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What's the strangest thing that scares/freaks you out?


Part Of The Furniture
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Fog. I don't like fog in the slightest. Don't get me wrong, I don't go out of my way to drive around it or something, but I certainly don't like going through it. Combine my over-active imagination with all the horror/sci-fi stories where all the little nasties hide in the fog and the fact that I just really can't see that well while driving through it, and it freaks me out.
I'm sure others get spooked too, but I'm not comfortable around spiders at all.


I don't even mind taruntulas, it's the medium-sized ones that I find around the house or making webs outside.. I always feel like I'm going to fall asleep, and they're going to make a new home out of my nose or something. :p

Spiders. Ick.
Oh, God. That reminds me. I saw the *hugest* spider a few weeks back. I was dropping my cousin off from going out, and we passed by a huge spider web as she was walking me back out to my car. We saw the spider in it, and I swear to God, the thing's body was the size of the tip of my thumb (from the tip to the first joint). It was a freaking brown recluse! I didn't know they got that BIG! (I know it was a recluse because it had the violin shape on it's body.) ::shudder::
Sheesh, the size of that thing alone would've made me walk five feet around it, never mind the fact that they can be aggressive and their bites are made to be infected. :puke: Speaking of large bugs, we have some weird sort of cricket/spider looking thing that lives in our basement. It's huge and gross and I can't tell if it's a cricket or a spider because I haven't had a chance to compare numbers of legs or anything - I always run away from it, usually screaming. ;) It's big enough that i wouldn't even try killing it with a regular shoe... we're talking a minimum of hiking boots to squash this thing.

Anyway, the strangest things I'm scared of right now are probably airplanes. Sure lots of people are scared of planes, but I love flying. Make sense of that one, eh?

Spiders....bad experience with one of those once. That thing was easily the size of my palm..with it's legs and all. Tried hitting it with a rolled up magazine and it kept jumping out of the way. So finally i moved my hand towards it instead and when it jumped i hit it with the magazine. of course it didn't die...so i beat it repeatedly and thus ended the situation...

I'm mostly only afraid of clowns...and big boats...and the ocean.

I don't like going inside banks, gas stations, or post offices.

I have direct deposit and do 99.9% of my banking via ATM, phone, or Internet.
I will leave a gas station and go to another one if the credit card machine on the pump isn't working.
I always buy stamps by mail and if I have to actually go into the post office it makes me really nervous.

I don't know what my deal is with any of these things, but they are definitely strange things to be freaked out by ;)
No, no, I think you have a point with the post orifice. There's a 24-hr one near my house, and the freakiest people ever show up there at like 11 on a Wednesday night.

There are the home business people that have a ton of packages to mail out and are just being considerate, those are the most normal of the lot. Then there are the ones that look like they're coming off of week-long benders. Then there are the ones that look/smell like they haven't seen running water in two years... they usually come complete with really bad mullets and stringy ponytails. And lastly, there are the people like me who are just there for the entertainment, and to maybe buy some stamps or mail out some stuff for eBay. ;)

With all of that in one location, I can totally understand why you don't like going into post orifices. :)

I had to go inside the gas station AND the post office today!!! Ugh.

Had to mail a priority mail package to my mom...and I didn't even put gas in my car, but I stopped in to buy milk. Milk is $3.69 a gallon at the grocery store and $2.19 a gallon at the gas station. So, I suck it up and go in the little store at the gas station.
Originally posted by mthrlangl
Fog. I don't like fog in the slightest. Don't get me wrong, I don't go out of my way to drive around it or something, but I certainly don't like going through it. Combine my over-active imagination with all the horror/sci-fi stories where all the little nasties hide in the fog and the fact that I just really can't see that well while driving through it, and it freaks me out.

Wow! I thought I was the only one with the fog fear. It freaks me out. I may not go around fog to avoid it necessarily but I'll avoid areas I know tend to get foggy during spring and fall time. I can't walk or drive through it without feeling my heart jump out of me a bit and I'll even start holding my breath or I'll get very short of breath. My hands will tighten around whatever they are holding too. Not everyone can tell I get nervous in fog except I will get a bit quiet while in a fog. Walking through steam coming out of manholes in the city where I grew up was not easy either. Those I'd avoid! :eek:

Closed in spaces like subways where I can't see where I'm going makes me have the same reaction as fog. I can be in tight areas but I have to be able to see. Maybe it's a control thing but mainly it's cause I feel trapped and have no choice in the matter. Being stuck in elevators makes me nervous but I'm not as bad in that situation as I am in tunnels. I'll even avoid driving through tunnels if I know an alternative way. :no: