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Where does Chartbuster stand ?

Then I want my money back from KIAA because if Chartbuster isn't gonna honor the 1:1 ratio that KIAA accepts then KIAA is not worth bothering with.

I agree... If CB isn't on board, I want my KIAA $$$ back as well...

However, my guess is that they will be on board with 1:1...
There's no way that CB hasn't sat back and watched the whole SC debacle unfold. I would have to believe 1:1 would be acceptable, but the one thing everyone agrees on for a change is no one knows what will happen.

I think the sad fact is, while it would greatly benefit the KJ's if the manu's would come together in agreement on something solid, they have little to gain seperately by doing so. At the end of the day, it doesn't benefit CB to help SC stay in business, or vice-versa. SC has said they allow a format shift after an audit. CB may not allow it at all. THM may say do whatever you want. Hold on to your socks boys and girls, this ain't over by a long shot.
There's no way that CB hasn't sat back and watched the whole SC debacle unfold. I would have to believe 1:1 would be acceptable, but the one thing everyone agrees on for a change is no one knows what will happen.

I think the sad fact is, while it would greatly benefit the KJ's if the manu's would come together in agreement on something solid, they have little to gain seperately by doing so. At the end of the day, it doesn't benefit CB to help SC stay in business, or vice-versa. SC has said they allow a format shift after an audit. CB may not allow it at all. THM may say do whatever you want. Hold on to your socks boys and girls, this ain't over by a long shot.

THM isn't going to say anything but Stellar will since Stellar owns both THM and PHM, their pre-settlement offer is you can get legit by purchasing their entire library for $2800 before they start filing suit! after that I am sure the cost is going to increase dramatically!
Stellar Records in cooperation with the KIAA has launched its Compliance Assistance Program (CAP) which is now available to all KJ’s, general consumers, venues, etc. hereinafter referred to as “end users” of Stellar Records’ karaoke products and/or products containing the trademarks of Stellar Records. Anyone who has acquired illegal copies of products containing the copyrights and/or trademarks of Stellar Records can for a limited time obtain a Certificate of Defrayal through Stellar Records, the KIAA, or any authorized agent.

These certificates hold harmless and protect the certificate holder from any legal action that might be initiated by the KIAA or Stellar Records for the unauthorized usage, either past, present or future of specific Stellar Records’ products including, but not limited to those accompanied by a visual lyric display file (karaoke format), or for the use of any Stellar Records’ trademarks that may be displayed either on-screen as part of a lyrics display, and/or use of its trademarks in the original product packaging. The certificates are limited to the song titles listed in the accompanying exhibit that is attached to the covenant agreement, and as contained in the brands listed on the accompanying Certificate of Defrayal.

Stellar Records has made every effort to strike an equitable balance between our loyal customers who have purchased many if not all of our products at fair market prices, and the current status of those of whom may have unwittingly purchased illegal copies of our products. At the urging of the KIAA, rather than attempt to determine the intention of the end user in the acquisition of these unauthorized products and in the best interest of resolving this matter going forward, it was deemed as a matter of practicality and expediency to give everyone the benefit of the doubt based on the assumption that all products in question were acquired with good intent.

Stellar Records does acknowledge that many end users may have been misled into believing that the products they had purchased were legitimate only to later discover that they were not. Often times this was as a result of having purchased these products through legitimate distribution channels such as traditional karaoke retailers and web stores. Notwithstanding this fact, Stellar Records cannot offer any credits, refunds or compensation of any sort to any person or entity involved in these transactions.

The end user’s best recourse would be with the seller and should in no way be viewed as the responsibility of Stellar Records. However, Stellar Records will take this into consideration if significant purchases were made in this manner, and will review each occurrence on a case by case basis. It may at its own discretion, credit the end user with either some or all of these purchases toward a certificate.

End users, who have previously made legitimate purchases of Stellar Records products, will be credited on a pro-rata basis. For example, if an end user has purchased 1000 legitimate products out of 2000 products listed, then the end user will be credited 50% off the total price of the certificate.

The Stellar Records CAP program enables end users who may have acquired some or all of their products through unauthorized channels, to now legitimize their catalog. Stellar Records does empathize with end users who may have been “duped” into purchasing illegal or unauthorized copies of Stellar’s products and/or illegal products containing the trademarks of Stellar Records, but at the same time must insist that it gets justly compensated for all usages of our products be it past, present or future.

Jon anyone who makes unauthorized copies is a pirate and always has been!

But isn't it a violation of the TOS to be calling anyone a pirate? Regardless of statements they may make on this site or have made previously!

I was banned for a week for less than what you just did!
not even but Steve you claim proper association however if your 1 to 1 you are in fact working outside legal boundaries. I am disc based sue me.
JT=Another Disc Based KJ who is afraid they can't compete with new technology and is afraid time has passed them by and would love to turn back the clock to before computerized Karaoke Hosting existed so they have to call anyone who has moved forward a pirate. I guess by your definition I am a pirate as well. Arggh!
I have no issue with pirates ask Thunder he has called me a sympathiser,
Your definition and my definition of pirate are two different things.
Pirate, in context of karaoke, is one who does not have receipts for downloads from manufacturers or the discs to back them up. I.E. a loaded hard drive with nothing to show that they legally got the music. also refers to disc based hosts that have burnt copies of discs but no originals to back them up.
I think the sad fact is, while it would greatly benefit the KJ's if the manu's would come together in agreement on something solid, they have little to gain seperately by doing so. At the end of the day, it doesn't benefit CB to help SC stay in business, or vice-versa. SC has said they allow a format shift after an audit. CB may not allow it at all. THM may say do whatever you want. Hold on to your socks boys and girls, this ain't over by a long shot.

This is the reason that I'm hoping a legit KJ insists on taking their case to court. Not to see Kurt's chops busted, but to get a legal ruling on the format shift and keeping a 1:1 ratio of songs. I simply don't foresee a court finding a trademark infringement when there's no damage to, and no INTENT to damage the manufacturer.

I'm pretty sure that one of the KJ's re-named in the VA second round is both legit, and has deep enough pockets to stay the course. Here's hoping that his case doesn't get dropped again when it's time to set a court date.

In the meantime, I'll pick up the occasional fill-in karaoke gig, but the current FUD around karaoke decided me to form a trio targeting week night opportunities in clubs that may be uncertain about continuing karaoke. We'll see how that works out :yahangel:

I sure hope we aren't talking about the same KJ, who claims the suit was dropped against him (because it couldn't be served), who went on a buying rampage after he found out he was named, who started a multi-op business on copied hard drives (claiming he had a new online library system where his KJs "check out" a song), who is now selling his disc and equipment including his vehicle (to get the money to fight SC), the same KJ who Kurt has already told publicly he is the one person they have no interest in settling with!

Please tell me it isn't him!

So how many have dropped karaoke in Richmond because of the lawsuits so far?
I still don't get how taking these cases to court would be a test case for computer use. The suits are about people using music they didn't pay for. The computer use may be the foot in the door for checking but I haven't heard of any cases (yet) where SC wanted to persue a case against someone who is 1:1 just to keep them from using a computer.

I suppose someone could try to use as their defense that SC didn't have the right to check their library based on computer use but it would seem that would be a seperate case from the initial complaint of using stolen music.
JT=Another Disc Based KJ who is afraid they can't compete with new technology and is afraid time has passed them by and would love to turn back the clock to before computerized Karaoke Hosting existed so they have to call anyone who has moved forward a pirate. I guess by your definition I am a pirate as well. Arggh!

I'm disc based, and not only do I have no problems competing with PC shows, ( and have been doing so quite successfully), but have found being disc based to be an excellent selling point....

Also, as an electronics design engineer, I am usually acquainted with "new" technology well before the general population.

Unfortunately, there hasn't been any actual NEW technology produced in the U.S. since the early '90s....only modifications of the old.