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How many white lies do you tell?
[SIZE=+1]Your score =

[SIZE=+2]What does your score mean?[/SIZE]The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - that seems to be your motto. In most situations, you don't hesitate to tell it like it is, regardless of your impact on other people's feelings. Chances are you truly believe that honesty is the best policy - and in the majority of cases, you may be right. With regards to some more delicate areas, however, a white lie now and then may actually be the kind thing to do. What harm is it, for example, to pretend you like the gaudy doily your grandmother crocheted for you? Use your judgment to decide whether telling the truth is the right thing to do in different situations. And when you do choose to shoot from the hip, make sure you do it a gentle, sensitive way. People will be more likely to listen if you show respect for their feelings.[/size]
[SIZE=+2]Results of "The Test" How many white lies do you tell?
[SIZE=+1]Your score = [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+2]What does your score mean?[/SIZE]You seem to believe in the virtue of honesty, but don't apply it blindly without consideration for the specifics of the situation. You level with others when it seems like the best thing to do, but also know when it's better to keep your mouth zipped. The truth, you know, can be cruel and sometimes it's simply kinder to tell a little fib. If you've ever seen the movie Liar Liar, you know what can happen if we share everything we think! Continue using your judgment, and make sure you soften the harsh truth when you do decide to deliver it.[/size]
Interesting results! This should prove interesting!
They are giving clone answers just like the other test.