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Another test tomorrow morning

a pacemaker, really? geez Rebecca what kind of pics did you send him?

Glad you and your grapefruits are okay....your ho's were worried....
It seems the doctor doesn't think its a good idea for me to continue all this lifting, or especially the multiple trips on the stairs.

When my dad got a pacemaker, he was hospitalized for 3 weeks. They kicked me out in 3 1/2 days.

Dad had a zipper like scar that was over a foot long. My wound is about a half inch long.

But the battery on mine is replaceable and sits just under the surface of the skin, under the belly, attached to a wire that goes down another 4 inches or so to the pacemaker itself attached to the heart. And the battery itches.
DAMMIT! Fiya took all my lines!!!!! I swear I was going to post the same F'ing thing!


You should take a nice va'ca' with Mrs. Ton.
When my dad got a pacemaker, he was hospitalized for 3 weeks. They kicked me out in 3 1/2 days.

Dad had a zipper like scar that was over a foot long. My wound is about a half inch long.

But the battery on mine is replaceable and sits just under the surface of the skin, under the belly, attached to a wire that goes down another 4 inches or so to the pacemaker itself attached to the heart. And the battery itches.

It's amazing how medicine has changed in what seems to be a short period of time. Imagine what they will be able to do 50 years from now.

TON will the itch go away or can it indicate something bad like your body rejecting it?
The itch is not like a rash or skin irritation, it's more just feeling like I've got a bee stinger still stuck inside. The surrounding area is warm, but I'm told I'd have a full blown high fever if the body were rejecting it.

When I go back next week, they will show me how to set up the computer inside to transmit info to the doctor via my computer - so I don't have to haul my **** outta the house in the winter. Even though I've been pretty mobile, I hate going to the doctor's office - it's too depressing. Too many old, sick people, and besides, they always wanna yell at me. If I wanted to be yelled at, I would not have retired. Or, I could just stay at home and DW always seems to be willing to oblige.
What heavy lifting and stairs are you running that your doctor wants you to stop doing? 20 cans of 'sketti sauce are heavy but I didn't know you were dragging them up and down stairs. Where do you live?
What heavy lifting and stairs are you running that your doctor wants you to stop doing? 20 cans of 'sketti sauce are heavy but I didn't know you were dragging them up and down stairs. Where do you live?

I live in the nutmeg state. Cases of soup are heavy. I am still getting rid of soup from last year. Last year I got paid to take a couple thousand cans of Healthy Choice soup from Shaw's, followed by huge amounts of Progresso, I had a wall of them in my basement. Since they won't expire til next March, we have them sorted by expiration date in the basement. Whenever something gets close (2-3 months or so) I bring it wherever. There was no space at the food pantry for this much all at once, and donations are always way down in the summer months (they are always great around the holidays).

One of my soup kitchens is in the basement level, and there are a lot of stairs there. I try to make as few trips as possible, and end up carrying more than I should each time.

The doctors don't want me to lift due to my hernia(s) history, and the toll it's taking on my out of shape body in general. The tests were indicating I was having trouble after exercise - during "recovery" periods, my ticker was erratic. After the stress test last Sat AM, they put me in the CAT scan for the "after" test to compare with the "before" results, and I had an episode. They rolled me upstairs and gave me the ticker's aide. I don't remember any of it, except seeing her and DD in the hospital recovery room. DW says I told her I don't need to go through self-scan lanes anymore, I can scan by myself. But I don't remember.
The itch is not like a rash or skin irritation, it's more just feeling like I've got a bee stinger still stuck inside. The surrounding area is warm, but I'm told I'd have a full blown high fever if the body were rejecting it.

When I go back next week, they will show me how to set up the computer inside to transmit info to the doctor via my computer - so I don't have to haul my **** outta the house in the winter. Even though I've been pretty mobile, I hate going to the doctor's office - it's too depressing. Too many old, sick people, and besides, they always wanna yell at me. If I wanted to be yelled at, I would not have retired. Or, I could just stay at home and DW always seems to be willing to oblige.

I wonder if the itching could be a nickel allergy or other metal? I can't wear a lot of different jewelry because of this. I wonder if they check for stuff like that before implanting? Maybe it is all surgical steel so it isn't an issue but was just wondering. i hope you feel back 100% quickly! We missed you!
ROFL no more self scan lanes you will self-scan? Your wife has as good a sense of humor as you do.

Just walk past the scanner and you're done - drop off the coupons on the way out the door.

Ton, you don't want to hear this but from one heart patient to another - get someone else to lug the darned soup!
Couldn't someone from the food pantry help you? Explain your issues with them and I'm sure they could send someone to your house and load up their own car and bring the goods to the pantry. Ask if someone could meet you when you bring stuff directly from the store and have them unload the stuff. If you just keep pushing yourself & don't ask for help you simply won't be able to donate at the pace you have in the past. It will keep taking a toll on your body. As hard as they are to accept, we all need to deal with our own physical limitations.

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming...
Couldn't someone from the food pantry help you? Explain your issues with them and I'm sure they could send someone to your house and load up their own car and bring the goods to the pantry. Ask if someone could meet you when you bring stuff directly from the store and have them unload the stuff. If you just keep pushing yourself & don't ask for help you simply won't be able to donate at the pace you have in the past. It will keep taking a toll on your body. As hard as they are to accept, we all need to deal with our own physical limitations.

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

Ahem... what she said!!
DW and I have talked about getting help. Since much of what I get is frozen or refridgerated, I usually bring it right there myself, in the middle of the night. And since 300 pkgs of pillsbury cookie dough is heavy, and takes thirty bags, it means at least 15 trips. I used to take only 7 or 8 trips if I was unloading myself at 1:00 or 2:00 AM. I can't expect much help unloading at that time of night.

I have convinced her to not buy as many coupons online, for a few months. And I won't be going out on consecutive nights for a while. These are reasonable compromises, we will have to find some other ways to make this work.
Here's a thought...maybe you need to change your shopping schedule and shop during the day. You've gotta be a bit flexible about this.
I'd rather not deal with crowds of other shoppers.
How about find another couponer to help you? You can pay him/her with coupons while teaching the ins and outs of each store. Perhaps a young person whose spouse is home at night when you shop -- hmm, perhaps find a recruit from those whom the food bank helps.

Find a college student (they never go to bed early!)
If I were in the area, I would totally go with you and help. But we would have to take my van.

Find a college student (they never go to bed early!)

I can send you my 21 yo DS. He is strong and would be alot of help!
Oh! But you would have to feed him:giggles: He is not a college student, but boy can he eat !!!:cartwheel: You don't even have to return him!!!!!!:giggles: