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Lesbian couple chemically alter adopted 11-year old son into a pseudo-girl


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Regardless of my views on homosexuality, this is WRONG. This is definitive child abuse.

The sexual molestation that inevitably results (see here, here, and here) is hardly the only reason that the liberal push for more homosexual adoption is morally abhorrent. How can it be called decent to put children into situations like this?

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl ? defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young.Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.
[Adoptive guardians] Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel warn that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.

Whereas if they are freakified through grotesque medical practices best left on the Island of Doctor Moreau, they live happily ever after. Just ask Nancy Verhelst. No wait, you can?t; she had herself put out of her misery like a deformed dog.
Thomas?s transition into a make-pretend girl began at age eight. His guardians are inflicting hormone suppressants to prevent him from developing a male voice, broad shoulders, and facial hair. If this doesn?t qualify as child abuse, the statutes need to be rewritten.
Whatever the motivations involved in this particular situation, given the pathological fear and hatred of males that often characterize women who base their identities on being lesbians, situations like this are an inevitable consequence of homosexual adoption and the bizarre moonbat notion that a person?s sex can be altered. The progressive ruling class is dragging the rest of society down a path that cannot lead to anything healthy.


defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young.Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.
[Adoptive guardians] Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel warn that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.

Yeah... until the child possibly grows to an age where they have better explored themselves and realise that they wanted to be a boy all along.

There are reasons children require guardians are required to allow or disallow permission for the majority of things concerning a minor - for their own well-being.

You cannot know for sure that a young child at the age of eleven is certain that they want to change their gender, which is why the majority of decisions for sex changes can usually only be used after the child reaches an older age where they are able to think clearly and surely for something which will change their future.

What happened to parents wanting the best for their children?
I hope these parents are forced into prison if the child finally decides at an older age that they do not want to be female any more, considering it was a decision they made from the age of eight. UGH.
I couldn't agree more, [MENTION=1403]Han[/MENTION]. No baby of that age has ANY clue what sexuality is even about, let alone if he wants to live his life as a boy or not!
What pisses me off further is, who the **** are these idiot doctors who agreed to maim this child like this??!? They need to have their medical licenses revoked and stand trial for child abuse right alongside the 2 "mothers".
I couldn't agree more, [MENTION=1403]Han[/MENTION]. No baby of that age has ANY clue what sexuality is even about, let alone if he wants to live his life as a boy or not!
What pisses me off further is, who the **** are these idiot doctors who agreed to maim this child like this??!? They need to have their medical licenses revoked and stand trial for child abuse right alongside the 2 "mothers".

No medical practitioner in their right mind would inflict such a thing onto someone at that age. I can't even explain how large a facepalm I feel inside about humanity, but cannot act upon because I simply do not have a face or palm large enough.
If the kid wants to be a girl, he can be a girl.

I honestly don't care.

So hypothetically, you wouldn't care if you thought you wanted to be a girl at the age of eight and your parents allowed you to receive the chemical enhancements that effected the way your body grew as young as eleven?

I mean, at the time you wanted to be a girl; so you should be a girl, right?
Whatever the motivations involved in this particular situation, given the pathological fear and hatred of males that often characterize women who base their identities on being lesbians, situations like this are an inevitable consequence of homosexual adoption and the bizarre moonbat notion that a person?s sex can be altered.

Article is invalid, author is a ****ing moron. The fact he doesn't address facts (such as was it the child's decision to become a woman, for example) shows he's just trying to fear-monger and promote homophobia. Anyone who takes this seriously... well, maybe a mental health checkup is in order, because obviously they're not playing with a full deck.
If the kid wants to be a girl, he can be a girl.

I honestly don't care.

And that right there is one of the biggest problems with society today. All that is required for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing. Just like Phossix would. Sad.
So hypothetically, you wouldn't care if you thought you wanted to be a girl at the age of eight and your parents allowed you to receive the chemical enhancements that effected the way your body grew as young as eleven?

I mean, at the time you wanted to be a girl; so you should be a girl, right?

Hypothetically, it's none of my **** business.

Article is invalid, author is a ****ing moron. The fact he doesn't address facts (such as was it the child's decision to become a woman, for example) shows he's just trying to fear-monger and promote homophobia. Anyone who takes this seriously... well, maybe a mental health checkup is in order, because obviously they're not playing with a full deck.

So you're under some deluded impression that a CHILD of 11 years old, has the mental capacity and experience to decide a different gender???
I think the one who needs a mental health check is you.
Didn't you support farting and pissing on people a couple of weeks ago?

I did. I thought it was a hilarious story and I'd have done the same **** thing if I'd been there. What of it?

- - - Updated - - -

Hypothetically, it's none of my **** business.

If you ever have children, that delusion will change.
So you're under some deluded impression that a CHILD of 11 years old, has the mental capacity and experience to decide a different gender???
I think the one who needs a mental health check is you.
And you're under the deluded impression (no, assumption) that the parents are the ones doing it, all by reading a biased article. It's pitiful. Now for a little education.

The mothers say that one of the first things Thomas told them when he learned sign language aged three ? because of a speech impediment ? was, ?I am a girl?.At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning.

Lookie there, I was right. It was the child's decision.
The Endocrine Society found that 75-80% of children who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria before they reached puberty did not have the condition after puberty. Therefore, endocrine treatment is not recommended until after puberty, when a diagnosis of gender dysphoria can be confirmed.

By the fact that they state in the article:
At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning.
This summer, he started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty.
suggests that the child is yet to reach puberty.

Then again, I am unaware of the rules and regulations in America - but I still believe that children should be of a more mature age to make a life-changing decision.
The Endocrine Society found that 75-80% of children who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria before they reached puberty did not have the condition after puberty. Therefore, endocrine treatment is not recommended until after puberty, when a diagnosis of gender dysphoria can be confirmed.

Fair point. But the fact that doctors have OK-ed the treatment makes me think it is one of the 20-25% of cases that would stay afterwards.
Fair point. But the fact that doctors have OK-ed the treatment makes me think it is one of the 20-25% of cases that would stay afterwards.

No one can be sure until the time comes.

Although the treatment he is currently receiving means that he can go through puberty at a later date of 15 if he decides to be a boy, so will finish on average by the age of 21 - children can be cruel and it could possibly have a huge effect on his emotional state. I don't see the harm of waiting just a little bit longer - his shoulders are not likely to broaden hugely and his voice will not drop too significantly until he is older and more mature than 11. He isn't even a teenager yet and he is being allowed to make a huge decision and they are carrying it out.

Edit: I believe being in the news will now place more pressure onto the boy to change his gender, in addition to a large amount of people knowing and disapproving of his condition.