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Year Round School


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In some countries they have started to do this, and they have in the United States as well. There was a private school I was thinking about applying at here in Minnesota, that used this system - year round school years. Instead of getting one long summer break, you got three one month long breaks every year.

It was three months school, then a one month break - and it was like that three times a year, and then you advance onto the next grade.

Would you like this style of school better, or the original nine months strait, and a long three month summer break? And I know they do this in other parts of the country, my cousin who lives out in California has school this way.

I think I would like the year round school better. You get a break in all of the seasons, just not summer - which meens a lot more snowboarding for me. :)
i love my skateboarding, so i love the system were in :) well i dont love it, school isnt great but i say that they shouldnt change the system ;D
Nine months straight is a little long for me, anyways. I would love those month long breaks inbetween. They would probably help my accademics, too, because I wouldn't get so sick of school so fast.
i think it would work very well, as long as the month break isnt during winter. i wouldnt want a month of no school and lots of snow.
you take nine months with no break!!!
the country i live in operates like this:
4 months school, 1 month winter break, 4 months school then 3 months summer break
at UMD (and i imagine the majority of universities) have fall semester, then a month or month and a half of winter break, then spring semester, then 2 and a half or 3 months of summer break. you have the option of taking classes during the winter or summer, so it's like school all year round, but it costs a lot and is not part of regular tuition
Well, from what I remember, I got...

Well, I can't remember, really - All I remember is that the biggest break we had was 6 months long, ~July21 to Sept9th.

The rest of the time, we had a fair few breaks, about 1 or 2 weeks long.

This 3:1 system sounds better though. A break in the winter... I'd like that.
The thing about having "longer, extended breaks" distributed throughout the year, rather than having a week in the fall, a week in the spring, and two weeks at Christmas (which is how my county's school system works it), is twofold:

1.) It's a lot easier to forget things between breaks. Imagine taking a final exam for a class that you've been in for over ten months.

2.) It's not really a break except in that little short break between the end of one grade level and the beginning of another. There's nothing to stop teachers from assigning massive amounts of projects, essays, and papers over the break. Plus, you still always have to worry about other long-term assignments, like readings, quizzes, and tests.

In sum, it's a VERY bad idea that only puts more stress on students.
We have 3 terms. Half way through each term we have a week break. At the end of the term we have two weeks off. The ned of terms are Easter, Christmas and then we get a summer break from 20th July to September 4th approx. I like it this way.
In the uk is is set to BE changed but weather it does or notis another question..

It was going to be turned into 5 terms with only 3 week intevals of holidays. I'm still not too sure weather it is to be decided or not but me personally agree with it.
I wish that American educatin could rank up there with the asian countries, and perhaps year-round schools is a way to start this. In the current world where America is the superpower, do we also want to be the super-dummies?
Well we aren't, seeing how we still have the best technology in almost every field. Here is how it works. Those smart asians come and work for the Americans, because that is where the money is at. ;)
Originally posted by Fade
I wish that American educatin could rank up there with the asian countries, and perhaps year-round schools is a way to start this. In the current world where America is the superpower, do we also want to be the super-dummies?

That's only because American education is centered around free, public education, where students can do what they want. In a lot of Asian and European countries, they control what types of schools students can go to based on aptitude and performance. You're told what you're going to do with your life. Sure, it works out better, but that's extremely un-American.

In those systems, all the dumb kids are weeded out and cut from the statistics very early on.
Originally posted by Advance
Sure, it works out better, but that's extremely un-American.

... Doesn't that say something about America?;p
Originally posted by Lord Lupus

... Doesn't that say something about America?;p

Only that we place equal opportunity above all else. I'd prefer that to being ordered around like some brain-slave.
Originally posted by Advance
In those systems, all the dumb kids are weeded out and cut from the statistics very early on.
And in those systems, the kids tend to work harder as well, so they can move on in education. I doubt those school systems have close to as many slackers as in the American/Canadian public schools.
Originally posted by Attrox

And in those systems, the kids tend to work harder as well, so they can move on in education. I doubt those school systems have close to as many slackers as in the American/Canadian public schools.

Well yeah, there's no doubt that American kids are still dumber internationally. I'm just saying that they're not as dumb as the statistics would like you to believe. Part of it is systemic.