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Andrea Yate's verdict

You seem to forget there are people in the real world which really have to work for a living and still live paycheck to paycheck that there are many families that cannot afford hired help with one income let alone two.
Get freaking real! If we could all take out loans for hired help then crap like this would happen less, but it's not reality. Besides you still have the extra expense coming out of your budget every month so it defeats the purpose.

BTW here is a site that Rusty set up for the kids. Notice the date of the last time he did anything to it is in 2004.
mustangkittycat said:
You seem to forget there are people in the real world which really have to work for a living and still live paycheck to paycheck that there are many families that cannot afford hired help with one income let alone two.
If it meant the safety and security of my children, I would beg, borrow and steal to get it. I am sure there was money to be had. It is just a matter of initiative. I can't imagine anyone not being able to provide for their child. Worst case scenario let the State take them until she was declared a "fit" mother and emotionally stable.

Problem with some people is that if it is in anyway going to place a strain on them or God forbid they have to sacrifice their comforts and needs for someone else then that will be the last action they take. It is a "me, me, me" world for some and it isn't going to change.
And he did that. He had them living in a travel bus so they could afford her treatments at one time and he was bashed for that. It;s a no win situation. Yeah he should have tried harder, but it was her that held them under the water. It was her who chased the boy and drug him to the bathtub. It was her that did it.
mustangkittycat said:
Get freaking real! If we could all take out loans for hired help then crap like this would happen less, but it's not reality. Besides you still have the extra expense coming out of your budget every month so it defeats the purpose.

BTW here is a site that Rusty set up for the kids. Notice the date of the last time he did anything to it is in 2004.

Doesn't seem to stop people from putting themselves into debt.
OK, how about this route. On their insurance they could only keep her in the hospital for 30 days. After that you pick up the tab for all treatment and it is atleast 500 a day for regular care, that's not including all the meds either. SO he does this and can't feed his kids?

I am not defending him, but y'all seem to forget that she killed the kids and Rusty wasn't even in the house when they were killed. He was at work and his mother was on her way, Andrea saw the opportunity and took it.

Are you telling me that if your wife is sick and you HAVE to go to work to feed your family that you expect to be put away for her killing them while your not home?
Oh wait another thing isn't the state suppose to give you a lawyer if you can't afford it? Or is that only if you get arrested and put on trial?
Chrisl0 said:
Oh wait another thing isn't the state suppose to give you a lawyer if you can't afford it? Or is that only if you get arrested and put on trial?

You can have a court appointed attorney if you can't afford one if you have been arrested and charged with a crime, they give you one before your trial.
In the words of a famous person: "**** Right!"

There was plenty of opportunity to prevent this from escalating. For example, he could have not been so insistent on have more children especially when his wife was showing signs of mental problems after the second one. Is a hop in the sack worth it?

In addition I believe there was a strain in him as well. How many men would insist that he and his family live in a converted bus? Helloo! And don't give me the "they had no money" excuse. I sincerely doubt he was that concerned about money! If he was "poor" he would never have kept producing children. Ever hear of birth control, Rusty?
mustangkittycat said:

You can have a court appointed attorney if you can't afford one if you have been arrested and charged with a crime, they give you one before your trial.

Figures, they should always give you a lawyer if you can't afford it.
Who's to say that old Rusty himself who realized he now had the burden of caring for not only a sick wife but several children to boot, didn't secretly hope that his wife who was obviously mentally ill wouldn't just kill herself and their children so he wouldn't have to deal with it.

I am not saying this is what happened, however, think about it. He knows his wife is mentally unstable; he knows it is going to cost a fortune to support his family; and he really is not into material things (his admission in an article on the case). I believe if he had his way they would never have moved from the bus into a proper home.

Enter a devious thought! Maybe just maybe his wife will snap, kill herself ( she had attempted suicide before) and kill the children (she had warned him that she felt they were better off dead).

Unfortunately, his wife doesn't commit murder/suicide but not to worry because he had a perfect alibi. He was at work. Who is going to accuse the grieving father of being the mastermind behind this horrendous deed.

All things are possible!
Who's to say that old Rusty himself who realized he now had the burden of caring for not only a sick wife but several children to boot, didn't secretly hope that his wife who was obviously mentally ill wouldn't just kill herself and their children so he wouldn't have to deal with it.

If that is the case he should be put into jail for a very long time. Carelessness is bad but hope that is happens is even worse.
wow, this is deep. We may never know what went through Rusty's mind and how and if he played a role in this or not, but in my 'opinion' I think Andrea should sit in prison with no probation or early release for each of the children she killed, she wont get out in otherwords, and she can sit and rot in prison.

I know a guy that is sitting time for shooting a gun at a house, didnt hurt anyone, didnt break any windows, just shot a couple times and didnt hit anything. He got 4 years for each person in the house (which there was 4 people) plus got 5 for shooting and having a unregistered gun. He doesnt get parole.

So in my eyes if he can get this for not even harming someone, she should sit for killing her children.
I believe she should be punished and I am sure she suffers daily. She will have to answer to God and I doubt she will go "quietly into the night".

I wouldn't place her on suicide watch though. Let her make that decision on her own.
You would think a person would regret doing it but I don't think that works on everyone.
I wonder how... because she killed her five children and got away with it scott free. I kind of doubt there is any regret there.
We watched a special tonight on the news about the verdict, and she had an interview.. she remembers exact points in which she did to kill her 4boys and 1 daughter. Now how can that be possable that she can remember every little detail when she was "blacked-out" from hearing satan telling her to kill her children?!?!? She knows exactally what she did so she should be punished
not guilty cuz she is insane "ha" well duh a same person does not go and kill their 5 children, but is she really insane hmmm she openly admitted in an interview that the murders were premeditated and she knew if she had tried to do these things while some one else was home they would "stop her" the leagal system in the US has too many double standards and is (for lack of better words at the moment) stupid.