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xbox mod


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Anyone have experience in Xbox mods? I plan to work on mybox soon, afterall, it's a p3! My first mission is to find a nice mod chip, and it will take a bit of research. Any suggestions? Thanks
I had one of the guys in our IRC Chat mod my xbox for me. Chameleon modchip + 160GB hard drive. He did a fantastic job, and I couldn't be happier with the results.

Some of my favorite uses for the modded xbox... Xbox Media Player/Center and MAMEoX.
Diesel said:
I had one of the guys in our IRC Chat mod my xbox for me. Chameleon modchip + 160GB hard drive. He did a fantastic job, and I couldn't be happier with the results.

Some of my favorite uses for the modded xbox... Xbox Media Player/Center and MAMEoX.

Excellent would have included a nice little switch in the back to turn the mod off when you play xbox live. /me glares at someone whose name starts with an A. Not like that matters any more since Micro$oft is now doing checks against non-stock hard drives. Click here for the proof.
lowmazda said:
Excellent would have included a nice little switch in the back to turn the mod off when you play xbox live. /me glares at someone whose name starts with an A. Not like that matters any more since Micro$oft is now doing checks against non-stock hard drives. Click here for the proof.

that smartxx.com thing for real?
I was just showing the info from the top post, there is other info in that thread regarding SmartXX's potential fix. When I was reading on the hard drive detection, I thought there would have to be a way to trick it. Obviously each drive is going to have an ID string associated with it to identify. If they are only using a handful of drive models and they query against the drive and find you are running something else, they can consider the system modded. I don't bother with XBox Live, while the idea is nice, you can still use tunneling software for quite a few of the Live enabled games.
Keep in mind, guys, that modding your Xbox not only voids your warrenty, but disallows you from using the Xbox Live software. Just thought that I would let you know.
As is being discussed, there are ways around that. Most of the mods included a way of booting to the MS BIOS, in essense shutting the mod off.
My mod just uses a particular keypress when booting the xbox. If I just hit the power button, it boots to the mod. If I hit the eject button and hold it for 3 seconds, it boots to the MS BIOS, and I can play Xbox live.

This is a separate issue from the hard drive detection that lowmazda is posting about.
I love my mod chip. As for Live, you can still play it. Voiding your warranty? Big deal. Usually the drives go out and since you got a mod chip you can just replace the drive.

I am sorry I waited so long.
TSOP Falshing Tutorial

I recently prepared my own tutorial based on the great work of others, I had problems deciding on the best method to go about Flashing the TSOP and spent many hours reading tons of diffrent methods and tutorials I complied these Tutorials with photos scavenged over the net and came up with my One-stop complete easy Tutorial with all steps detailed.
you can see it here:


Please have a look and let me know if anything is missing I've spent over 40 hrs on the Tutorial so far....
It's been a while since I've checked in on the xbox mod scene but I've got an x-ecutor mod chip.. the lite version (no soldering) and I'm pretty happy with it. It even comes with external switches to turn the chip on/off, or switch between the 2 BIOS banks; was very easy to install, and there's even a little LED on it too :p

It was inexpensive but the wait for my chip order (online) was tedious, but I guess waiting 2 weeks isn't so bad. I still consider myself a novice at all this, but I believe I made the right choice in chip.

www.xbox-scene.com is an invaluable resource for xbox modding. I mean it's THE site! I went there to decide if I wanted to mod my xbox. I went there to prepare myself while waiting for my modchip to arrive. I went there for everything else I needed and then some... Hrm now I want to play with my xbox now.. :p
anyone know anyone that mods xbox, like I send them my xbox they add the hardrive modchips and all that fun software stuff? I have one guy that im looking at but his is extremely expensive, but he gets the job done...its around 280+$ with him(but his allows xbox live to work with some hardrive), as said my freind got his done and says this is overpriced, im looking at a 160gig hardrive, that software to copy xbox backups to the hardrive and all that...if anyone knows anyone legit about it and does it for less then 280+$ email me or post a reply or so, my email is tapeworm@optonline.net

Thanks :eek:hboy: