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  1. Siddharth

    A daily reading love thriller is coming to you...Read feel comment...

    Good start Bro........ Pls Continue
  2. Siddharth

    Gadget of the year

    HTC One all the way..................
  3. Siddharth

    Name your band

    Mine would be Buddhh......
  4. Siddharth

    Latest movie you saw

    Man of Steel... Liked it
  5. Siddharth

    Superman: Man of Steel

    Well, I watched it and i liked it. Lets Face It! Superman's story is as old as time and making a movie about superman has its own downfall, everyone knows everything about superman. I think the story was very well adapted to the current time and for the first time in any superman movie that i...
  6. Siddharth

    Do you work out at a gym?

    Jason... Y Blood, Same Blood.......
  7. Siddharth

    Do you believe in destiny

    Well i think that we have two opposite destinies at one set point in life, like roads which separate and the choice that you take matters big time in the larger scheme of things............ :)
  8. Siddharth

    What do you look for in a book

    I go for a good story always........
  9. Siddharth

    Youre My Zing - Hotel Transylvania

    Watched the movie, It is cooolll........... Adam Sandler's voice over was very goooodddd.......
  10. Siddharth

    What are you listening to right now?

    AC \ DC, You Shook Me All Night Long...........
  11. Siddharth

    Which movie are you waiting to watch in 2013 ?

    No, But thank you very much for this info............. :love: [hr] Which film would that be......... [hr] Wow! atlast somebody is remaking a legend of a movie..... Hope they don't mess it up.......... :devil:
  12. Siddharth

    Supernatural? Have u seen it?

    Dude, has been a fan till now............... Watched Season 8 till now, waiting for other eps........... Love where they are taking the storyline
  13. Siddharth

    Do you believe in destiny

    Hmmm..... So you say that you would only think about destiny only if you have a big life changing situation.... But isn't every situation or choice you face life changing in one way or the other.........:erm:
  14. Siddharth


    My fav show is Rurouni Kenshin and Tantei Gakuen Kyu.......... I am not watching any right now.......
  15. Siddharth

    Do you work out at a gym?

    I don't go to a gym, but, i lately started to do some exercises in home... Although i am struggling to get a set time for it.........
  16. Siddharth

    Favortie Tv show?

    Burn Notice, Suits, Arrow, Mentalist and Psych are my fav ones..........
  17. Siddharth

    Do you take New Year resolutions...

    Fair point Braingobbler.......... Thank you for your insight........
  18. Siddharth

    Media Player

    VLC till now......... hasn't seen anything better.....
  19. Siddharth

    Amaan Arrives

  20. Siddharth

    Do you take New Year resolutions...

    Oh! here i thought i was alone in not taking a resolution........