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What's your worst sporting injury?

I've been pretty lucky, never had a real injury. Some small things during high school football, just banged up a bit, and was limping for a few days after a pretty good wipe out while skiing, but never broke anything.
I've have not been so lucky with injuries, had some bad injuries never needed surgery (thank god) but that knee injury held me back from going pro. Now I tore my rim of cartilage in my hip.
Never had a serious injury, but the most detrimental to me was a sprained wrist and ankle.
A messed up rotator cuff has been mine. It truly sucks not being able to go to the gym and lift weights. I can't even play basketball because every time i raise my arms up, it feels like my left arm is gonna pop out of my shoulder socket.

lesson= go to the doctors and check up on small pains= it could be a big problem!
I've been lucky and never had an injury that has kept me off the field/court for more than a couple of weeks. Worst is probably a broken finger that I played through for a little while.
Went into the boards behind the net in hockey. To level this guy as fast as I could. Last second person moved, i went into boards and destoryed my right wrist. Broken.. felt bad to miss the rest of the season, was playing the best I ever had in hockey. Was leading to places.
Lifting/Golf. Worked way too hard at one point in my life about a year ago and hurt my hip. Gave me back pain and I still have it to this day. I'm not sure if it'll heal back or not, but I can still function with the pain.
Luckily, I have never been injured while playing soccer.
Dislocated shoulder. I was around 8 years old, a friend of mine wanted to do the "judo" hip throw and wanted to practice it on me. I was kind enough to let him try and he didn't know how to do it and had no technique at all. All he did was pull my arm trying to lift me up. My shoulder popped and I cried, went back home and my mum took me to a doctor to get it fix. Worst injury.

Lots of minor ankle sprays from playing basketball when I was young. Now I'm injury-free and I always tell myself to be safe. Never want to get injured ever again.
A dumbbell fell on my toes. I have never felt pain that intense.. luckily it healed up, and now I am much more careful around weights.

Other than this... only minor injuries from falling during basketball practice.
I cracked my head open before when I used to play soccer in High School. The sad thing was it didn't even hurt when it happened, but when I was in the Hospital when they were putting the stitches in my head I'm not sure if the numbing shots wore off or what but I swear I felt every needle going into my head. Now that was terrible, will never forget it.
Broke my wrist when i was playing football (soccer). Tried to do an overhead kick, slipped away and fell right on my hand.
My worst sports injury was a sprained knee from playing slow pitched softball of all things. I was playing shortstop and made a play in the hole. When I came up to throw the ball to first, I twisted my knee.
I know this is crazy, but I have been playing sports for a large part of my life and have never suffered an injury outside from a few sprained ankles. Never broken a bone in my life, never torn a muscle....not really sure how.
3 concussions within 2 weeks. Put me out for the season.
Wow, some of you guys have had some pretty bad injuries!
I haven't had anything serious happen to me other than a few grazes here and there. Once time however during a game of basketball I was running as hard as I could and I just lost my footing and considering I was playing on concrete when my knee smacked the concrete and slid across badly cutting my knee. A good three inch gash, never went to the doctor and I still have a nice scar almost 10 years later.
My worst came from a softball game in high school.

I was running to first base and had to slide to make it. I did make it, but there was some glass or something on the ground that just sliced my shin up. My socks were just oozing red blood in no time. To make it worse, I was running home and again had to slide to make it, did it, and just tore it up open further and filled it with red clay. EVEN WORSE THAN THAT, we were in a tournament our of town so I still had to play two more games.

Worth it :)
Ouch... some of these injuries are really bad. Feel sorry for you guys.
Dislocated shoulder. Sounds like nothing but it's seriously the worst pain I have ever experienced and it was dislocated for over 2 hours. Agony!!!