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  1. O

    Favorite childhood books?

    yes, amelia bedelia were great books, i believe they are still in print, i seem to remember buying a few for my sister a year or so ago- she's a school teacher and likes to have lots of little kids books- I did have to search for a while to find them, but barnes and noble had a few.
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    Shrek 2 ... I saw it!

    great movie, just saw it for the second time yesterday. For me, it was funnier the first time because i was with someone who laughs at everything, which makes me laugh at everything too. the cat is soo funny too! i'd say the first one was a bit better, but maybe thats cuz it was something...
  3. O

    What remarkable movie, that I saw tonight

    mmm, vin diesel :nod: I havnt gone to see it yet, but hopefully soon. i just saw the Ladykillers today, and yesterday i saw shrek 2 for the second time. both good movies, shrek 2 was better, but I laughed out loud in both. p.s. I have been without internet access for over 3 weeks, hence...
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    what color do you look best in?

    hmm, lets see, I love blue, especially navy blue, and think thats the best color on me- partly because it brings out the blue in my eyes, or so people have told me.
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    Any Pets? I got a Yorkshire Terrier :P

    I love my pets, the most I had, not counting fish, at one time were 5 cats and 3 dogs (split between my mom and my dads house). I currently have 2 cats and 3 dogs. dogs i have had: golden retriever - murphy- the best dog ever, loved him, died of cancer :( greyhound - oliver- retired racer...
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    Post your desktop

    heres my desktop:
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    Ever do something completely stupid, and then realize it?

    I do that all the time, and for the rest of the day, i'm usually sitting there, thinking just how stupid I was. I could share many many stories about my stupidity, usually stupid comments, but I'll stick with this one. so, i was talking to a cousin of mine (2nd or 3rd cousin that is). he had...
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    who is your Favorite cartoon character?

    hmm, tough question, i'd have to say: gonzo and rizo (the muppets) - "light the lamp, not the rat! light the lamp, not the rat!" - rizo to gonzo the dragon from mulan is pretty funny too and of course strongbad there's probably more, but thats all i can think of right now
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    shrek 2 is coming may 21!

    just saw a preview for it yesterday, was very excited- a definite must see! :woohoo:
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    Deja Vu

    this article is pretty interesting, gives some theories on deja vu that seem logical and are easily understood. check it out:
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    What do you all look like?

    not the best pic, but it'll do i guess:
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    Deja Vu

    I get it way too often for my comfort. I dont necessarily know what is going to happen next, but i'll feel like a whole conversation has already happened, and as the scene progresses im like, yeah, i remember that. I wonder what the scientific explanation of it is?- aside from it being a...
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    You know your a nerd when...

    you know you're a nerd when: someone asks your name and you respond with your IRC nick you confuse the name of your computer with the name of your g/f / b/f You sign Christmas cards by putting :-) next to your name when your first thought isn't small and furry when you hear the word "mouse"...
  14. O

    do you wear pajamas more than clothes?

    I usually just wear whatever t-shirt i was wearing during the day and either soccor shorts or plaid pj pants. but my question is, do you wear your pj's in public, like outside the home. I'm in the dorms in college, and i can understand people lounging around the dorms in their pj's, but then i...
  15. O

    How do you get your e-mail?

    I have like 4 different accounts, 2 yahoo, school, netscape, and aol- never use aol though, aol is evil