Search results

  1. R

    Do you still buy CDs?

    The last CD that I bought was a from a hardcore band from Florida that came down to a church and played alongside some local bands. It was their EP, and I bought it for only $1. :P I download MP3s mostly.
  2. R

    Favorite Band(s)

    I listen to heavy punk music, such as hardcore, post-hardcore, deathcore, metalcore, and even pop-punk. My favorite bands are Convalesce, Destruction of a Rose, Deception of a Ghost, Amarna Reign, Asking Alexandria, Kingdom of Giants, and a local band named As Eyes Go Blind.
  3. R


    Never turn on the tv when you are working on your homework. Why? Well, you'll get easily distracted and end up doing only 1/4 of your homework. I love to listen to music when I'm killing zombies on L4D2, but I like to do my homework with quietness, or else I won't concentrate.
  4. R


    I never usually listen to rap; I'm more of a hardcore / post-hardcore type of person. However, Eminem is such a great rapper. He's pretty much the only rapper that I will listen to. Lose Yourself is my all-time favorite. His lyrics are so powerful.
  5. R


    I play the guitar and piano. What I really want to do, however, is own a double bass pedal drumset and a synthesizer.
  6. R

    Boring to watch

    I'm not a big fan of watching baseball. Don't get me wrong... it's a great sport and everything, but it's not a fun sport to watch, in my opinion.
  7. R

    If you could create a sport

    Wow, this is a pretty great topic. I would create some kind of sport that involves a new type of ball. I'm not sure what it would be about. It'd take a lot of thinking.
  8. R


    Does anyone here enjoy skateboarding? If so, what all tricks do you know how to do? Also, do you have a local skatepark that you visit?
  9. R

    What's your favourite Sport?

    My favorite sport is skateboarding. I also enjoy playing table tennis and basketball.
  10. R

    How many domains do you own?

    I currently own the and domain names. I have several other domain names, but they're for personal use.
  11. R

    Forums you visit the most

    The forums that I visit the most are Forums Rule!, PostsFrom.Us, and the Dead Frontier forums. I use to visit the ForuMotion support forums a lot; and I even worked there as a staff member. Now, instead of the ForuMotion support forums, I visit the MyBB community.
  12. R

    How long...

    On school weekdays, I usually spend about 8 hours on the internet. It's because I have one online language class and one computer class, plus I get online right when I get back home from school.
  13. R


    I haven't used advertising since, probably, last year. I use to sell banner ad spots on one of my websites for $5 USD monthly.
  14. R


    Currently, we are using Kaspersky Anti-Virus. It's excellent, and I suppose that it's the best antivirus that you can purchase.
  15. R

    Worst Computer Scenario

    I've had a few small trojan viruses before, but they were blocked beforehand by my antivirus software. I take care of my computer and make sure that I never click on any suspicious links.
  16. R

    Most-Visited Websites

    All Google Chrome users should be able to see what their most-visited websites are, considering that it shows them on the Chrome hometab. What are your top most-visited websites?
  17. R

    Favorite Browser?

    My favorite web browser is Google Chrome. Chrome and Firefox are pretty much the leading web browsers. I prefer Chrome because of how simple it looks. Also, you can reopen closed tabs, reopen closed windows, pin/unpin tabs, and so much more. It even displays your most-visited websites on the...
  18. R

    What do you do for a living?

    At the moment, I'm sticking to computer management and web design. My plans for the future is to continue what I'm currently doing, and probably make it a full-time career.
  19. R

    Favourite Drink

    I'm 17, and I'm not interested in any alcoholic beverages or drugs. When I turn 21, I'd probably take a drink or two considering the occasion. But nonetheless, my favorite drink would have to be either Sprite or Baja Blast.
  20. R

    Worse way to die

    Lol, this is hilarious. But no, seriously, the worst way to die, in my opinion, would be burned alive.