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Will Nintendo Fall?


its not that its your 'only game' its just one of your highest rated (i'm not using super mario 64 as an example as, although that's the highest rated DS game in most cases, its a port) 'hiding the real power of the DS' ? what exactly is this 'real power' i'm using one of the DS's highest rated as an example and psp's wipeout whoops its a$$ in all areas (and that's not even psp's highest rated!) and i'll ask the question again, have you ever actually played the PSP? and what games have you played? and yes, i've played the ds's other games, its just most of the others are medicore. have u even played wipeout?
Really so your saying that wario ware is one of the Ds's highest rated game well check again.And if you read my post carefully you would have been able to guess and tell that I did play the psp.

you may have played the psp, but which games did you play and how long did you play it for? have you played wipeout?

also i did 'check again' and it is still among the DS's highest rated in *most* sites.
Actally I played an equal amount of time as I did with the DS. I also did an experiment you see I got 20 friends 10 girls and 10boys I got 2 of my friends to loan me there psp and 1 of my friends to loan me a DS since I already have one and I discovered some Strange things first that most of the boys and girls where amazed at the psp graphics
I mean amazed so they played it for like 3 hours.then they changed systems and actally played the DS for 4 hours now by then I told them they could play which ever game they wanted and check this out 15out of 20 of them picked up the DS mostly girls so after sending everyone home I made a chart comparing the DS and the psp now I compared things on greater or leaster note such as this
DS psp
and showed it to at least 50 people in my school now this isn't the whole chart if you want it I can give it to you but out of the 50 people 27 people choose the DS now I would also like to say that with the DS I added the play yan.Now all the people who were tested were not DS or psp fanboys to stop any doubts.

when exactly did you do this? as far as i know there is no free period in school that lasts upto 4 hours. and, since you said you had 20, and 4 systems, that's a total of around 20 hours. when was this? in the weekend? and you got 20 people round your place and made most of them (16 at a time) sit and do nothing? sorry, but this 'test' sounds a little hard to do.
and what are you trying to prove by this? 2 more people liked the ds better than the psp (most of the ds'ers your said were girls) so its a system girls like? and i'm supposed to take 2 girls word for it over the internet's and mag's major reviewers?
First of all this wasn't done at school and second I should have been more clear the test was done at different times.Third the reason this test was done was to see what people really think (even if its only a few at a time)you know actions speak louder then words. The test was to see if people really thought that for example I really wanted to see if the psp was really better looking then the DS and all of my friends agreed it was some said it was so sexy that they had a orgasm off of it and I also wanted to see if people would spend moretime playing the DS or the psp all spent more time on the Ds.Also the chart was done after the 20 person experiment.The main reason this whole test was done was to find out which one people would play longer and which one would people pick up again and also which of the majority was male or female.Then afterward I decided to make a chart to see which one people whould perfer on the base of value so that is basicly the main reason I did this test.
First of all this wasn't done at school and second I should have been more clear the test was done at different times.Third the reason this test was done was to see what people really think (even if its only a few at a time)you know actions speak louder then words. The test was to see if people really thought that for example I really wanted to see if the psp was really better looking then the DS and all of my friends agreed it was some said it was so sexy that they had a orgasm off of it and I also wanted to see if people would spend moretime playing the DS or the psp all spent more time on the Ds.Also the chart was done after the 20 person experiment.The main reason this whole test was done was to find out which one people would play longer and which one would people pick up again,which one people rather get caught with (base on style) and also which of the majority was male or female.Then afterward I decided to make a chart to see which one people whould perfer on the base of value so that is basicly the main reason I did this test. Sorry I posted twice I'm still rusty with my computer

and the results were that girls tend to like the DS more than the psp? which games were played in these tests?
Mainly Mario64,spider-man,metriod demo,ridge racer,and pokemon dash for the DS and
for the psp Twisted metal,tonyhawks,mercury,and wipeout pure.

i just got Mercury for the psp its totally awesome. plus i think its much more innovative than ds games. the reason? DS games scream innovation in the way of a 5 year old. 'ohhh oh, look at me i'm INNOVATIVE LOOK AT MEEEE!' where as mercury kinda says 'yeah, i'm innovative. so?' its really addictive and crazy hard at times to. anyone who loves puzzle games should get this now!
Every time I go to store I see little kids like only the Nintendo stuff. The games like I said before are geared for kids they're enjoyable and friendly. I see the 40 year olds drooling over the Sony stuff. Like I said it's demographics.....and Nintendo knows how to make money off the little ones and Sony knows how to grasp the other audience....

i'm hoping the revol will be geared to older people so that ninty can shed their kiddy image. altho in interviews they've mentioned family entertainment a bit to much so maybe not...
Well actally the revolotion will be geared towards older kids but it will also try to take back some of the fans they lost because they plan to bring every generation of games they every made so you can imagine how the old school fans will fill about it and also here we go again with the kiddy crap the next psp fanboy who says that gets punch :punch:

i'm not saying ninty games are kiddy. i'm saying nintendo games and consoles have a kiddy image which is only the truth.
SO its kiddy that sounds more opinoin then fact if you ask me its more classic then kiddy nintendo has stayed ture to its image which is far from kiddy its more of a unique image it stands out thats what it is not kiddy.:cool:

i'd say it was more of a kiddy image. a mean take the gamecube. its a great system but it looks like a square handbag and its original colour was purple :ut-oh: some adults were put of buying Zelda the windwaker because of its cell shaded graphics. and look at the DS. people accuse it of being kiddy because its obviously aimed at the younger generation and has games like Nintendogs and games with names like 'yoshi's touch and go' which are made by nintendo.
Tell me this what makes a game "kiddy" the fact that you don't get to blow someones brains out or maybe you just don't get to beat-up anyone for no reason at all is that it is that what makes a game kiddy get this yoshi is not geared towards kids but towards the people who like the classic because before there was a metal gear there was yoshi before there was grand thrief auto there was mario these games aren't kiddy but classics and fun these games are for the people who enjoy the origanals and who want to stand out not for six year olds so lets chill with the kiddy crap.

i never SAID the games are kiddy, read carefully, i said they had a kiddy image. its a completely different thing. oh, and what's grand thief auto? its theft. anyway, if a casual gamers who had never heard of nintendo walked into a shop and saw like yoshi or mario games he would not think 'there's a classic game' he'd think 'oh look...a man in a read and blue plumber suit floating on a cloud...' or 'look a green lizard running around a strange island full of bright colours' and this can only end in the casual thinking these games are kiddy, just as he would if he saw the GC. that's where ninty get their kiddy image.
Kiddy image hmmm lets think for a second. Yoshi lives on an island he has for a while years so would it be right to put him on the streets with a gun would corrupt his whole freakin image so don't call it kiddy or has a kiddy image because you can't kill someones grandmom.

do the casual gamers know that? nope. they just think it looks kiddy on the box and screens.and it does.