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XBOX? What kind of name is That?!


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Have you ever wondered why they call the Xbox the "x.....box".

I mean that name MEANS nothing in the gaming world. All it says to me is a box with an X on it. And granted it that's what it is but, it doesn't represent a gaming console.

The PS2 stands for "play" "station" and, were not stupid, that makes sense in gaming. The Game cube makes sense too. So does the N64, having 64 bits. The SNES, We all know what that stands for! And the Nes, etc.

I could go on and on, I could also argue the fact that as new gaming consoles come out there names get shorter and more confusing. NES stood for "Nintendo entertainment system". And now a days we have "THE PHANTOM". WHAT THE MOTHER CRAP IN HER PANTS IS THAT!!!

Anyway, the point of the thread....Why do they call the XBOX, the......... "XBOX" ???????

Ever thought about it????
Cause M$ are lazy they couldn't think of anything to put in front of box, usually by x it mean algebra where x could mean any number or word, so, in theory, x could = ****
Xtra features like DVD players, hard drives, and CD rippers in a box. Put it together... Xbox.
So "Xbox" means "extra features inside a box".........

No I don't think thats it. Maybe it means "Extreme Box"................
Or maybe it just doesn't have a meaning at all and they felt like calling it Xbox. How about that one.
Well, let's see...it's a BOX...and there's a big X on the top. Put it all together and you get......Xbox!

I can honestly say that the name Xbox is easily 10x better than the name Gamecube. :p
Code..........no, thats wrong, YOUR WRONG !!! THJINK UP SOMETHING BETTER!!!!!


On another note, I had no clue Xilicon, was codephonex. Learn something new everyday.
Glad you changed your name back. For a while I was wondering where you had gone, and all along you've been here.
Pretty much the oldest member of wired gamers is Code Phonex guys............WORSHIP HIM!!!! (not really)
Well umm I guess you guys don't read up on Xbox at all. When Xbox was being developed Microsoft let people know it would use "DirectX" graphics technology and of course this would be inside some sort of casing, or a box.

Microsoft was going to name it something else but the codename Xbox stuck with people so well that they kept the name. You guys act like it was the first crappy name choice. I mean what is so creative about Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, PlayStation2, etc?
I was just wondering so I asked, don't get all evil on me.......:CRY: :CRY: MEANY!!!

<<look what you did you made buster cry by yelling at him and telling him his wrong>>