbreaker.

I was the guy people thought would blow up the school and kill everyone. Just because a chemistry project of mine was about house hold cleaners that could when treated correctly can make explosives. There was also a rumor going around for awhile that I carried a machete to school. That was untrue. It was a sabre and it was for cadets.
Feanor said:
I was the guy people thought would blow up the school and kill everyone. Just because a chemistry project of mine was about house hold cleaners that could when treated correctly can make explosives. There was also a rumor going around for awhile that I carried a machete to school. That was untrue. It was a sabre and it was for cadets.

*LOL* ah, cadets...
i love watching them fall over on anzac day.
kelkel said:
*LOL* ah, cadets...
i love watching them fall over on anzac day.

I didnt fall over and the years in Cadets where good times. I learnt all sorts of cool stuff like how to blow **** up safely and how to fire a rifle properly, how to smoke a joint and then cover up the smell. Good times people. Good times.
*LOL* yup. i've heard around here that it's basically just a means of underagers to meet up and spread stds.
you just stayed home and got worms instead?
oh, i also thought you were talking about cadets rather than highschool. if i had realised highschool i might have been a bit more sensitive about it.

but yeah, highschool sucked.
Here's my technique for attedning your hs reunion. Upon arrival go right to the bar. Get a drink and tip the bartender quite well. Never move away from the bar except to go to the bathroom. Everyone eventually comes to the bar and you can talk to the ones you want to and just turn away and pretend to be talking to someone else if someone you want no parts of comes up next to you. Plus I've noticed that some of the cuter girls always want to know why you haven't moved from the bar. Which means, 1. they have noticed you and 2. you now have an opening to talk to them.
I was the hottest chick in school's best friend. :rolleyes: lame. and also quite well known for my big mouth and for flipping out on people.. I was pretty popular, but I think it was more because people were "scared" of me, than actually liked me. :huh: I got in trouble alot, did alot of drugs.. but had really good grades so i was kind of a "good kid" too.. I was in DECA and Key club and stuff...

halfway through my senior year I found out I was pregnant.

and thats when all the "Friends" I thought I had, bailed on me.


The only person I talk to still from high school is Stina.
I ran track for my HS for three years so I mostly hung out with the rest of the team so I suppose it was kind of like jocks. It wasn't the most popular group like the basketball team was but my social life wasn't lacking. Quite honestly HS was pretty painless, I liked it.
diddy said:
I was . . . quite well known for my big mouth and for flipping out on people..

the more things change . . . . .
