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  1. T

    Can't track down problem with Winamp...

    If you buy the program with a credit card and have a problem with it not working you can contact the credit card company to contest it. We're talking about $25 so it's not a huge amount of money. The only reason I suggested it is because the user interface looked so simple and easy to operate...
  2. T

    Can't track down problem with Winamp...

    I have a very inexpensive and good quality solution for you. Tricerasoft has a program called Just Karaoke. You can download the demo and try it before you buy. I just went to a show where a Karaoke host was using it and the sound was very good. It's very simple to use and the search looked like...
  3. T

    karaoke computer program?

    Rockit doesn't do Karaoke and that's too bad, I probably would have bought it already. It would be great to have a really good program to do both Karaoke and DJ. I've asked Rick and he won't add Karaoke to Rockit. He's mentioned several times that he doesn't like Karaoke and has no intention of...
  4. T

    karaoke computer program?

    Download and try the Sax n Dotty demo. I don't use it myself, but it seems to be very popular in my area. I may give it another looksee. I sang a song the other day and they were using Sax n Dotty, I asked for the key to be lowered 4 half steps and the music didn't sound distorted, that...
  5. T

    Karaoke Book Software

    I recently purchased a large Latin music collection of over 400 CDs and also over 100 Karaoke disks and I was looking for a way to make a list once I ripped all of them to my computer. Our brother here at ODJT, Hank, recommended a program called Tagscanner when I inquired about getting something...