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Wisdom Teeth


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Ottawa - Plainfield - Minooka - Peru
My 16 yr old DD is having her wisdom teeth out this Friday. Anyone had theirs out lately or know someone who has?

I need to call the oral surgeon and find out what she can and cannot have...

The sucky part is I HAVE TO WORK Friday and cannot get the day off. I have NEVER sent one of my kids for any type of procedure without being with them. My DH is taking her, but it's not the same. We (DD and I) are both stressing about this. I just don't share my stressing with her, don't want her more upset. Work is being such sticklers about days off and another one of the girls is already off on vacation and another on maternity leave. There is NO way I can be off too. I wish we could postpone the appointment but they want them out as soon as possible.

Thanks for listening! :ranting:
hope it goes well for DD, Sheree.... haven't had to get mine out but DH was in lots of pain with his, and he drove himself home from the dentist in much pain so get her on pain meds asap and keep up with them to keep pain under control.
ohh...sorry. I am on of the rare people who have NO wisdom teeth. But usually don't most people get Vikadin?
No drinking from straws, no smoking. Some people have an easier time than others. Liquids and softer foods probably the first couple of days. You don't want anything with too much texture because you need to keep food out of the wound area. They should give a list of instructions at the office before she leaves. Good luck and try not to stress too much.
I had mine out not too long ago. As said above, no straws or smoking. The first day I only wanted ice cream. Second day I wanted a little more. Mashed potatoes and stuff. They didn't stitch mine closed but I know sometimes they do so I had to be very careful of what I ate so it didn't get stuck back there. KEEP UP WITH THE MEDS! That was my first mistake. By the end of the day on day 2 for me I thought I was fine and didn't need to take any pain meds before bed. I was SO wrong. I woke up in the middle of the night in tears because it hurt so bad. Even if she feels like she doesn't need one, have her take them anyway. Even get up in the middle of the night to make sure. It took along time for my pain to go away that night becuase I missed a dose.

Good luck. She'll do fine.
My son has his out last summer. I had really bad memories of getting mine removed (4 impacted, all out at same time, all got infected, etc. . . .), so was really worried.

Anywoo, he got along just great. Only had two troubles. First, was keeping him down (and not falling down) when he first got home; he was absolutely loopy. Second was keeping him full for the first couple of days, while his mouth was still tender.

I'm not sure how much he needed his pain meds, but I made him take them as scheduled for the first 48 hours to ensure we kept ahead of the pain. After that, I didn't insist, and he felt fine without them.
None of her 4 they are taking out are out of the gums yet, so they are all impacted correct?

My WONDERFUL mother is coming into town to take care of her. She made homemade soup for her (mostly broth) and is bringing stuff to make her smoothies.

With all the great Jewel deals lately I have lots of snack paks - jello and pudding and ice cream from the freezer deal.

Thanks for the comments. My mother will for surely keep her on schedule with her meds till I get home! I told my boss I would probably be leaving by 2-3pm to go take care of her. It's bad enough I can't go with her.
I honestly don't remember it being that bad. The thing that i hated the most was having chipmunk cheeks. You are supposed to rise your mouth out with salt water, but I never did that.
I had mine out at 17, no sedation. I was supposed to get a Valium but that was changed at the last minute. Unfortunately I got Tylenol III for the pain, which made me an insomniac so I was awake for 36 hours after it was done. I put my smoothies and protein shakes into an empty water bottle so I could sort of pour them down my throat (no straws). I didn't get chipmunk cheeks but I did get dry sockets. Yuck.
I had mine pulled last year. The 2 on the bottom came in halfway while I was pregnant(that was fun) and the other 2 were still under the skin and had no room to come in. The first 2 days were the worst, but Vicodin rocks. lol! Soft foods with smooth texture are best. Your daughter will get full instruction on what to do from the oral surgeon. Good luck!
I had mine done about 16-18 years ago. Only two things stand out...I went to sleep in one room and woke up in a different room that I had apparently walked to under my own power (crazy!) and my brother kept laughing at me as I tried to drink a chocolate shake (no straw) while I was still numb...ran all over my face and I had no clue.

I'm sure you'll both come through this just fine, but I understand your wanting to be there for her.
I had mine out just a few years ago-about a month after I got married-not a lot of pain, but LOTS of bruising. Most of my regular customers at my work knew I had just gotten married....and no one believes you when you tell them you had your wisdom teeth out at age 35...
I had mine done when I was 15 and then spent the day home alone that day and the following day. It will be ok. Maybe you can promise to do something special when you get home? or bring home some (inexpensive) flowers or something?

Well she is very excited my mother is coming and making her all sorts of goodies.

I will have to use some of my CATS at Jewel and grab her some flowers on the way home. Nice idea, thanks! :koolaid2:

Samantha just got home from her surgery. Hubby says she completely out of it. Good hopefully she will sleep and be calm till I can get out of my F'ing job and go home to take care of her.