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Word of the Day


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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Okee dokee folks, the deal is this. Pick a word that you think is cool and give us the meaning of it! :)

My favourite word today is:

defenestrate it means to throw out a window. :D
acquiesce it means: to accept, comply, or submit passively. :tongue:
obsequious it means to be servile or defferent
mitohondry - at least I missed my today :(

1) resembling oil, oily, containing oil
2) marked by an offensively ingratiating manner/quality
roister - to engage in noisy revelry; carouse
1 a : a native or inhabitant of Bohemia b : the group of Czech dialects used in Bohemia
2 often not capitalized a : VAGABOND, WANDERER; especially : GYPSY b : a person (as a writer or an artist) living an unconventional life usually in a colony with others
- bohemian adjective, often capitalized
oleaginous \oh-lee-ADGE-uh-nuss\ (adjective)
1 : resembling or having the properties of oil : oily;
also : containing or producing oil
*2 : marked by an offensively ingratiating manner or quality
oligophren - partially cuz I have such essential bumps on my cruel ... also this is my type of character ...
sanguineous \san-GWIH-nee-uss\ (adjective)
1 : bloodred
*2 : of, relating to, or involving bloodshed : bloodthirsty
3 : of, relating to, or containing blood
CEPHALOTHORAX \se-fAll-OTH-Rax\ - such abdomenal branch od body betveen knees and neck. Big CEPHALOTHORAX is the reason why some species can see their soles only in mirror.
lachrymose \LAK-ruh-mohss\ (adjective)
1 : given to tears or weeping : tearful
2 : tending to cause tears : mournful
diastolic murmur - something inside You sometimes do this mur-mur-mur ... in this case doctor recommends to consume more wisky and tobacco on daily basis

the production of offspring completely unlike either parent