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Your first car

I drove an old model car in 1981, so long ago I cant remember the name...so old. lol
So how many people had their first car bought for them by their parents? Bought mine and taxed/insured it myself!

Every car I have owned and currently own are all purchased by me with hard earned money. My parents told me that if I wanted to drive, it was my responsibility to pay for my car and everything involved with it including registration, insurance, maintenance and modifying costs.

I wish I had the assistance in buying a car but now that I look back, I appreciate it because without me working hard for what I own, I would never have appreciated it and treated the car like I would like to be treated. Many times before have I seen young kids who get handed the keys to a brand new car by their parents and what happens? They end up smashing the car or not caring about what happens to it mechanically or cosmetically because they have this mentality that their parents bought them the car so they should fix anything and everything that goes wrong with it.

When I have kids, I'll teach them the importance of hard earned money and they will definitely be buying their own cars with their own money so they can understand and appreciate the value of money.
Every car I have owned and currently own are all purchased by me with hard earned money. My parents told me that if I wanted to drive, it was my responsibility to pay for my car and everything involved with it including registration, insurance, maintenance and modifying costs.

I wish I had the assistance in buying a car but now that I look back, I appreciate it because without me working hard for what I own, I would never have appreciated it and treated the car like I would like to be treated. Many times before have I seen young kids who get handed the keys to a brand new car by their parents and what happens? They end up smashing the car or not caring about what happens to it mechanically or cosmetically because they have this mentality that their parents bought them the car so they should fix anything and everything that goes wrong with it.

When I have kids, I'll teach them the importance of hard earned money and they will definitely be buying their own cars with their own money so they can understand and appreciate the value of money.

Good for you :) Can you believe I got a negative prop for even just asking the question! I think Ive upset someone for suggesting they should pay their own way!
Good for you :) Can you believe I got a negative prop for even just asking the question! I think Ive upset someone for suggesting they should pay their own way!

There's no reason someone should be upset over suggesting that they should pay their own way. I believe it's a personal opinion and it depends on the situation you're in. I'm sure we would all love to have brand new cars bought for us by our parents but reality is, we aren't fortunate enough but although our families lack in the financial situation means we realise that life isn't a fairy tale and isn't handed to you on a silver platter. I'm sure all the young kids who have it all handed to them now will have no clue at all once their parents leave them stranded in the real world where they have to provide for themselves. Then, and only then will they realize the importance of money.
I was given my first car for free, it was a Toyota Corolla station wagon, i believe late 80's model. I absolutely loved it. I got a cool CD Player/Stereo System put in it that I got for my birthday. No car I've had since then has been able to top it.
There's no reason someone should be upset over suggesting that they should pay their own way. I believe it's a personal opinion and it depends on the situation you're in. I'm sure we would all love to have brand new cars bought for us by our parents but reality is, we aren't fortunate enough but although our families lack in the financial situation means we realise that life isn't a fairy tale and isn't handed to you on a silver platter. I'm sure all the young kids who have it all handed to them now will have no clue at all once their parents leave them stranded in the real world where they have to provide for themselves. Then, and only then will they realize the importance of money.

Exactly my point of view there. I just guess some people dont live in the real world these days and thinks everything comes for free.
My first car was a 1992 Mitsubishi 3000gt vr-4.

I have no idea why my dad bought it for me (I had to make payments, one month I was late he took my keys away for 2 months)
There's no reason someone should be upset over suggesting that they should pay their own way. I believe it's a personal opinion and it depends on the situation you're in. I'm sure we would all love to have brand new cars bought for us by our parents but reality is, we aren't fortunate enough but although our families lack in the financial situation means we realise that life isn't a fairy tale and isn't handed to you on a silver platter. I'm sure all the young kids who have it all handed to them now will have no clue at all once their parents leave them stranded in the real world where they have to provide for themselves. Then, and only then will they realize the importance of money.

wow.....that's a highly generalized and stereotypical statement.

don't get me wrong i commend you on paying for your own car and insurance etc (not being sarcastic) because thats not an easy thing to do

however the fact that you think that someone who's parents gave them a nice car means they won't "survive in the real world" is completely wrong. Yes there are kids who get everything handed to them and they take advantage of it but in actuality its probably only a very small group of people who are like that and the rest actually appreciate what their parents did for them and it makes them work harder in the real world because they've seen their parents work hard their entire life.

people like the kids on the MTV show My Super Sweet 16 are the kind of kids that are likely to end up being shocked when they enter the real world but someone who's parents buy them a nice car at a young age isn't living in a fairy tale thinking money grows on trees. they still understand the importance of money and hard work.
A Vauxhall Nova. Top speed I ever got was about the 120mph mark and it was a 1995 car. Was awesome until it blew the head gasket.

Haha! The exact same story as me! Except my suspension went as well due to going over speed bumps WAAAAY too fast...
My first car was a Nissan Altima. I paid for it all myself. Got it with 80,000 miles on it. It worked well for awhile until the Tranny blew for the second time.
Step dad gave me his old Ford Focus as a hand me down. Man I've had so much fun fish tailing and burning out in that thing it's great. Lightweight frame and a cool air intake, wooo baby she still runs like a champ too. :)
wow.....that's a highly generalized and stereotypical statement.

don't get me wrong i commend you on paying for your own car and insurance etc (not being sarcastic) because thats not an easy thing to do

however the fact that you think that someone who's parents gave them a nice car means they won't "survive in the real world" is completely wrong. Yes there are kids who get everything handed to them and they take advantage of it but in actuality its probably only a very small group of people who are like that and the rest actually appreciate what their parents did for them and it makes them work harder in the real world because they've seen their parents work hard their entire life.

people like the kids on the MTV show My Super Sweet 16 are the kind of kids that are likely to end up being shocked when they enter the real world but someone who's parents buy them a nice car at a young age isn't living in a fairy tale thinking money grows on trees. they still understand the importance of money and hard work.

You're right to an extent in saying that not ALL kids appreciate it but any time I have seen this, the kid has such a big head because he/she is driving an expensive and brand new car and they think they have the right to treat anyone how they want or to drive on the road how ever they want which is wrong. These kids need to wake up to themselves. They need to actually get out there and start working even to pay for insurance, petrol or modifications. I have friends that had their parents buy them cars but they work their **** off to pay for insurance and petrol and everything else they want to do to their cars and you know what... I respect people who do that and are modest and don't talk themselves up like they were the ones who bought the car.
You're right to an extent in saying that not ALL kids appreciate it but any time I have seen this, the kid has such a big head because he/she is driving an expensive and brand new car and they think they have the right to treat anyone how they want or to drive on the road how ever they want which is wrong. These kids need to wake up to themselves. They need to actually get out there and start working even to pay for insurance, petrol or modifications. I have friends that had their parents buy them cars but they work their **** off to pay for insurance and petrol and everything else they want to do to their cars and you know what... I respect people who do that and are modest and don't talk themselves up like they were the ones who bought the car.

true there are kids that let it go to their head....but the people i know who have nice cars don't. I know i'm not part of that group of people. I don't show of my car and act like it's my own and drive like a maniac. I think that has to do with the fact that i'm grateful for the fact that my parents bought me a nice car whereas those kids think they "deserve" a nice car. anyway everyone is entitled to their opinion and i felt like i needed to express mine.
You're right to an extent in saying that not ALL kids appreciate it but any time I have seen this, the kid has such a big head because he/she is driving an expensive and brand new car and they think they have the right to treat anyone how they want or to drive on the road how ever they want which is wrong. These kids need to wake up to themselves. They need to actually get out there and start working even to pay for insurance, petrol or modifications. I have friends that had their parents buy them cars but they work their **** off to pay for insurance and petrol and everything else they want to do to their cars and you know what... I respect people who do that and are modest and don't talk themselves up like they were the ones who bought the car.

That’s a very interesting slant that I hadn’t considered, because I was one of those kids that had to buy the car myself and then pay for everything else, too.

Now that you mention it, over the long-haul it really DOES cost more to keep a vehicle up and to maintain it than the original cash outlay amounted to.

I will give this some serious consideration, since my eldest step-son is not the ungrateful sort, and he is always very thankful for anything he receives.

It’s very timely, too, since Josh has just reached the threshold and his classmates have begun obtaining their learner’s permits.

Thank you.
That’s a very interesting slant that I hadn’t considered, because I was one of those kids that had to buy the car myself and then pay for everything else, too.

Now that you mention it, over the long-haul it really DOES cost more to keep a vehicle up and to maintain it than the original cash outlay amounted to.

I will give this some serious consideration, since my eldest step-son is not the ungrateful sort, and he is always very thankful for anything he receives.

It’s very timely, too, since Josh has just reached the threshold and his classmates have begun obtaining their learner’s permits.

Thank you.

Maintenance is the biggest cost of a car I would say and even if your son has to pay for all of that stuff bar the car, you will see how much more he appreciates what he has and what he has been given because at the end of the day, if you're working your **** off to pay for your own form of transport, you're going to appreciate it more and love it more.
My first car was an Audi 90, its 23 years old now but its still going strong :D
67 Camaro RS. Built 327 w/ powerglide trans. Matching numbers. Frame-off resto w/ perfect original interior.

Sold for $8500 in a pinch in like '90. :(
My first driving experience was with a Grand Vitara costing abour $20,000 with 45,000 miles. Half was financed by my parents the other half I had with some hard earned savings. It´s a nice SUV, though it won´t run against any other cars you´ve guys posted :) Whenever you get your first car the feeling of freedom is just wonderful, you get to go anywhere by yourself!
My dad gifted me a Toyota Corolla way back in 2003. It was a good car and I enjoyed driving it for 3-4 years. Now I drive a General Motors truck, it's such a gas guzzler lol...
You're right to an extent in saying that not ALL kids appreciate it but any time I have seen this, the kid has such a big head because he/she is driving an expensive and brand new car and they think they have the right to treat anyone how they want or to drive on the road how ever they want which is wrong. These kids need to wake up to themselves. They need to actually get out there and start working even to pay for insurance, petrol or modifications. I have friends that had their parents buy them cars but they work their **** off to pay for insurance and petrol and everything else they want to do to their cars and you know what... I respect people who do that and are modest and don't talk themselves up like they were the ones who bought the car.

I don't think it's because their parents bought them a new car, the problem is that their parents spoiled them since they were young making them very arrogant and big headed. Now all that entitlement they feel gets transfered to the road in the way the behave on the road.