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Writing your own books?


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Have you ever wrote your own books or short stories? And, how have they turned out for you? I have various books and short stories underway but I lack the dedication to complete any of them. From time to time I work on them and maybe one day I will complete them. Really I'm more of a poetry person as they're quick and easy. I've managed to get my poetry published by Forward Poetry and Young Writers multiple times. However what I would really like is to have my own stories published. I'm working on The Winged Children, The Life of Danny (unconfirmed title) and The Life of Sam. All three of them started as English projects which I've decided to continue and expand on. I also have a series of unfortunate events spin off that I wrote as an English assignment but I'm not quite sure where that is, if I find it it's almost ready to be published as a short story. Anyway, how about you?
I've started writing countless books but I've never finished any. I always get bored of the story and give up. I may try harder and take things more seriously later on in life.
I've started writing countless books but I've never finished any. I always get bored of the story and give up. I may try harder and take things more seriously later on in life.
For me I don't get bored of the story, I have too many distractions in life. Too much fun things to do that prevent any kind of productive work to happen. For me poetry is better because I can do it in five minutes and then I can do whatever I want too.
The amount of novels I have started is too many to count, the amount I've actually finished is 0. I've written short prose pieces, a few were published in a charity anthology a group of creative writers had written in college - but other than that I haven't done much about them other than post a few of them on my blog here - I had started them so long ago, around 3 years ago, that I'm not sure when I'll start writing again. It's a shame, I enjoyed it a lot.
Fun fact I was in the middle of a story and then a book got published basically identical to the one I was writing so naturally I stopped.

I've started loads and I did finish one so I'm thinking of going over it and improving it sometime :)
I'm not good when it comes to writing books . I have tried it a few times but it's too boring for me.

But when it comes to poems, it's something that I love so much. I get inspiration from almost anything that I come in contact with and I can write a poem off of it.
I have attempted to write books on several occasions, however, it never works out for me. There's a lot that goes into writing a book, most importantly it takes a lot of creativity, which I do not possess. With this being said, I would absolutely love to write a book and publish, but I will never make it that far lol.
I have written and published half a dozen books, one of which is a print book and the others are ebooks and print-on-demand books. Most of my books are poetry and fiction. I have written for adults as well as kids.