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  1. Putter

    Most boring sport

    I have played tennis before, but actually watching it on TV is hard for me to do. I prefer actually playing the games as opposed to watching any. Of course, playing tennis has a lot of action involved and watching it is just a back and forth action. I guess I have attention deficit disorder...
  2. Putter

    Should there be a salary cap in baseball

    Our sports stars are idols to most people, but their paychecks sometimes seems a bit high to me. There's one thing to be earning enough to want to continue playing, but to earn so much money that it's just a fountain of excess? I know a lot of the players live in the lap of luxury because of...
  3. Putter

    Golf - not just for puttering around

    I think the problem I have is keeping my arms straight in the swing. Then the next issue is how straight I am pulling the club back before I hit it. Finally, I know that I need to be lining my feet up properly and hitting the ball in the right place on the club. This combination of things makes...
  4. Putter

    Golf - not just for puttering around

    Yes, I have the same problem myself. I know for a fact that my technique is way off. I keep hitting the balls too much to the left. I have been shown how to do this properly a few times, but they always seem to end up off down the left side of the yard somewhere. I have been using one those...
  5. Putter

    The St Louis Blues

    I haven't lived in Missouri for years so I haven't been keeping up with this team in quite some time. I am curious what has been happening with them? The last I recall hearing about them was in about 1990 before I had moved out of the state. I know they had about 40+ wins that year. Has anyone...
  6. Putter

    Golf - not just for puttering around

    Golf has taken on a lot of dynamics over the years. Some people play for entertainment. Some play for relaxation and relief from stress. Even others play golf for tournaments and big name prizes. Golfing has been around since around the middle ages when the Scottish played similar "stick and...