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I don't know, I miss Homebody.
I wish they would come back.But that is the internet, like life, people come and go all the time.
I sent an email to rosebud last night, hopefully it gets to her
I'll email homebody to, to see if we can get her back here too :)

and ps, I WIN
I win! There was some snow today again off an on and coming down a bit heavy at times., but it didn't stay. The weather been a little unstable. Don't know whether to wear winter coat or lighter one. Boots or runners. LOL!!! My husband bought me a new winter hat. I don't usually wear a hat, he said this one looked cute on me. I will post a photo when I start wearing it.:D
Well dear Brandon, I let you you have the Lime light for a little bit, so now I am here to take the WIN!!!
Breaks out my program for making sure I win :p Nawww... But I WIN
idk, I've been playing with this vb5 site though
you can install a mod by just uploading the files and refreshing the admincp, you don't always have to import an xml..
kinda weird
I win,, but am ill, won't be posting for a little bit, till I feel more better, suffering from a unknown severe allergy. I am on meds for it, not helping much.
aww, everyone is getting sick :(
my son isn't feeling well either, but that just means more snuggle time with dad this weekend :)
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