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which do you prefer - coke or pepsi

Okay, maybe we have all had enough caffeine and should just stop and drink a beer!?
Ewww! I can't see how people can stand the taste of it! It taste like ****! I had my first try when I was a kid and even today it taste like ****! I thought people enjoy drinking beer, but how can you enjoy tasting that stuff?

CAFFEINE!!!!!! Most common in coffee and soda. Best to stay away from it. Despite what you believe it is one way they hook you onto those drinks. Very unhealthy...

As I always say, there's only two beverages you'll ever need in this life; milk and water. Anything else is unnecessary.
Finally, someone agrees with me about beer. Blech. It works if you wanna get drunk, I guess, so it serves a purpose, but..couldn't they make it taste better?

As for milk and water..I live off diet coke and coffee. I'm not *that* wired..usually...sometimes..

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
my whole life i always hated beer, until a few months ago when someone handed me a coors lite. i amazed myself in that i actually kind of liked it. this was a first for me, as i thought most beer tasted like weasel piss

i only recently developed a real taste for wine (and im 34!). i'll drink a glass or two usually around the holidays or if i'm out to dinner w/my parents.

the most wine i ever drank in one sitting was about four glasses and developed a major headache twenty minutes later - never again

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Heheh, Spider..that's the drunk's promise. Like, the first time after I puked, I vowed I'd never drink again. Granted, I went for about 3 or 4 months before drinking again, and I still haven't puked again, but we all make that promise at one time or another

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
I must ask now...am I the only who's heard of BUFFALO ROCK COLA? It was a little like root beer, only different.
i hate beer too.. someone gave me a bottle of hard cider and now i'm hooked on that stuff.. I have a six-pack of Hornsby's stocked in my fridge all the time.. and i bring it to parties when everyone else is drinking beer...

oops.. forgot the soda part... between coke and pepsi it's pepsi cuz it's sweeter.. but i'm hooked on Mountain Dew.. i go through 3 of those 20oz plastic bottles everyday... needless to say.. sugar and caffine has no effect on me anymore

[Edited by WaterB @ June 28, 2000 (edited 3 times)]
The news was right. The new generation of kids and teens are not drinking healthy. Ask a high school or college teen what they like to drink and I guarantee you most will respond with beer and soda.

Remember, three cups of milk, are required each day for healthy bones. As for water, drink till you drop.