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WiredGamer - Day 1


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What a day... a long anticipated launch of the forums, makes you get happy for the actual site to launch doesn't it? Man we're in for a real ride! Whats the best thing bout these forums you think? I'm in love with the shoutbox!
Yeah, congrats to Wired Gamers =) I have a great feeling this place is going to grow and be a huge success. I'm very excited for this site =)
The best thing about these forums would have to be ummm.. everything :) hehe. I absolutely love everything everything. Theres not one thing that i dont like. I think the forums are perfect. Also i got a feeling these forums will grow quickly and be one of the biggest gaming communitys in the future.
one of my favorites is the quick reply with the graphic in the background, very slick :wub:
xeo i agree, i love everything
stunning, i can't get over how amazing this design is
Originally posted by booch
stunning, i can't get over how amazing this design is
Yea defiently. I think d2alio is in for another vbulletin of the month award.
Originally posted by Xeo
The best thing about these forums would have to be ummm.. everything :) hehe. I absolutely love everything everything. Theres not one thing that i dont like. I think the forums are perfect. Also i got a feeling these forums will grow quickly and be one of the biggest gaming communitys in the future.

I couldn't of said it better...
These forums will grow very quickly. Everyone likes joining a bulletin board with a great layout :p
Site looks awesome, Dameon. I love the new quick reply box, the graphic in it is absolutely incredible.

I can't wait until Cinco de Mayo for the launch of the network!
And already 32 members signed up at 11:25 A.M. EST.

I have a good feeling about WiredGamers.

Now I'm off to talk about the Wind Waker in the Gamecube Board! :)
Yeah I'm way excited for this site. And as more and more people come in it will be even more of a pleasure being here.
This board is really taking off fast. I can only imagine once the network opens.
The boards main page looks dope, though I find many things to be wrong with the boards functionality, etc. That's just me, I'm a perfectionist (not saying that I can do things perfectly), but there are just some things that irritate me about the design. Mostly done up really nice, a lot of things very unique to the boards here and are very appealing... namely this "Quick Reply" box which is absolutley dope.

However, I've never been a real fan of the forum threads on WG at any time, they're far too seperated and considerably annoying to look at. The other problem? Load it up with pretty graphics and it will look pretty as hell, but it is slow as $h!t -- most would agree with that I'm sure.

Overall nice design, but its lacking in functionality in some areas... *shrug* Hopefully it won't go down again, how many times did you guys loose your posts?! ;p

** Oh yeah, sweet smilies.

>>long posts dont seem to agree with design elements<<
Board won't go down again. Now it's hosted on my private servers whereas before d2alio had sponsors and not to mention a bad one who completly went out of business.

but as far as the graphics go, most graphics are repetative so once cached into your computer once, it will load faster next time. for me i find speed good and no lag so far but then i still have to tweak the board to help it load faster because it's generating these pages in 0.2 seconds whereas 0.1 or below is "acceptable" for me at this point in time.

d2alio installed as many hacks and he found useful but then soon there will be a points integration as well accross the network which may add to the functionality as you mentioned.
Awesomeness...I can't wait for the points system. Will there be a store to go along with it?
Graphically a wonderful presentation, though I stand firm with my qualms about the site thus far :wub: These smilie faces are truly the creme of the crop though - watch for many boards to use 'em.
Well, I think Dameon made those personally, so in order for people to use them, he would have to put them on one of those free smilie sites, or trademark them so that nobody can take them without his permission. He probably already did that.
hmmm .. the smilies are alright. I think there should be some animated smilies also.
Originally posted by Bluehemp123
hmmm .. the smilies are alright. I think there should be some animated smilies also.

Don't worry I'm gonna be redoing the smilies :)

Yea, I knew it had to be you that made the smiley's, since your really good at making them and the smiley's look really similar to most of the smiley's you make ... :)
I think that the overall layout of the site looks fantastic, and while it's just a little slow on my computer (could be the fact that I've got so much crap open), I'll adjust and like WiredGamers even more than I do now!