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your worst personality trait


Part Of The Furniture
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i have quite a few but one that always comes up is the fact that i can't/won't give up on anything that i've decided to do, whatever it may be. some will say that this is a good trait, but a lot of times it has the opposite effect.

when most people are saying "just give up the ship already dude", i'm still out there plugging away - it can get annoying.

the phrase "beating a dead horse" - is that it? - often comes to mind w/me.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
That's a tough one, since I have so many.
I would say the one that people like the least is my uncontrollable flatulence.

I am Jack's raging inner child. Without me, Jack has to deal with the pitfalls of reality.
I would say my worst trait is the fact that i have a short temper. It isnt the kinda temper that gets you into fights but I get frusturated really easy.

uh yeah . . .
Hey DD,

Yours may be uncontrollable, but mine is LOUDER. And smells much worse too!

Scotty, the native aliens here ARE friendly...
I am extremely impatient...

Alien: ...I mean, your **** makes a noise...that's just...disturbing
I'm very impatient also...but I think worse than that is that I get obsessive...for example I have this game on my computer that has 10 different solitaire games. I like to play it, and refuse to stop until I win all 10, in order. Even if it takes 15 hours.

For me, it's definitely my shyness.
It's an absolute **** - it's costing me friends and women, just because I can't help being so freakin' shy!

Lister from Red Dwarf -
"I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"
I blank out sometimes. When I am talking to someone, I sometimes don't know what to say even though I'm enjoying the conversation. I completely blank out and can't say anything. At those times I just like to listen till my mind clears up.

I also tend to talk alot for two reasons. If I'm really nervous around some people I talk alot. Sometimes I get really shy around some people so it's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

I guess one of my worst though is interrupting people when they are talking. If I get into the conversation and get excited about the topic, I tend to just say what's on my mind and not even realise that I completely interrupted that person. I hate it when I do that, but it does happen.

liltaz: "I'm going to get Nookie for $50 tomorrow."
Hrm. I'd have to say it's letting little things *seriously* get on my nerves. Like, the way this one guy in my office clears his throat just drives me NUTS. I try not to let other people know how much whatever they're doing bugs me, though. Right now, I'm just generally cranky, too. Of course, I'm sure that's prolly hormones.

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." ~ Semi-Sonic
I think it's just not believing enough in myself sometimes. I need to be more aggresive, but I think I'm learning

"I ramble. I am human; I am trapped inside time."
i'm too **** shy with people i don't know. once i get to know someone, i tend to be very outgoing and even loud sometimes, but it's hard to meet new people when i'm so quiet around them.

also i procrastinate too much

"...Another casualty of applied metaphysics." - Hobbes
My inability to stop at things.
Like when I'm playing with my cat, and he wants to go, I don't let him. Often times in band, I don't stop when the conductor wants me to. Also, on situations that may get me in trouble and whatnot, I just don't stop when I need to. Gets on my nerves, but I usually glide past it somehow...

Sit back, buckle up, and strap yourself in...this will be a bumpy ride on a joy ride!
Hey, it's the least I can do, and you know that's all I do
must be that i can sit and go at what ever i'm doing for hours. loose track of time. and get into trouble. but hey thats o.k. as long as i'm enjoying what i'm doing. hehehe people ask me how i can sit in one spot for sooo long doing what i'm into. I think i can see that as a bad trait. well maybe.

"When do u no ur ready 4 1 thing or anything?"
liltazzy. u impatient. i can't believe that.

"When do u no ur ready 4 1 thing or anything?"
*kicks zoopy*

Alien: ...I mean, your **** makes a noise...that's just...disturbing
i guess i'm w/many of you
mainly i have a short temper (unless you are a good friend, then i can somehow control it)
but otherwise it's short
impatience, irritibility, anger, all because of it, argh

I have to say that I have a temper, too. I usually keep it under control, but whenever someone pushes me, too far...

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

I'm just a quick pee. - liltaz, fastest pee in the West!

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
Bah, I have too many to mention, but my worst would probably be my temper/sensitivity.
I also have to add very litte patience with stupidity and rudeness. If you're stupid because you can't help it (learning disability, etc.), that's fine, but if you're just being stupid because you're lazy or don't feel like learning, it'll seriously piss me off. Like the people who have the important job titles and just sit on their **** doing nothing but taking credit for other people's work without ever bothering with a please or a thank you even when they get you up from your freaking lunch break to do something they **** well could've done for themselves if they weren't too much of an idiot to look for where it's saved in the computer. ::takes a breath:: Can anyone tell that I have serious problems with someone at my job right now? Ugh.

"Scars are souvenirs you never lose." ~ GooGoo Dolls
*ouch woman* hey alien. how come you let the moderators kick people in here... well i never...

"When do u no ur ready 4 1 thing or anything?"