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America or Europe


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America or Europe..........

Which has the better society, you can define that any way you want. Morals, people, crime, education, technology, government, entertainment etc.
Which society do you prefer?

America Vs. Europe

Living here, I say Europe.
Though if Tony Blair has his way, there won't be a difference.

If there ever becomes a United States of Europe, I'm going to Australia.
Tony Blair and George Bush (who I hate down to his guts) lied to their already pretty currently corrupt countries, and Bush's and Blair's credibility will never be the same.

I am from America, and I say we are even in our stupidity.
Well first of all your very vague. Your vague because Europe is a CONTINENT with over a dozen of countries and in southern Europe all there ever is is war. In fact all World Wars started in Europe. Did any World Wars start in America? Well wait a second here, America is an even less explanatory term so how the hell am I supposed to know? Assuming you mean North America, North America kicks ****. North America is why the world is kicking ****. North America is why you have videogames. If it wasn't for North America, Japan would not kickass like they do. They would still be stuck on their traditional hate all races, Imperial bull****.

What I love about any hatred of any nation in North America (Mostly US) is that the people who hate it couldn't live without them and they are so full of it they hate to admit it. Does the government do dishonest things? Well yeah they do! When in the history of politics has any leader ever NOT lied? Are people high nowadays? Did they think JFK and Abe Lincoln were complete saints which should be taken as an example? I dunno. I think people just know more thanks to the great invention of getting information even faster. Who made this information faster? United States of course!

My experience with talking to British people is they don't really hate U.S. they are just bothered a bit by our government, and if anything they just like to make fun of how you play games like they have some sort of magical British playing power. Seriously.
Though I have never been to the united states of north-america without canada and mexico (USNAWCM, to be politically correct), I must say that I do prefer home sweet home europe (and in my case, austria) to other places, simply because I can (sort of) identify with Europe and the european people more than I can with the american counterparts.
Dang bro, very much in love with the America I see.

Well, anyway with all that stuff you said, you really can't say alot of it, because (this is just one of my thoughts) there really is no America, or U.S.A, since the uniter states of america takes on the whole name of american like they own the entire western hemsphere. But anyway America is a country of immgrants, were all from different parts of the world, pretty much all the white people here are descendants from Europe. So you can't really pledge alligance to america without sort of defying your ancestors. Kind of get what I mean.

So you can't hate either country, you can only prefer one or the other, and thats what this thread is for.
Originally posted by Sodge
GO CANADA! :delight:

Could you stop spamming? :p

I think both countries definetaly have their ups and downs. I am in favor of Europe, even though I am American. :)
Originally posted by XxQuEeNzNaZcHoxX

Could you stop spamming? :p

I think both countries definetaly have their ups and downs. I am in favor of Europe, even though I am American. :)

I am stating my opinion. Is that not allowed in the 'Debate Area'?

Since I am Canadian, I think Canada is a lot better than Europe and especially the States. If I had to live anywhere else aside from Canada it'd be Europe... although I don't see why. Probably because it's much more exotic than the 'States. Although I do find Blair to be Bush's puppet in a lot of affairs. @_@
I am a Canadian fan, even though I live in the United States. :) So yea, your right Sodge. My bad. :)
Well it would be nice if you guys can backk up why you like Canada, give us some reasons and a bases for your arguement.

Don't just shout out, " I LIKE ANTARCTICA!!!!!!!," ...........
or whatever.
Canada averages 1 murder a year. The United States averages, like, 2000. That is my basic backup reason..
Canada has less people, your point has just been countered give us another reason or counter back.
No matter what, I dont care if 10 people lived in Canada, to have no murders every year is great.
read a book by Michael Moore - it will change all your opinions. apart from the Canadian fans. Canada rules.

By the way, he has a new book out October 7, called 'dude, wheres my country'. go out and read it peeps.

original filth posted by Nacho
Canada averages 1 murder a year

Where did you read that? I'd like to see the facts since i highly doubt its that low.

actually, nevermind, i did it for you.


Crime raw rate/100,000 population Homicide 647 2.68 Attempted murder 900 3.73 Kidnapping 782 3.24 Sexual offences 13 313 55.24
From what I've seen and heard, I'd rather live in Europe. I like the culture more, and it is more laid back compared to America's work-a-holic approach. Only in Europe more than 2 genres of music makes it to the charts. Only in Europe you get 30 days off a year on average. Some call that lazy, but I call it keeping yer sanity. 0_o

And their accents are nifty too.
Another great DVD to see: Bowling for Colombine. If your are a dedicated American who doesn't like to see the truth, I don't recommend it, for the rest, great documentary. :)
I've been wanting to see that movie.
But I've been too caught up in raising the murder rate in Canada just to prove that one guy wrong. hehe...............I'm serious.............DEAD SERIOUS.

.......Not really.
Um, actually Bustr the statistics consistently show that Canada, despite having a higher per capita gun ownership and all that, still has a lower per capita murder rate.

Speaking of druthers, every country has its problems, some unique and others shared. I think the biggest reason I hate the U.S. is because of the hypocracy of the nation itself. "All men are created equal" has got to be one of the biggest lies ever spouted, and believed by the largest number of total fools in history.

Is Europe better, I dunno. I have never been there.