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Where do you keep your snowblower?


Legend Of The Universe
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The Cradle of Liberty
Looks like I'm going to be the one going over to my folks & snowblowing them clear after or even during every snowstorm this year.

They had been keeping their snowblower in a shed that is way behind their house, hundreds of feet from their driveway or walkway between the house & driveway. I'm looking for either a small or inexpensive storage shed or some other solution to keep the blower closer to where it will actually be needed to keep their access open. They have a very long driveway & sis lives with them. She had been the one to keep them shoveled out but can't anymore.

They have no garage, which is why it had been kept way back in that shed. The shed is not moveable.

I've looked into hiring a plow service, but they want more than $150 per plow job :faint: I'm concerned sis will need practically 24/7 open driveway for medical reasons. I may even end up sleeping over during storms to ensure rapid snow removal.

Any ideas or suggestions for keeping the blower close to the driveway but protected from the elements a bit??
Find a reliable neighbor kid (12 years old or so) and have him do the driveway. Give him unlimited use of the blower on the conditions that he does your parents drive first and that he keeps the blower in his garage.

Even a deal like this can be struck with a neighboring adult.

That is what I would do. You don't need to carry the world on your shoulders.

Lacking that, buy a large enough trash can to upend over the blower and put a cinder block on top of the can to keep it there. Then you can put the blower wherever it's convenient - side of the house or whatever.
Find a reliable neighbor kid (12 years old or so) and have him do the driveway. Give him unlimited use of the blower on the conditions that he does your parents drive first and that he keeps the blower in his garage.

We can never find a kid to do these types of "jobs". As soon as they find out how much work it is they don't want to do it, even if they're paid. Certainly not like us when we were kids.

We had a neighbor boy ask to shovel our driveway once for $$ so we said sure. He did about 1/4 of it then disappeared...he told us it was too hard.
What about one of those smaller Rubbermaid type sheds? They sell them in lot's of different sizes maybe one would work for the snowblower?
Neighbor kid that does any outdoor chore? :roll: :roll:

I wish.

The only other family in their neighborhood that clears their own driveway, or mows their own lawn, etc... is their 80 yr old neighbor. Lawn service is king in that town, but most folks have very short driveways. My folks don't, their house is set way back off the street because dad wanted to build right on the pond. So it has great views & privacy, but sucks during winter... It is also sparsely populated, the homes are spread out. You can't see any other houses but the guy across the street.

I'll be buying them a new snowblower, too. I'll need a minimum of 5 hp dual stage gas blower. It won't fit under a trash can.
What about one of those smaller Rubbermaid type sheds? They sell them in lot's of different sizes maybe one would work for the snowblower?
That's what I'm looking at now, just wondered if anyone knew of one that works well & opens easily.
That's what I'm looking at now, just wondered if anyone knew of one that works well & opens easily.

I don't know the model, but our Rubbermaid shed has double doors, so getting stuff in and out works easily...it's got to be at least 10 years old, and still in good shape...I think it cost around $100 @ Menards...I think it's 6'x6'
I would also say to get a rubbermaid...I think it would be worth the investment, especially if you are going to do it yourself. I feel your pain...we have the same situation here regarding no garage and a shed at the back of the property...my DH ****es and moans every yr....I told him don't complain...we got an old snowblower from freecycle for free so he is blessed!
Wish there was a Menard's here, they seem to have great prices. All I've got here is Home Depot, Lowes, Sears & Walmart.
Awhile back reporter20 was looking into those rubbermaid sheds and I think she said they were pretty easily available on Craigs list used. Might be worth checking out.
As a last resort, you could just toss a tarp over it and tie a bungee cord around it. :9:

It's too bad you don't have neighbors that would help out. All of our neighbors are so good about helping out with everything.

Good luck.
As a last resort, you could just toss a tarp over it and tie a bungee cord around it. :9:

It's too bad you don't have neighbors that would help out. All of our neighbors are so good about helping out with everything.

Good luck.

Eventually, my folks will need to sell & move. The house & land just aren't handicap accessible, if it comes to that. Too many stairs, too far from the street, etc.

I'm sure bro will help pay if I end up needing to hire a plow service, but I'd rather not.
Have sis move in with you while you send your parents to visit steve for the winter. Then you don't have to worry about clearing that house.
Have sis move in with you while you send your parents to visit steve for the winter. Then you don't have to worry about clearing that house.

I love my sister dearly, despite her mental illness. But I cannot live with her, I'd lose what is left of my mind and sanity in less than a week.
I've wondered about those liquid snow melt products for a few years, can't seem to find any reviews.

We've used it....I think it was last winter?? Anyway it really did make a difference.