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Who Was the First Coupon Guru?


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I was looking at a book the other day from 2005 that mentioned stockpile shopping, clipless inserts and using resources like Coupon Mom's website for matchups. I also noticed that Coupon Mom's book was from 2005. So was Coupon Mom one of the first ones or were there coupon gurus before her?
I remember Michelle Easter (refundcents) and Susan Samtur from way back.

Just did a little googling. Susan calls herself the first Coupon Queen.

I watched the video clip they have on that page but don't have sound at work.
WTH is that machine for and what are those buckets of coupons?

Will have to watch it again when I get home and have sound. Not sure if it will make more sense then.
My aunt was a bigtime couponer and refunder back in the 80s already. There was a HUUUUUUUUUGE population of black-belt ( :giggles: ) savers back then. We lived in Northern WI, there were regular meetings, swaps, etc. Oy! The liquor labels!

We had doubles, super doubles, etc.

If I recall correctly the catalina thing started about 1992 (can't remember what it was called, but it was kind of like savingstar, you added what you wanted to your list, but they had to scan the barcode for you at the store so you would get your spiffs).

So it was WAY before you think. Bloggers now, and internet people with websites I want to stay started in the late 90s, like 97-98, when Ebay first started being a big market force. I was on the AOL coupon forums back in the mid 90s when they first started. There were also usenet forum/groups that existed even earlier than that, back when I had Compu-Serve for internet.

Also there were a number of coupon trading newsletters, flyers, etc. I traded that way a lot, too. Expiration dates on coupons before the internet age were like 6 months or a year, plenty of time to trade for what you needed.

Peggy probably remembers. Maybe Barb, too, I dunno when she got into it :)
I've been a heavy duty couponer since at least 1975 and a regular one since I was about 5 ...I used to subscribe to Susan Samtur's "Refundle Bundle."

Refunding was a big business, since CRTs only listed items as taxable and nontaxable (at least in IA)...sometimes you could get 3 refunds out of one box of product...net weight, UPC, boxtop...
****, I *wish* I coud ave seen coupon days like that!! Mom cut coupons but never used them, lol as a kid I enjoyed sorting them.

My ****y Comcast guy got me here, otherwise I would have never known about this world at all!
I started heavy in 1983 ohhh tells how old I am. I used go to Cold Water Michigan where 3 stores had unlimited double up to 1.00, Phelpasch, farmer jacks and Krogers. Never knew what was on sale so took all 12 of my coupon binders LOL... 12 trips into each store.. Would fill my van Yes I had a van then too no seats except drivers seat.LOL...8 hour trip each way but sooooo worth it. And then Chicagoland for the Jewel stores no experation for coupons.
Then I quit for a few years... First time I went back to Illinios to shop Jewel I never even googled where the stores were because back in the late 80's and early 90's I had my routes. Could not find a single one after about 4 hours of driving my old route I saw why I was not finding the Jewels....
they changed colors from Orange to red, funny how that messed me up. LOL. I was driving right by them. LOL.
Refunding was HUGE could make a VERY nice living doing that. I will try to find the post about the good old refunding days from a couple of years ago on here, for those that don't rember it.
Yes I think for coupons it was the best with the cat deals... The old doubles I had to gret what the coupons said, cats= what ever we wanted... I'll tell you one thing the better sea food, lobster , crab legs have been non exisitant at my house since the end of the good cat deals. I WANT THEM BACK
when you guys refer to refunding, do you mean like rebates?
That big machine is like a coupon picker upper. Seems like a total waste to me. She probably has lots of NED coupons and lots with no bar codes. I would hate to try and use those. I don't even cut coupons anymore unless I am going to definately use them. Otherwise I keep them in this cute stand up tote that I have that I purchased from TJ MAXX and I look thru coupontom to see when the booklets expire. I strted out with Michelle Easter in 1992 and it's true there were SO many refunds. I would just go form hunting all the time. When I finally got a computer I would get her RefundCents online and magazine form. Soon there was less and less reasons to get the magazines as the info was outdated. Michelle Easter had online groups and ours was illinoisgooddealloop and from there an offshoot group was Hollies Friends. And from there someone probably liked to CW. My first big deal from CW that I can remember was the individual packest of Crystal light. But my alltime favorit deal was from J & J where you bought 5 boxes of bandaids for $5 and got a catlina for $10. Not as many couponers were out there and all was ripe for the picking. Thanks for letting me walk down memory lane.
That big machine is like a coupon picker upper. Seems like a total waste to me. She probably has lots of NED coupons and lots with no bar codes. I would hate to try and use those. I don't even cut coupons anymore unless I am going to definately use them. Otherwise I keep them in this cute stand up tote that I have that I purchased from TJ MAXX and I look thru coupontom to see when the booklets expire. I strted out with Michelle Easter in 1992 and it's true there were SO many refunds. I would just go form hunting all the time. When I finally got a computer I would get her RefundCents online and magazine form. Soon there was less and less reasons to get the magazines as the info was outdated. Michelle Easter had online groups and ours was illinoisgooddealloop and from there an offshoot group was Hollies Friends. And from there someone probably liked to CW. My first big deal from CW that I can remember was the individual packest of Crystal light. But my alltime favorit deal was from J & J where you bought 5 boxes of bandaids for $5 and got a catlina for $10. Not as many couponers were out there and all was ripe for the picking. Thanks for letting me walk down memory lane.

Bet she sells coupons... otherwise no need for such a machine.
Refunds=rebates. And there were tons of them and many traders who would trade 1for 1. Pharmor was a good double coupon store here that wasn't around too long.
Ok who remembers getting **** for free, mostly toiletries on double coupon days at Venture back in the mid 80's.


Honestly, I'm only 45 but that is when I started. It was nothing like it is now though.
Bet she sells coupons... otherwise no need for such a machine.
I thought the same thing too. If I sold coupons I would like something like that to sort them but then you have to get into the whole "gang cutting" thing. Yesterday I gang ripped my Hefty coupons. I hope I don't get found out.
Refunds=rebates. And there were tons of them and many traders who would trade 1for 1. Pharmor was a good double coupon store here that wasn't around too long.

Funny how you mention Phar-mor....... I just used the last box of band aides from Phar-mor. I only know this because the ORANGE price tag was still on it BTW price .89

remebr what the price tag said???


why pay far more. LOL...
Ok who remembers getting **** for free, mostly toiletries on double coupon days at Venture back in the mid 80's.


Honestly, I'm only 45 but that is when I started. It was nothing like it is now though.

We got them at Prange way in central Wisconsin. And I am 48...