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117,000 & other rumours, myths & lies

apparently we are ALL doing this wrong if Proformance is getting $575 for a friday night. so share with the class Pro, how are you doing that?

Chuck the DJ recently had a $950 karaoke night. Maybe we should ask him instead. But then maybe they come out even once you adjust for Hawaii's cost of living. But I think they are both marketing to corporate events, conventions, etc.
In my like I have had many seemingly unsumountable obsticles(elephants to eat) And have found "ignoring the elephant in the room " to be the quitters method and not very effective....so I take them out "one bite at a time"

If you take a closer look at the elephant in your room you will find that it is not something you can eat. Your goal requires that you control the behavior of other people - and that is a power you will never have.

Yes, Sc and others can continue to sue people as a result of their behavior but, ultimately you have no control over the behavior itself.

I remind you that U.S. copyright law has been around for over a century, in Eurpoe much longer. It is a widely understood concept regularly enforced by law suit. Most notably with very public actions by the RIAA and major record labels. Yet, the infringing behaviors continue don't they?

I suggest you refrain from trying to eat this elephant and instead usher him out of the room so that you can focus on making the best use of your own behavior. Right now, it appears that it is the elephant that is controlling you.

Forget i exist

This is not about me. ( per se)
I am not the issue,

Reply to the issues or have the thread deleted.
Come on man!!!

I answered each of your points exactly as you presented them: 1, 2, and 3, precisley as you requested. If you would prefer that I ignore the obvious then by all means accept my alternate reply:

It's hopeless. Somebody needs to do something. The world is a cruel and unfair place and you will need to get everyone else to conform to your needs before you can achieve anything.

How's that workin' for ya so far?
If you take a closer look at the elephant in your room you will find that it is not something you can eat. Your goal requires that you control the behavior of other people - and that is a power you will never have.

I can assit in controlling the behavior of the elephants...my teeth may not be as big and sharp as thoose of the manus
but my bites still hurt (and BTW I have eatten elephant when I was in india and it was tough but very tasty)

Yes, Sc and others can continue to sue people as a result of their behavior but, ultimately you have no control over the behavior itself.

SC and the other manus suing are using the much bigger teeth and anyone with a half a brain will change there own behaviour when thry realize what is going to happen if they dont...even elephants

I remind you that U.S. copyright law has been around for over a century, in Eurpoe much longer. It is a widely understood concept regularly enforced by law suit. Most notably with very public actions by the RIAA and major record labels. Yet, the infringing behaviors continue don't they?

more teeth needed and our grassroots effort will work

I suggest you refrain from trying to eat this elephant and instead usher him out of the room so that you can focus on making the best use of your own behavior. Right now, it appears that it is the elephant that is controlling you.

sorry too many elephants to usher ...and even then they would have to be dealt with....but you are correct we are forced into the reactionary position of dealing with this herd of elephants......let the elephant rodeo continue. My behavior is my choice and I make it with open eyes and realize fully that I could be injured or stepped on by any of the elephants I am fighting against. I am helping not only myself but all of those that are being hurt by there own elephants as well.
sorry too many elephants to usher .....that I could be injured or stepped on by any of the elephants I am fighting against. I am helping not only myself but all of those that are being hurt by there own elephants as well.

It's interesting that you paint this analogy of a circus ring - where elephants parade around and around with you at the center of this parade protecting us all from the dangers of a stampede. Meanwhile - life outside the ring moves on handily without you.

Thank you for the show, but I will not endeavor to lose myself in that ring with you. I'm content that eventually piracy will diminish in the light of new technologies that make it less handy and of little value. I am certain the answer will never be (and never has been) trying to control human behavior through fear.

enjoy the show Pro.....I'll enjoy my time in the ci:laughpill:rcus
Hmm, let's try something different:

When was the last time you discussed a rate increase with your venue?
Do you allow them to use piracy as an excuse not to pay you appropriately for your good work?
we discuss rate increases with each of our venues once each year....we have not received a single increase for over 2 years due to the piracy issues in our area and have lost 5 long term venues to lower cost admitted pirates. Do we allow this NO but it does happen...bars are hurting and looking to save $$ where possible and many clients have followed us to diffrent venues after having seen the pirate shows that may list 3 xs our songs but shi**y shows. Competeing with $50 shows listing over 200,000 songs is not easy. That is why I will happily distribute packets for venues and report any suspected or admitted pirate shows in any manner they request. My Sound Choice jacket makes me very visable and I am not trying to hide what I am doing in any way shape or form.
we discuss rate increases with each of our venues once each year....we have not received a single increase for over 2 years due to the piracy issues in our area and have lost 5 long term venues to lower cost admitted pirates. Do we allow this NO but it does happen...bars are hurting and looking to save $$ where possible and many clients have followed us to diffrent venues after having seen the pirate shows that may list 3 xs our songs but shi**y shows. Competeing with $50 shows listing over 200,000 songs is not easy. That is why I will happily distribute packets for venues and report any suspected or admitted pirate shows in any manner they request. My Sound Choice jacket makes me very visable and I am not trying to hide what I am doing in any way shape or form.

Let's ask this another way:

1) Do you believe that the ONLY two reasons that you've not had an increase in 2 years is because pirates charge LESS and pirates have more songs?

2) Do you believe that you'd get an increase if you simply had more songs?
No I do not beleive the only way to get an increase is to get more songs....It is my opinion the only way we will get an increase is to hang the pirates from the yard arm....we find it EXTREMLEY hard to compete with 50.00 shows....and can not afford to drop our prices that low....the real honest reason for my pirate hunting persona exsposed:errpill::errpill:
No I do not beleive the only way to get an increase is to get more songs....It is my opinion the only way we will get an increase is to hang the pirates from the yard arm....we find it EXTREMLEY hard to compete with 50.00 shows....and can not afford to drop our prices that low....the real honest reason for my pirate hunting persona exsposed:errpill::errpill:

But you are simply letting the pirates then set the rate for your shows... If all these pirates decided to settle up with SC but keep their current rates.... (because of their affordable financing) then you're still screwed right?

Except now, they wouldn't be pirates.. they'd be "customers" of SC and now "competitors" of you.
thoose here that have admitted piracy directly to me dont have enough money to pay even the low settlment financing rates without raising costs...and I am insuring the ones that even consider it know CB and Stellar are coming in right behind SC with their hands out as well.:yespill:eek:ut of the over 50 in my area I know to be pirates(admitted to me personally) 4 or 5 my survive...and I bet a dollar to a donut they wont be doing $50.00 shows:yespill:
thoose here that have admitted piracy directly to me dont have enough money to pay even the low settlment financing rates without raising costs...and I am insuring the ones that even consider it know CB and Stellar are coming in right behind SC with their hands out as well.:yespill:eek:ut of the over 50 in my area I know to be pirates(admitted to me personally) 4 or 5 my survive...and I bet a dollar to a donut they wont be doing $50.00 shows:yespill:

Here's the bad news: Even your testimony that "they told you" or even that they "admitted to me personally" will mean nothing in a courtroom. It's still hearsay, nothing more than the grumblings of unhappy competitor.
Let's ask this another way:

1) Do you believe that the ONLY two reasons that you've not had an increase in 2 years is because pirates charge LESS and pirates have more songs?

2) Do you believe that you'd get an increase if you simply had more songs?

it's not just having more songs, but that the bar can get karaoke, and a lot of owners still see it as "just karaoke", for a lot less. i dont know what Athena charges, but in my case if they come to my bar and say "i can offer your customers the largest collection of songs in the valley do it for 1/3 the price he does" then i go to the owner looking for a raise, what are the odds of me getting it?
it's not just having more songs, but that the bar can get karaoke, and a lot of owners still see it as "just karaoke", for a lot less. i dont know what Athena charges, but in my case if they come to my bar and say "i can offer your customers the largest collection of songs in the valley do it for 1/3 the price he does" then i go to the owner looking for a raise, what are the odds of me getting it?

That's where an educated owner would make the difference. Show him that the 1/3 the price KJ will cost them more in the long run than giving you a raise.
it's not just having more songs, but that the bar can get karaoke, and a lot of owners still see it as "just karaoke", for a lot less. i dont know what Athena charges, but in my case if they come to my bar and say "i can offer your customers the largest collection of songs in the valley do it for 1/3 the price he does" then i go to the owner looking for a raise, what are the odds of me getting it?

If you are competing on number of songs OR price, you will lose with the owner every time. They really don't care if you have 2 million more songs.... as long as you can do it for a cheaper price. They have been trained by YEARS of KJ's "underbidding" each other and giving the clubs an "8 week trial period" at a lower rate or even a couple of free "audition nights." So it was the KJ's themselves that started this "bidding war" years ago, not the pirates.

The gazillion-song pirate is simply doing what they've seen KJ's do to each other for years.... they can just do it better. The owners are the ones that have been trained NOT to accept the "high price"... because they don't have to.