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Why do so many people hate Justin Bieber?

Everyone who is successful will have some haters. You can't please everyone or make everyone like you.
People hate people that have things easy, in other words, people hate JB becouse they are jealous of his fame, and how quickly he became the hit boy of the music world.
Meh I don't really care about him. It's not like he has some effect on my life. He found a way to make tons of money, sacrificng his resemblance to the male species, good for him I say ;d
Anyone that is successful will get some hate coming their way. Receiving hate is when you know you've made it.
I'm sure most people hate his fans more than they hate him. Also, probably because he is getting more **** than any of us will get in our life time haha.

I don't like him because I don't believe a thing he says. He comes off like a respectable young boy but I know he isn't like that in the real world behind the cameras and they have viral videos to prove it. I just don't like how he has all of these young women wrapped around his finger and he's milking them for all they're willing to give to him. To me thats wrong and I don't condone it.

His attitude just rubs me the wrong way, he's way too ****y for my liking but most of the hate of him just comes from jealousy, he's successful so you have to respect that.
Justin Bieber touched Selena Gomez's ****. Unacceptable. He probably smashed too. Therefore, I will hate on him hahahahaha :rolleyes:
I hate Justin Bieber haters infinitely more than Justin Bieber fans. Oh wait, I don't even hate JB fans.

But I do hate JB haters because they are incredibly annoying, and they think that saying things like "haha Justin is a girl" "hahaha he has micropenis!!!!" etc etc is funny... pathetic.

Justin Bieber (although I don't like his music) accomplished his dreams, and I can respect him for that.
I don't get it..why are so many people against Justice Beaver?
I feel like people feel obligated to bring him down a few pegs because the media builds him up so much.
Its because hes at best an average singer for a kid. Yet he gets craps loads of media attention and crap load of money. Hes no different to millions of other kids who sing in their bedroom yet hes set for life :(
He is a manufactured spawn of satan. Designed to do nothing more than make money. he is a pawn of Disney.
He doesn't deserve the fame he gets and what he sings about is stupid and overused. Oh yes, he has a horrible voice and he ruined pop music, In fact The entire poppy, tween-love, Disney channel, music movement sucks. It doesn't matter what puppet they put in his place, the next one will be just as bad. Just like all of the ones that came before him. But the worst part about him is, is that he he has no talent. It's all studio polished. And his fans can't say anything but "UR JUS JELUS!" because they're too idiotic to come up with anything else.
I just can't stand his girly voice, his stupid hair image, and how he wears the tongue of his shoes out over his pants. And the fact that every adolescent girl has to fall for him.

Then again most band wagon things irritate me.
I think he has so many haters because he has a fairytale story. People hate what they don't understand or what they can't achieve. While I am not a fan of his music I have much respect for him. I took my daughter's to see his movie and seeing his home videos of him playing the drums at age 2 really made me see how talented he is.
Although the kid does have musical talent, his songs and his appearance are so generic.
It's because they attention he receives is totally more than he deserves for his level of talent.
The same reason Rebecca Black got signed to a record deal. Because the general American public is clinically retarded
This thread caught my attention...
why? because I hope to learn why people hate him...and also why others love him?

I hear his name from some teens, but that's all.

Now I know why some people hate him... when I do learn why others love him? hahaha