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Another test tomorrow morning


<b>"Do you and your sister like Oreos?"<b>
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It sucks getting old.

Sucks worse when the test you thought was gonna be 2 weeks away gets rescheduled for a Saturday AM. Apparently the prelim lab results caused them to "escalate me to a higher priority"

I know what's wrong with me. I'm determined not to change my lifestyle - I also know my rights.

DW is the best. She told me "Your lab work came in, and they want you to go in early, your doctor's name is Kevorkian..."
Awww Ton.....sucks. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I'll say a prayer for you babe. :huggy:

Please post when it's all done to let us know you're ok. Take care of yourself. Oh and yeah, your DW is funny. :lol:
It sucks getting old.

Sucks worse when the test you thought was gonna be 2 weeks away gets rescheduled for a Saturday AM. Apparently the prelim lab results caused them to "escalate me to a higher priority"

I know what's wrong with me. I'm determined not to change my lifestyle - I also know my rights.

DW is the best. She told me "Your lab work came in, and they want you to go in early, your doctor's name is Kevorkian..."

OMG, you dw has a good sense of humor! Good luck with your test, TON!
I know how it sucks to go for tests.I'm sure it will go well.

I had to go 6 times in the last 2 weeks to have my blood thinner level checked cause it was not right. Back on track now & hoping to avoid the lab for a month or so.
Wishing you the very best results possible!
Gawd, I hope you studied! :gah:


PS: Sending good thoughts your way! :bliss:
TON, no talking about you getting old, doctor's appt's, or any of that nonsense....

I worry enough as it is....

love ya Big Poppa.....let us know about the John Wayne colonoscopy, k?
Good thoughts & prayers heading your way for good results :huggy:

Besides you know it's just that the nurses want to get a real good look at what you may try to hide, but can't, under the johnny :giggle:

Time to let it all hang out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ton how you doin' babe? :bee: