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What would you do??? Advice please!!!!

on the other hand....I would have never found out the secrets if someone didnt share them here with me/us--LOL

I agree...don't give them all the secrets, but you can give them the knowledge to find it themselves. One tidbit of info will lead them to another, which will eventually lead them to all the info they need. If they are serious they keep going and learn the secrets of the couponing trade on their own, if they aren't serious they don't find them.

I have been helping some Moms at our church learn couponing, it's not stepping on anyone's toes. They are actually looking into having Jill come to our church as a fundraiser. If there are people that want to learn and you can help, I say go for it. So many teach couponing to their friends/co-workers/family on many different levels - there are tons of money saving blogs out there that teach couponing.
I hate FEEDING deals.... it bugs the **** out of me! Ok once or twice... cool! But for you to expect me to call you eveytime there is a MM or Free ****... NOPE not happening!

Oh I hope Cookie doesn't feel like you......she's my "in". :hides:
I get so overwhelmed with the Jewel threads (and I have been trying) but she always PM's or calls or texts to be sure I didn't miss a "hot and easy deal".......I lubs her! :hiphip:

ETA: Oh and to answer the question.....meh.....I wouldn't bother doing it. You spend enough of your time shopping for the people, but then to teach them to? Meh.
I totally want to thank you all for not lashing out at me with something like "**** Rookie's think they know it all" or something equally as mean! :lol:

I really appreciate everyone's honest responses!

Please keep them coming............
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”—Author unknown

I feed for a week then their on their own--LOL
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetimeâ€â€”Author unknown

I feed for a week then their on their own--LOL

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetimeâ€â€”Author unknown

I feed for a week then their on their own--LOL

Ok fine **** rookie LOL j/k. I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a "super couponer" I basically do for my family at this point. I have no more room for big deals LOL (I'm still eating up knorr sides from a few months ago LOL, and food from Sams from a while ago when I though bulk buying was great and cheaper, now I know better LOL). I can teach people when they ask, I don't give away a lot though.
Ok fine **** rookie LOL j/k. I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a "super couponer" I basically do for my family at this point. I have no more room for big deals LOL (I'm still eating up knorr sides from a few months ago LOL, and food from Sams from a while ago when I though bulk buying was great and cheaper, now I know better LOL). I can teach people when they ask, I don't give away a lot though.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in mrsmom as I expected her to beat everyone to the smartass comment! :hides: :lol:

I'm pretty much out of space at this point myself-can't wait till we move!!!! I shop for my large family (6 kids) as well as my dad and anyone else who "shops" at my house familywise.....but I also enjoy donating to others that can use the help (ok that may be partially fueled by my shopping addiction! LOL)
I think that it is great what you are doing for the Boy's a Girl's Club!

That being said, teaching a class....may be a bit much. I know that I would not feel comfortable doing it. I also would be afraid of even more people taking stuff from my territory. I told my neighbor about Jill's site and I see her at the stores once in awhile doing the deals. However, I must say I really admire her b/c she did all the leg work herself and hasn't asked me any questions.
Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in mrsmom as I expected her to beat everyone to the smartass comment!

Well THAT comment I'll jump on. What 'xactly do you know about me noob? :tap:

As far as couponing.....I can do it as good as the next person, but I no longer have the drive to do it hard core the like super star couoners here. I have donated and will still some like when the boy scouts want us to fill bags and for my kid's school drives, but I'm not going to make trip after trip filling my car only to bring it all to the pantry. I think those that do are great for doing so though.

As far as you being new to this.....it really only takes a couple weeks of reading a board and paying attention to ads and coupons before a person with half a brain can catch on so I think that's why no one jumped on you for being new here and talking about teaching. ;)
If you don't want to teach a class, you could say you want your donation (and any future donations) to be anonymous.
Everyone who contacts me and asks I refer to www.mashupmom.com or www.jillcataldo.com if they are REALLY interested and know what's up they will go there and start on their own... a few times I have seen them actually start etc... they call me to ask things about RR's or cats or whatever and I will explain what I know.

But I am not willing to sit there and go step by step through EVERYTHING I am a busy girl and BARELY have enough time to get in all the deals I would like... :9: call it what you want but I call it realistic!
I had some people tell me they want to do the deals, but they want them to tell them because they work ect ect I was like uh good luck finding someone to do that.
I had some people tell me they want to do the deals, but they want them to tell them because they work ect ect I was like uh good luck finding someone to do that.

Ummmmm..... a great majority of us work here @ C-Dub. My response would have been the same as yours...

Well, good luck on that lemme know how that works out for ya! :lol:
If you really feel the need to help out and teach something, what about an abbreviated version of things? Bring in a Jewel and Dominicks ad ... make them aware of the sales and how adding coupons on top of the sale prices really brings down the totals. Let them know about coupon databases so they can match q's to sale items and you can talk about catalina promos as well -- let them know about using coupons on the items for catalina sales and the OYNO that spits out, but you don't have to go into doing it several times to stock up and ordering coupons and the difference b/t regular price and preferred prices and spreads etc.

Actually, it sounds like a whole lot of work I wouldn't want to do -- it would involve a lot of time for you to prepare an organized presentation so people could follow you and have it be easy to understand.

I wouldn't do it, too much time. If the people really want to learn how to do it more intensely, refer them to Jill's classes. You are already spending a lot of time at Jewel getting food/items for you own family as well as for donation. Don't feel guilty saying no - you are doing a wonderful thing already!
I was talking amongst co-workers last weekend and the topic fell on my couponing ( in a random sort of way) Someone was begging me to teachthem--I sent them to jill's told tehm it was a fantastic place to get her feet wet

BUT I also told her it takes time to sit and read it all each week--but IMO saving 50-75$ a week by couponing works out to be $25 an hour for my time

okay who am I kidding I spend way more then 3 hours here--but thats because I want to!
I was talking amongst co-workers last weekend and the topic fell on my couponing ( in a random sort of way) Someone was begging me to teachthem--I sent them to jill's told tehm it was a fantastic place to get her feet wet

BUT I also told her it takes time to sit and read it all each week--but IMO saving 50-75$ a week by couponing works out to be $25 an hour for my time

okay who am I kidding I spend way more then 3 hours here--but thats because I want to![/quote]

Of course! Where else can you save $$ and talk SMACK!! :lol:
I totally want to thank you all for not lashing out at me with something like "**** Rookie's think they know it all" or something equally as mean! :lol:

I really appreciate everyone's honest responses!

Please keep them coming............

That's the joy of CW. We "look" mean, but we're ol' softies.

Which is way better than some sites, where they look friendly, but will stab in the back with scissors just for sport.

By the way, when people ask me about couponing, I usually tell them the secrets are 1) buy lots of Sunday papers 2) keep the inserts ('cause the coupons rarely match the ads from the same week and 3) take time to match up coupons to ads before shopping.