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$400K is not enough




What's he smoking? "ONLY" "AFTER" he feeds his family

Surely he jests with this attempt to garner our sympathy That's a good one! Woooh! I needed a good laugh :giggles:
here how I see it your expenses rise to meet your income if you make $200,000 a year you have a $200,000 a year life style, if you mae $30,000 a $30,000 life style..........

I read this different to me he said after I feed my family which (to me) is........take care of his personal expenses the $400,000 is re-invested into his busisnesses he owns he owns Subway and UPS stores and employees 500 people to employ these 500 people he pays taxes, buys equipment, and opens NEW STORES which employs MORE PEOPLE do we really want to tax him into not growing his busisness, it seems to me that we would want him to grow his busisness to give people more jobs, he doesnt only employ his 500 people there are truck drivers bringing products, manufactures making food products, tomato people picking tomatos, lettuce people picking lettuce, michanics fixing broken ovens and walk ins not to mension opening new locations he pays rent and remodels which means more jobs please let the man prosper becouse if he prospers a bunch of people feed their familys (ps I read the yahoo article which is different from the link above)
At first glance this guy seems totally out of touch but seeing as he's a Rep. and this was on MSNBC I'm guessing they've put their own special spin on things.
I am all about prospering but if you make 400,000 for example there is NO way that you should spend even close to that a year. I mean how many ppl. really have 9months of emergency fund NOT including their CC? We all know that a CC is NOT a form of income as you have to pay that back! I am NOT judging him at all, but sometimes, ppl. have to deal with a smaller house with less mortgage/less taxes, an older car that they have the title to and maybe not send the kids to super high private schools. Many of us could do a lot with $400,000. I for one would live off of a modest percentage like 35 percent. People would come over and wonder why the house isn't as big as THEY dreamed it to be for US! LOL!!!!
I am all about prospering but if you make 400,000 for example there is NO way that you should spend even close to that a year. I mean how many ppl. really have 9months of emergency fund NOT including their CC? We all know that a CC is NOT a form of income as you have to pay that back! I am NOT judging him at all, but sometimes, ppl. have to deal with a smaller house with less mortgage/less taxes, an older car that they have the title to and maybe not send the kids to super high private schools. Many of us could do a lot with $400,000. I for one would live off of a modest percentage like 35 percent. People would come over and wonder why the house isn't as big as THEY dreamed it to be for US! LOL!!!!

But that may not necessarily be his income. He may be using it in his businesses and his actual income may be much less. I don't know for sure, but not willing to take MSNBC's spin on it for fact.
They are not talking about increasing his corporate tax, they are talking about raising his personal income tax (which I can assure you if he owns businesses is WAY less than $400K declared after expenses are written off).

This guy is just being a baby.
here how I see it your expenses rise to meet your income if you make $200,000 a year you have a $200,000 a year life style, if you mae $30,000 a $30,000 life style..........

I read this different to me he said after I feed my family which (to me) is........take care of his personal expenses the $400,000 is re-invested into his busisnesses he owns he owns Subway and UPS stores and employees 500 people to employ these 500 people he pays taxes, buys equipment, and opens NEW STORES which employs MORE PEOPLE do we really want to tax him into not growing his busisness, it seems to me that we would want him to grow his busisness to give people more jobs, he doesnt only employ his 500 people there are truck drivers bringing products, manufactures making food products, tomato people picking tomatos, lettuce people picking lettuce, michanics fixing broken ovens and walk ins not to mension opening new locations he pays rent and remodels which means more jobs please let the man prosper becouse if he prospers a bunch of people feed their familys (ps I read the yahoo article which is different from the link above)

That is what I got out of the article too, that he has $400,000 left to invest back in his business, but if he is reinvesting that $400K in his businesses, there are tax deductions for that.

I would like to know what his taxes are for the business. He says he makes $6.3 million, so does he pay his employees out of that. He must have a lot of part time min wage employees because 6.3 million/500 = $12,600.

So if he has $400,000 left over, he starts with 5.9 million. So that brings it down to $11,800. Wonder what his operation costs include and how much he pays to feed his family. He also gets a salary from the US Government to help feed his family.

The way he said what he did is what makes him look stupid and the media ran with it.
I took it as the $400k is his income from his business ventures and after he pays his personal epenses like feeding his faily. I interpreted it as his discretionary income. Maybe I'm wrong.
They are not talking about increasing his corporate tax, they are talking about raising his personal income tax (which I can assure you if he owns businesses is WAY less than $400K declared after expenses are written off).

This guy is just being a baby.

either way I'm sure he leads a comfy lifestyle.
why shouldnt he? he worked for years to build his busisness........ why cant he enjoy it?

He can enjoy it. but when he basically says to the population he purports to represent that being expected to live on less than $400k a year is a hardship, a little media backlash shouldn't be a surprise.
He can enjoy it. but when he basically says to the population he purports to represent that being expected to live on less than $400k a year is a hardship, a little media backlash shouldn't be a surprise.

I read the article differently his family lives on $200K and he re-invests $400K into his busisness thats not what he said he said if he paid more in taxes he could re-invest less into his busisness......opening more locations for which he would be hiring employees ect also keeping current locations in repair

personally I dont give a frig if he ****es about living on a million a year its his cash he should do with it as he wishes...........

also to point out if we had the FAIR TAX he would pay tax on every dollar he (and mabye to an extent his busisness) spends