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Xbox Live... Is it worth it?


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Alright, I'm not big into using my Xbox. In fact, I only have 5 games. But, I was thinking about getting Xbox Live for Capcom VS. SNK 2. The only question I have is - is it really worth it?
imo it's not right now...but that depends on the tpe of games you're in to... i have had it since it came out, but none of the games out there are really worth making me plug it up just yet...

most people are only on it to chat and to get their name in the record books (which is a good reason to start playing now)...but if you're not a stat **** you're not playing it all that much...

i personaly think official MS sports titles suck, so that rules out like half of the online library for me... Unreal Championship is cool, but if you've got Unreal 2004 for PC it's no big whoop... the mech games are cool and all... probably the only thing worth playing right now..
... Alright, well, here's another question. Is it full of little kids who cheat? I can't stand those little.... ;p
Ok here's an honest unbiased opinion.:delight: Ok XBOX Live is great if you like online gaming. We have all the sports titles except EA's, Racing, FPS, Futuristic Combat, and etc. There's no cheating on XBOX Live and since Microsoft and the developers make patches they can constantly plug up any holes. The communicator adds alot more depth to the online experience and makes games that require team work alot more fun to play. Who wants to type and play Unreal at the same time? Yeah that's what I thought and you can't forget about additional content that can be downloaded which increases the longevity of your games. Yeah there will be the occational person that keeps whinning or yelling intentionally trying to ruin the experience but you can always mute them. So my score for XBOX Live would be a 9.9 just for the simple fact that XBOX Live ver. 2 will be better.
Probably when the next xbox comes out.

Anyways, I think Xbox Live is really fun. There is some people who purposely try to get annoying, but you just mute them if you dont want to hear them. Right now I'm playing PSO for Xbox and am totally hooked on it. I will be playing that game for more than 10 hours a day sometime. There are only 2 Microsoft sports titles out. A football and a baseball. The others are SEGA sports titles.
The Microsoft Baseball game hasn't come out yet so the big M has only one online sports game. "Yeah and when I said ver. 2 I'm talking about for XBOX Next
xbox live isnt worth getting right now unless you want to play pso or are into playing against people in sports games.
I want to get XBL but I dont have BB. :sidestare
If you want XBL ask yourself

Do you like playing only Sega Sports online?
Do you like playing only 2d fighters online, Capcom vs SNK 2 to be exact?
Do you like playing FPSs, because XBL is about to be loaded with them?
Do you like shooter games in the vein of MechAssult?
Do you like racing games online?
Do you like MMORPGs?

If the answer is yes to all of them, XBL is for you.
I'm not a big fan of FPS, don't flame me for that, but, I'm sure that when I can find a way to get Live (satellite at the new house), I'll get it, so I can play MechAssault.
First of all if you have broadband and a Xbox YES Xbox Live is something you have to get eventually. I just finally got mine working and it is like it opened up a new deminsion of gaming for me.

Sure, I game online on the PC but this is different in many ways. Becuase you are playing with other people and talking to them, forming alliances, etc gameplay can actually be affected.

This is most apparent in Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II were you can trade, do quest together, etc, etc. If you are an RPG fan I would DEFINATELY recommend getting this game and Xbox Live. THe only catch is after 2 months of having PSO you have to pay $9 a month to keep playing, but if your addicted to it like its crack (like I am) a measly $9 is worth it.

If you want to buy it though I suggest you do it NOW because in a few weeks the current Xbox Live starter kit will go off the market and a new one which cost $70, as opposed to $50 will be coming out. Why the $20 increase? It comes with a full, Mech Assault game which is one of the better games on LIVE and also the $50 for the first LIVE starter was a limited time thing trying to get plenty of members on.

Besides the many LIVE games right now there are a lot of great ones to look forward to like Dead or ALive Online, True Fantasy Live Online, Halo 2, Project GOtham Racing 2, Unreal 2, and Doom3 & Half-Life 2 LIVE play possibly.

Hell there is even more reasons to get it but I don't want to bore you ;)
I think Live is worth it. There's a lot of fun games out currently and more to come.
personally I cannot see the point behind XboxLive or any other games console going online, and letting players duell in the Internet.

It's a bit of a stupid thing to have three different major consoles which are planning to (or already have) brought out Systems similar to XboxLive.

It's like having one Internet for Mesh PCs, one for Dell PCs, etc.

Sure the comparison isn't Grade A, but it underlines what I find is the greatest problem - lack of compatibility.

Of course it's great that all the Xbox freaks can game amongst each other, but the system would be truly revolutional if you could play a game on your Gamecube against somebody using an Xbox. Considering the fact that many games titles are released for more than just one platform, this would be something pretty interesting....

Until it comes along though, I will remain sceptical.
That would be an impossibility though because of how Xbox Live is setup. Unless Sony or Nintendo's plans come even close to matching the Live plan and how it works than that couldn't happen.

Plus any Xbox Live game is on Microsoft servers and not private game servers. That is the only real problem with Xbox Live is that developers have no complete controler over the servers which their games are on. That is why EA doesnt do online games for Xbox and so on.
i am not going to lie
i think the xbl id good and on but i dont get on as much as i thought i would

the only time i get on is to download levels and thats it...
every now and then i well play with others...but rarely