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Worried about my chicken kitty!


Part Of The Furniture
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He's throwing up and he won't eat! My dd is freaking out! and so am I. I am bringing him to the vet first thing in the morning. :( Chicken kitty please be ok.
give kitty some catnip....create a diversion. :lol:
My vet once recommended baby food when my cat stopped eating to stimulate her appetite. I hope your kitty feels better.
My cat did this earlier this year and it turned out to be hairballs!

So hope that's all it is!
That stink's hope the kitties will be ok *hugs* from my furry kids
I hope your kitty is feeling better soon!
I hope it turns out to be something short term/easy to fix. It's so sad when pets are sick. :pout:
We bought him a stocking filled with cat toys for christmas. I am afraid he chewed one up and swallowed something. I threw every fricking thing out. Cause he threw up earlier and some of one of the toys came up! So mad I wish I didn't buy it.
Hope your kitty is better soon. Let us know what the doc says.
Chicken kitty has it stuck in his stomach and colon. He is having oral endoscopy (sp) to have it removed from his stomach. Don't want to chance it going through the small intestine. The one in the colon is going to pass out thru the poop shoot! ****! My poor cat. I will never ever buy him cat toys again!
Oh nooooooooooo poor kitty. Just happy he has a GREAT owner who took care of him properly! {{HUGS}}
I am just so sad for my happy kitty right now. i am worried it is gonna change him. So far the damage is $1385.00! Oh and plus the $169.00 for the xray from the vet. I had to bring him to a Internal Medicine Vet and thats where the $1385.00 is coming from
Just continue to love him! He will be the same kitty once he is home with you. He is obviously loved very much. I am sure he knows it and feels it!

I hate to hear bad news about animals. BUT I am sooooo very happy that he has a dedicated owner who is taking care of him despite the huge vet bills. He is a blessed kitty.
Just continue to love him! He will be the same kitty once he is home with you. He is obviously loved very much. I am sure he knows it and feels it!

I hate to hear bad news about animals. BUT I am sooooo very happy that he has a dedicated owner who is taking care of him despite the huge vet bills. He is a blessed kitty.


As for toys, cats will play with just about anything that they can roll or scoot around. :giggles: Even a crumpled up piece of paper can be fun.
Well I was giving him homemade toys in the house. But my dd has been bugging me to buy things for him. So, we were out and she saw a stocking full of cat toys and I said sure its Christmas we will give him on Christmas morning :( Uno something special. I feel so bad.
Well I was giving him homemade toys in the house. But my dd has been bugging me to buy things for him. So, we were out and she saw a stocking full of cat toys and I said sure its Christmas we will give him on Christmas morning :( Uno something special. I feel so bad.

Don't beat yourself up. Cats get into mischief. It happens. You're taking such good care of him - he's lucky to have you.