Search results

  1. Smalgov

    Homeland Security Seizes 70+ Websites

    The U.S. government’s crackdown on file sharing and counterfeiting has taken a new and disturbing turn.Yesterday, we reported that the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement office had seized, a site that linked to other sites that hosted and...
  2. Smalgov

    The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December

    Details have been sketchy, and successive reports often contradictory, but what follows is what seems to be looming over us in December. (We will know for sure on Wednesday, November 24 – if the FCC maintains its current December 15 meeting date.) FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski appears...
  3. Smalgov

    How's the weather today?

    It turned out nice here today also - of course I am in shorts - but any sane person would probably have more clothes on - it currently is 54 outside and sunny and clear with a slight breeze.
  4. Smalgov

    How's the weather today?

    34 degrees at the moment - warms to the mid 50's maybe 60 for the last couple of days and sunny. :yay:
  5. Smalgov

    The Giant Image Thread, Post some pictures!

    [NSFW] The Funny **** Pictures Thread: Post a PICTURE or GET OUT Here is an all time loser:
  6. Smalgov

    Feds seize movie piracy websites
  7. Smalgov

    Internet 'Kill Switch' Would Give President Power to Shut Down the Web
  8. Smalgov

    How fast is your internet connection?

    LOL! OK, well here is mine...BFE in KY
  9. Smalgov

    Oil Spill Disaster

    No it's not fixed yet...
  10. Smalgov

    Do you watch any movies online?

    I have used Hulu before, but now with all my research and writing I rarely watch anything except videos online.
  11. Smalgov

    Oil Spill Disaster

    That was a very interesting article, thanks for sharing it. Since I deal with BS government "trucking stuff" all day everyday I have learned to look between the lines when it comes to stuff like this. I understand the frustration and anger that people are having over this oil spill - but I...
  12. Smalgov

    Do you like to read?

    I read trucking magazines I have had a few authors send me books about trucking to do reviews on and post on my site. I kind of have the same problem as Dan in which I read so much online I don't feel like reading anything off line. Do comic strips count?
  13. Smalgov

    Oil Spill Disaster

    The point is there are 11,000 BP gas stations, and BP only owns a few of them, most are owned by small business owners. To effectively "hurt" BP one would have to boycott all things made from crude oil. Major uses for crude oil: Asphalt Diesel Fuel oils Gasoline Kerosene Liquefied petroleum...
  14. Smalgov

    Oil Spill Disaster

    Uhhh...boycotting BP Gas will not do anything but make small business owners go broke. BP doesn't own many if any of the BP gas stations.
  15. Smalgov

    ATT: Kansas Primary Seat Belt Law

    I did while I was driving a truck. But now I rarely wear it as I don't drive anymore - I know this is not an excuse. I personally feel like seatbelt usage should be at your own discretion just because of the simple fact that some states don't require a motorcycle helmet either.
  16. Smalgov

    ATT: Kansas Primary Seat Belt Law

    From a press release I get: U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today applauded Kansas for enacting a new primary seat-belt law that is expected to save lives, reduce serious injuries and cut medical and other economic costs by more than $70 million. The new Kansas law enables police...
  17. Smalgov

    Twitter - what am I doing wrong

    Well, I guess I would like to be able to get more followers - and keep them. Example: the day before yesterday I picked up over 200 followers - but today I'm back down about 150 less. I realize not everyone is into what I generally tweet about. Which is trucking related...but there are lots of...
  18. Smalgov

    Twitter - what am I doing wrong

    I joined twitter 872 days ago - January 19th, 2008. I have 4000 plus followers, and it generally stays around this number. Sometimes it will go up, and then I follow back and suddenly it will drop - twitter cleaning spammers - I'm sure is what happens. I have used twitter search to find...
  19. Smalgov

    Are you Addicted to Forums?

    I wouldn't say so much addicted to "forums or discussion boards" as to my blog...but I used to be fairly active on lots of different forums with a niche that is like my site - trucking related. The problem I have found with many of the forums I used to frequent quite often is the - content is...
  20. Smalgov

    Do you wear glasses?

    No, I have always had 20/20 or better vision. But, now that I have been diagnosed with diabetes, I will need to keep a closer check on it.