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Where did your name come from? (Your WG username)



Hey :wired: :D

You all have pretty cool (and some pretty weird and unexplainable) usernames here at the :wired: community. Where and how did you come up with them?

Queenz: Queens, NYC, which is my home 4 life! QuEeNz looks better than QuEeNs.
Nacho: In school, that is my "Spanish name." All my tests are filled out with the name Nacho in Spanish class. We all have names for class, so thats what I got. When she announced the name to my class, we all laughed, and that has been my nickname since! Plus, I LOVE NACHOS!
NaZ: Nas, a rapper, my favorite rapper. QB Finest! Again, NaZ is better than NaS.
Xx and xX: Just looks cool!

Now you! :D
Well, I like the soda...and thought it would be a nice SN.
Im just a Lazy Assed Person who Dreams alot :|
I just found a cool phobia and made it my user name. Yep.. that's about all there is to it.
Well, the orgins of the Bust's name is mysterious and untold.

Unfourtnetly no one can be told how Buster got his sn.......they have to see it for themselves.


Oh,my SN right, well I really don't know, my mind works werid it kind of just appered there one day and I used it. And there is another reason too, but............ it would un ravel the very fabric of space and time if I told, so I won't.
Master: Well just something i think is really cool, being the master.

MX: Well i have seen lots of things called MX. Macromedia Mx, Nike Trainers called Mx, etc. So i added it to Master to make it more unique.

These are all interesting!

Buster, reveal your secret! ;)
I use it everywhere else, so why not here?

Oh, how did it come about originally?
Well, came from Loop, then Lupus, then Lord Lupus, now I've gone back to Lupus in some places. Less formal, y'know.
Now, where did Loop come from? There's the mystery.
well if they don't know, then an answer would be close to impossible.

and i'm obviously not creative enough for a real sn :(
I use my screen name everywhere. accts, chat progs, email, anywhere and everywhere i can. I have people calling my house asking for Insatia lol

But the origin came from my first ever gaming experience which was in Diablo. and it was from this bit of storyline where I decided THAT is going to be MY name.

Cain - I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin War---stained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation to any who whould stand before this executioner of hell. It is also written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the legion of darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his insatiable hunger for blood.

At the time I had no idea what insatiable meant so I looked it up at dictionary.com and I was like whoa... I have to use that as my name somehow. So I shortened it.. it sounded feminine and it's been mine ever since. :delight:
Mine's one of my many, many nicknames. It was actually BigD30 (30 being my favorite number), but I decided to shorten it.