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Why is Joe Chartreuse's schedule full if pirates are undercutting everyone?


Establishing Talker
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Maybe it has to do with talent, quality, and the abilty to run a professional show?
Same reason why Limewire DJ's haven't taken over everything. Yes there are a few around but past customer horror stories end up digging their grave. Talent is what really becomes the selling point.
Maybe it has to do with talent, quality, and the abilty to run a professional show?

Yep yep! Music selection and price are just part of the equation. Limewire or the record store makes NO difference to a crowd of people. Your performance can still be poor regardless of weather or not you knocked out and old lady to get your music.

I've seen PLENTY of legit hosts who suck just as hard as beer/tip jar pirates with large collections.

I know most will pretend this is not true but, there are many $500 DJ's in my town who outshine the $1,500 guys. Same holds true on the karaoke scene.
It probably has alot to do with how he runs his business. He seems to take it quite seriously. He probably shows up on time - everytime. He probably doesn't start drinking as soon as he arrives, and continue to drink throughout the night untill no one can understand him. If he can't make it to a show because something comes up last minute, he's probably got a pretty good circle of colleagues that will cover for him, just as he would do for them if available. He has probably proven his worth to those paying him, and is as worried about pirates as he is mosquitos. Or maybe he's just the FRIGGIN" MAN.
I have a buddy that bought the same exact camera as I even though I advised him to buy a more entry level model... He sent it back twice complaining about picture quality.

A pro camera does not make a pro photographer, he knows that now. So he went out and bought an even HIGHER END PRO CAMERA, this is not a joke.
Problem today is that there are too many DJs who crave the Spotlight and not the Dollars! They will take or do anything to get the GIG!:sqrolleyes:
You folks are just so freakin' SWEET! ....sniff....now I'm all ver klepft..sniff..

First, thanks for all the kind words!

Yes, I take it seriously, but I also make sure it's serious in a fun way. I also like to think that my dad taught me to have a good work ethic.

To be honest, though, I think a lot of it has to do with longevity and location.

I'm in Bergen County NJ- affluent and densely populated. Lots of venues too. I work, and have worked, an area that is roughly a circle with a 40 mile diameter.

My original plan was to start in the center, and spiral out, bring starter folks from old venues to new- and it worked. I have been working this circle for a few decades. My name and (fortunately good) reputation has saturated it, and I actually have friends who come to all shows ( I hate the word "following". I'm just a Karaoke Host, I don't walk on water- except in some of the men's rooms....:sqrolleyes:).

I also believe a show is not a success until it's still a money maker after AT LEAST a year. If you work hard enough to build it that long, and it's rockin', chances are it will be a long range keeper.

A small pond, but very supportive. It's way tougher for newbies to make a dent now, as opposed to when Karaoke was much harder to find.

BTW- please note that Harryoke and Thunder have similar methods of running a karaoke show, and are equally successful. My way's not the ONLY successful way either. Cam works completely differently, and is also knockin' 'em dead.

I guess the main thing is to remember what karaoke is SUPPOSED TO BE, and world hunger ain't it....:sqwink:

Thanks again for the kind words!
You know what would make your show even better....?
Maybe it has to do with talent, quality, and the abilty to run a professional show?

You're trying to get banned from the site - aren't you? :sqwink:
Proformance said:
You're trying to get banned from the site - aren't you? :sqwink:

Nah! this sites a good site. :sqbiggrin:
jokerswild said:
You know what would make your show even better....?


Well since you asked and Joe wouldn't take the bait....:sqwink:

Use a computer instead of discs.... hahahahahahaha :sqlaugh::rofl:
Maybe it has to do with talent, quality, and the abilty to run a professional show?

Because he has a Cousin named Vito who works for Mr. Corleone who is the Godfather of Joe and they don't really like people messing around with the "Family"! :sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh: :rofl::rofl::rofl: :sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh:
Proformance said:
It's 'cause he does his show nehkidd!

That would chase people away. Wall of Sound will send ya the pictures took with his 007 spy camera if you ask nice. :sqerr:
jokerswild said:
Well since you asked and Joe wouldn't take the bait....:sqwink:

Use a computer instead of discs.... hahahahahahaha :sqlaugh::rofl:

I'm SHOCKED, I tell you....SHOCKED! :sqlaugh:

Someone just HAD to ask.....:sqrolleyes:
ahoustondj said:
Because he has a Cousin named Vito who works for Mr. Corleone who is the Godfather of Joe and they don't really like people messing around with the "Family"! :sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh: :rofl::rofl::rofl: :sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh:

HEY! That's absolutely untrue, and I can't believe that you thought it was!

Sigh.....his name's Rocco....